Revenge 105: Chances Goes Down to Zero

"Prove yourself? Then I'll give you one chance only. If you are a bit of hindrance on this mission then I want you to tell your mother that you are not fit to be part of the organization."

Anna was stunned by what Zen's mother just said to her. She is challenging her and Anna knows that. If she backs down from her challenge then it would only prove what Andrea thinks of her; weak.

Gathering all her courage Anna replied, "Fine. If I don't prove worthy in your eyes then I will tell my mother that I am not fit to be part of the organization and leave everything to my brother." Anna is going take the risk even though she knew that she still lacks in her skill but what can she do, she wants to prove herself to one of the people who have doubts in her.

"Good. Then those who want to come, hop on the car." Andrea said.

Hearing that Zen and Kyle too decided to go with them. The three young ones were the first one to hop on the car. As Andrea was about to go she then remembers the other person.

"Ion don't think that I have forgotten about you. So you better get inside the car or your chance of getting one of Mike's invention will go down to zero percent." Hearing her statement Ion flinch. How can he forget that Andrea is very good at threatening a person?

"That is so not fair Andrea." Ion said in a sad tone. Of all threats, she could say to make him come along she chose the one thing he has a goal on. He is so close at obtaining one of Mike's invention and now he got threatened by Andrea; the one chance of obtaining such a masterpiece will go down to zero percent because of her.

Just because she is the wife of one of the higher ups in their organization she would use her husband to tell Mike not to give Ion the chance of having the piece.

"Nothing is fair, Ion and you should know that," Andrea said using her authoritative tone of voice. How long has it been since Ion heard that kind of tone of voice? Andrea was the leader of the top assassins that Mary put together and logically Ion should follow Andrea's orders. But he is one of those people who have the guts to talk back against Andrea and sometimes won't follow her orders.

In their group of top assassins, they were five of them there and all their alias is animals names, for example, his alias is Penguin while Andrea is Snake. They could only use their alias whenever they are on a mission; how he misses those days, they rarely go on a mission now. It's been peaceful up until now, he is supposed to be happy having to go on a mission again but their mission was to retrieve one of the higher up's son safely. And being happy is not an option right now.


In the end, Ion got on the car and he is now puking everything that he ate earlier. Andrea drove too fast that even the young ones can't handle it.

But unlike Ion they were not puking they were only dizzy and they felt their body has gone weak that they could not stand up properly. They all felt their soul almost escaped their body.

Andrea looked at them amusingly, "You guys wanted to come along so stop acting like that and stand up properly!"

"Mom... can't you see that—" before Zen could even finish his complaint to his mother, Andrea stared at him coldly indicating that 'Zen, dare not to say another word of complaint or else...' With that kind of stare his mother is giving him he decided not to close his mouth and stand up properly.

Zen can't believe that his sweet beloved mother is like this. He had no idea that his mother has this kind of side in her; she has always been the sweetest mother that he has known and he has never seen her likes this. He does see his mother being angry but it was only for a moment.

'I guess people have their own side that they don't want others to see.' Zen said to himself. His mother and Anna's mother are kind of the same they both have such kind faces whenever they are on the daylight but when they are in the shadows they turn into a completely different person.

Kyle, on the other hand, felt that if he gets close to the organization that Anna is a part of he is going to experience a lot of headaches. Now, he regretted coming along with them but because his cousin is here it can't be helped. If it was another person he wouldn't even come here.

After calming himself, Kyle looked at the person next to him. It was Anna, she looks so pale and fragile, he wanted to tell him that she can just stay here and wait while they bring Alexandre and his mother back safely but remembering the conversation that she had with Zen's mother he held himself back.

One of the reasons she is here is that she wants to prove her rights in her mother's organization. She does not want to be labeled as a fragile princess of the Coleman and does not want to be protected at all times.

The side that Anna showed earlier is really admirable he can't but looked at Anna in a very different way. The feeling that he felt earlier can't describe how much he respected her and admire her courage to prove herself. 'You are more interesting than I thought, Anna Coleman.'

When everybody was ready, Ion and Andrea gave the young ones a weapon to help them defend themselves when it is necessary. Andrea also gave them instruction on what they should do when they are inside the old abandoned factory outside the city.

'Seriously? Can't they find a better place than an abandoned place?' Zen and Anna both complained but they did not say it out loud or else Andrea will scold them for not being serious enough.

"Remember your position," Andrea said and everyone nodded their heads in acknowledgment.

"Wait..." Ion called out to the young ones. Anna and the others stopped their tracks and look at Ion and saw him took out his tablet then showed them