Revenge 106: Just Wanted to Live for Her Son

"Wait? We don't have much time to wait." Kyle impatiently said. They have been wasting too much time and who knows what's going on over at Pia's side.

"Here..." Ion said as hand over his tablet. Anna and others confusedly stared at him. What would they do with his tablet? They just couldn't figure out what is Ion getting at, "Turn it on." Ion added.

Zen did what Ion asked and he was surprised by what he just saw. "Woah!"

"That's a high advance satellite footage. It directly pointed at our location. And you can see that there is a movement that must mean that is could be Pia or her kidnappers." Ion explained.

Hearing his words Kyle and Anna caught on what he is getting at. Ion wants them to sneakily go around to get Pia and Alexandre without being spotted they could only to that with the help of Ion's tablet.

"What are you getting at?" Zen asked. Kyle and Anna could only look at Zen in disbelief. Zen noticed the look on Kyle and Anna's faces and ask, "What? I'm just asking."

"We're going to sneak and get Pia and Alexandre while this uncle and aunty Andrea will take care of the others." Anna explained to Zen and Zen replied with an 'Oh~'


"P-please spare my baby..." Pia said as she sobbed. Ever since she woke up she was trying to find her son but she could not do it when she is tied down and the three men in front of her are giving her a hard time. Every time she spoke they would either slap hard on her face or punch her in the stomach. They were not giving her a break.

"Baby? You don't even know if your baby is alive or dead, How can you ask that to us." The leader of the three said with a disgusting smirk on its face.

Hearing that statement of his Pia can't help but cry more. She is afraid that what they said is all true. She can't understand why are they doing this to her, she has not made an enemy to them or to other people who they might work for. Why is she experiencing this along with her baby?

"Please... please..." She said crying. The leader likes to hear a woman's cry and when a woman begs he likes it very much that he can't help but to laugh and crave for more.

"Can't you make her shut up for five minutes?! She is so noisy! It's hurting my ears!" Not far away from them a woman's voice. She weakly looks at whose voice is it and she was surprised to see that woman. Elina, that is Alfonso's assistant, 'What is she doing here? Is she the reason why am I here and my son?' Having that thought in mind Pia resentfully looked Elina. Elina dared to bring her down here too. Pia does not remember anything that she had done to upset Elina, to make Elina do this to her and her son.

"Woman, you're the one requesting us to torture her, of course, it's going to be noisy and now you're asking to make her shut up? It is not going to be entertaining as you asked if we just kill her that quickly." The leader said in an irritated tone to Elina. Elina flinches at what he said. Right, he is right, she is the one who asks them to make it entertaining but here she is now complaining. She should really be careful when she speaks in front of these men or else she'll die even before that stranger could kill her.

Elina is only lucky now that these men are not even touching her because of the money she holds. After she gives them the money the chances are she is definitely going to have to deal with them. If she does not want to suffer any pain from them she better start being in good terms with these rascals.

"Tsk! Where's the baby?" Not wanting to continue the topic of Pia she immediately changes the subject.

"The baby? That bug is in the other room on the left." The leader said nonchalantly as he stared at Pia. Elina also looked at Pia and she gave her a disgusting stare before she left to go to where Alexandre is.

The leader continues to stare at Pia; his stare was indicating his lust towards her. He truly loves a fighting woman, she has endured too much pain since the moment she got here. "Out. All of you." He said.

The two people who work for him heard him knows what he wants to and they both have the same thoughts in. They both think that their boss is very disgusting serial killer; stalk beautiful women, kidnap them, rape them and for the final show he kills them in a very painful way.

After they left it was only him and Pia. Pia got the feeling of what he was about to do and she was scared just thinking about it. He raises his hand and caresses her cheek, the sensation from it did make her feel disgusted. She tried to evade his hand but he gripped her jaw tightly that Pia winces in pain.

"Woman, you should really just obeyed me." He said devilishly.

The leader started to unbutton Pia's shirt slowly one by one, "No... Please no." She is already gonna die sooner or later but she did not expect that before she could die peacefully knowing her son for a little bit more a disgusting man would touch her body.

All she ever wanted is to live for her son until her last breath but here she is now tied down not knowing what really happened to her son. 'Please, someone save my son. I don't care what happens to me anymore all I want is my son to be safe. God please.'

As the disgusting man in front of Pia was about to unbutton the last button on her shirt he then he suddenly shouted in pain. Pia looked at him and he was in the ground groaning in pain. Blood was flowing out of his leg, Pia has no idea what happened but she was terrified and the same time she grateful that someone stops him from touching her thoroughly.

Pia started to look around who did that to him and she saw nobody, not even glimpse of a shadow she saw nothing.

"Who did that?!" The leader shouted. He was angry; so angry that he wanted to find the person dared to this to him. Someone actually dared to hurt him, does that someone know who is he or she is dealing with?