Rank 7 Zaine, Roma and Hikari - End

Tsk, tsk, Hikari continued to show off what a monster she was. Her various abilities had increased, but unfortunately she had not learned a new skill. She would only be privty to learn the last White Dragon skill when she reached the peak of Rank 7 at level 400. 

As one who had just entered the Rank, Hikari naturally could not jump to that level unless there was another windfall. 

What really knocked Eva out of the park was Hikari's ability to create worlds! It should be known that previous, only through a fluke, Draco could make the Advanced Spatial Creation Device which was a super mini small world that could grow. 

It had taken the world by storm and had facilitated a huge part of their early growth in the world of Boundless. 

Now, you're saying that Hikari could literally generate one with ease!?