Revenge 90: Somewhere With Someone

"What's that on your neck?" Alfonso asked as he noticed the pretty thing in her. He was mesmerized how that pretty thing suits his Little NaNa. It made her look more enchanting than she already is.

"Obviously, it's a necklace," Kyle said in a matter-of-fact tone. Can his uncle not talk like a stupid person?

Alfonso looked at his nephew in an annoyed face; can his nephew be nice to him for once? Sure he kind of like to annoy his nephew from time to time but he is still his uncle and he deserves some love from him!

"I am not talking to you so don't butt in, brat." Alfonso scoffed at his oh-so-perfect nephew and turn all his attention to Anna. "It looks so pretty on you! Who gave it to you? Who? Who? Is it your boyfriend?" He interrogated like a girl wanting to get information about its idol.

Subconsciously Anna secretly glances at Kyle and for some reason, he wants to see his reaction from what his uncle just said. But she couldn't see his reaction since his back was facing them. "No, because I don't have a boyfriend in the first place. It was Kyle who gave to this pretty thing, uncle." She said with a smile on her face.

Before Alfonso could reply Anna's phone suddenly beeped and she had to excuse herself. All that's left in the living room is Kyle and Alfonso himself.

Alfonso looked at his nephew with an amuse and questioning look. This nephew of his sure surprises him a lot today. "What's up with you? Do you have feelings with my Little NaNa? If you do I won't let you have it your way that easily. You hear me?" He said to Kyle and acting like an overprotective father to its child.

"Geez you just got a child and I'm impressed that you adapt so quickly being a parent," Kyle said ignoring what Alfonso just said to him.

Kyle could have said to Alfonso that he does not have any feelings for Anna but he instead ignores his question and replied to him differently. But unfortunately for Kyle, Alfonso is not the type of a person who would rest without getting the answer that h really wants to hear.

"Thank you for the compliment, I guess but answer my question!"

Kyle could only tsked at his uncle and answered his nonsensical question, "No, I don't have any feelings for you Little NaNa, uncle. So rest assured that I'm not making any moves on her." Alfonso still looked at him suspiciously but looking at how serious his nephew is he died down his suspiciousness.

"Then why did you do all those things to Anna earlier, hmm? What's your reason?" Even though his suspicion on his nephew has died down. This question is something that he wanted to an answer from Kyle.

Feeling tired from all the talking that he has with his uncle; Kyle told him everything so that his uncle won't ask him any more question.

After hearing all of it Alfonso was displeased with Kyle; Kyle sure does remind him of how his sister acted back then. Layla was so distrustful of the people around her but Alfonso himself is an exception. When Stan appeared on his sister's life everything changes and Alfonso was grateful for that. Now, he just wishes that his nephew won't act exactly like his mother back then; that will give him a headache.


Earlier when Anna excuses herself; she checks on her phone and saw the message that Nathalia gave to her. 'The woman name Elina is going to meet some goons and since she has a lot of money transferred into her account I got this feeling that the meeting will not have good news for you. I'm sending you the location since you told me to keep an eye on her.'

After reading the text from Nathalia, Anna replied with a 'Thanks.' Then she went to the guest room she's been staying and change her clothes. She's planning to follow Elina to the place where she's going to meet some people. But she needs someone to accompany her and she knows who's the perfect person to help her out.

As she was heading out of the room she sends a message to that person to pick her up. She went downstairs and she saw the displeased look on her uncle Fonso's face and she could not help but ask, "What's wrong, uncle?"

Alfonso looks at where the voice came from and he saw Anna who's wearing a black leather jacket and fitted jeans. From the way she looks, it looks like she's going out. Alfonso asked her a question instead of answering her question, "Where are you going?"

"Somewhere with someone." She said with a smile on her face; Anna made it look like that she's excited to go out with that someone when in fact she's not that excited to do some possible suicidal by following Elina.

"Who are you going with?" It was Kyle's turn to ask. He was surprised that he even ask this question when what's happening to Anna's life is none of his business.

"A friend mine." After Anna said this there was a loud beep was heard outside. It looks like her 'friend' is here to pick her up now. "Looks like he's here. Then I'll be on my on, uncle. Bye!"

The door was wide open as Anna went out and Kyle and Alfonso could clearly see who is the 'friend'. A reddish-brown hair young man who is standing beside a very very expensive yet limited motorbike.

"Is that Zack's son?" Alfonso said when Anna closed the door and Anna left with her friend.