The Pantheon's Shock

Gabriel's face changed greatly, not expecting this sudden change. One moment her man—ptui, her ally she meant!—was berating the entire council as usual, adopting his familiar domineering posture, and the next, all the True Gods looked at him like meat on the chopping board.

However, when the crowd's eyes turned to her, she shivered as she understood that she was the weakest link right now, the path of least resistance. If they were able to control her, Draco would likely cave in to their demands due to their connection—or so they thought… and so she hoped.

Gabriel was not sure if she was as important to Draco as he was to her, so to be honest, she wasn't sure if this would even work. However, a part of her stupidly wished that even if so, he would drop everything for her sake—not because he personally felt threatened but because he couldn't bear to lose her.