Revenge 89: Enjoy Watching Someone's Dirty Work

"Why did you sent me a lot of pf money? What's the use of the money if I can't have Alfonso all for myself!" Elina shouted at the person in front of her. Though she is scared at the presence he's emitting she still compose herself and questioned him angrily.

"Are you stupid or what?" The stranger looked at her coldly; he really hates stupid people like the woman in front of him who does not get the main purpose of the money he sent to her.

"The money is for support on what you want to do with those pests you are referring to. You can hire some ugly goons or whatever you like to get rid of them." This woman in front of him is lucky that he did not kill right here right now because of her stupidity. He needed this stupid love maniac woman to make Alfonso suffer, and after Alfonso, he will target the other's one by one until there's one left, Mary Coleman or should he say, Mary Adams.

To make them suffer he will get rid of those who they love the most. That's the best way to make them detest their life.

Losing a loved one is more painful than death itself.

"B-but I thought you're the one doing the work for me," Elina said stammering. From her understanding in the very beginning; she thought that this stranger will be the one doing the dirty work while she just has to wait and admire her beloved.

"Me? Doing someone's scheme? What do you take me for?" This woman sure has some guts to think that she can order him around. How daring of her. "Looks like you misinterpret what I really meant to help you, Miss Elina. When I said I'm supporting you, I meant financially. Don't assume that someone like me will willingly do your dirty work, I only enjoy watching someone's dirty work."

Financially? That's it? That is not helping her! Of course, hiring murderers will be sufficient to get rid of those two pests from her beloved's life. But she has not done it before! All she did was threaten some other pests and that's it. If she's gonna do this, this is going to be her first time and she's afraid that she's going screw things up and everything that she had done for beloved will all for nothing.

The stranger can see how hesitant this woman is. He tsked; he can't believe that this is the woman who does those kinds of stuff behind Alfonso's back. He is starting to think that this woman can only bark and not take things into action.

"Woman, I don't care what you do with the money I gave you but you better give me a good show to watch or else I'll get rid of you before you could even get rid of those pests you're talking about." The stranger said in a warning tone.

At that moment Elina regretted getting involved with this dangerous man. She thinks that this man does not have any quarrel with Alfonso or with Pia; all he wants is a good show to waste his time. He does not care who it is as long as he is satisfied and if he is not satisfied he's gonna kill her. 'Psycho! He's a psycho!'

Since there is no turning back now all Elina has to do now is to follow what this dangerous stranger wants or else she's gonna get killed before she could even get rid of those pests out of her beloved's life.

The stranger stood up and was planning to leave but before he could do that he said, "If I'm not satisfied with your work miss Elina, I will make sure that you will regret being born in this world." After that, he left as if he had not said such threatening words towards her.

Elina felt that her leg got numbed from his words. She could not even stand up from the chair she; she got herself thinking, 'What did I do to encounter that person?'


"Oh, you're home already?" Alfonso asked in surprise towards Kyle. As far as he knows, Kyle wouldn't be home at this time around. Seeing that he's not alone when he entered the house he asked again, "Why are you two together?"

"I skipped class and pick her up from her school," Kyle said as if it was nothing.

"Oh... i-is that's so..." As Alfonso said this his mind was all around. He's nephew skipped his classes just to give Anna a ride home? 'Ahh! What is going on?' This is not the nephew that he remembered and love; his nephew would never do such a thing. Even though his Little NaNa is worth it, he just can't imagine his nephew doing that when he knows that Kyle does not even want to get close to any other woman except for his family members of course.

Alfonso looked at Anna meaningfully; he is having doubts about the relationship between his nephew and his Little NaNa. His Little NaNa is the only one who can give him some answers because if he asks his nephew it will only be pointless.

Anna saw how her uncle Fonso looked at her and then she glared at Kyle for saying such nonsense that made other people misunderstand their relationship. Why can't he just say that he came to pick up Lannie but Lannie rejected the offer because she has a meeting with the student councils and it's just a coincidence that Anna was there and their way is in the same direction that she was forcefully got on the car?

"Uncle Fonso, if you're thinking of something weird then it's not like that." She said. It felt weird for her that some actually think that there is something going between them when they've only interacted so little to each other. The last two times they've interacted he accuses her for having motives towards him and to her uncle Fonso. Those two moments are not a really good memory in Anna's point of view and she's pretty sure that Kyle also thinks the same.