Rank 7 Zaine, Roma and Hikari 2

「Name: Roma - Rank 7 Mystic Goddess 

Level: 300 

Exp: 0% 

NPC Str: 10 

NPC Dex: 10 

NPC End: 500 

NPC Int: 330 

NPC Spr: 176 --> 187 

NPC Cha: 10 

NPC Lck: 10 

Active Skills: Dark Hands, Chaos Spirit, Chimera Summoning, Silence, Life Drain, Final Blast, Mystic Resurrection, Elemental Corruption, Soul Warp, Banish, Cauldron of Evil, Dark Transmutation, Crone Summon, Swamp Fae, Evil Wish, Banshee Wave, Soul Steal, Spirit of Despair (new), Soul Enslavement (new), Soul Destruction (new). 

Passive Skills: Perfect Control, Pinnacle Insight, Precognition, Flexibility, Mystic Mirage.」 

「Dark Hands – Active skill 

Effect: Summon a plethora of undead arms from the earth that trap all enemies within 5 miles --> 50 miles and rip them to shreds. 

Duration: 5 minutes --> 1 hour. 

Cooldown: 15 seconds --> 1 second.」 

「Chaos Spirit – Active skill