Clan Explusion


Immediately, Luther rose to his feet with a look of indignation and rage on his face. He pointed to Draco without a care for the fellow's feelings, spitting out his words with literal spittle coming out of his mouth.

"Do you understand what you're saying, cretin?! The Punishment Hall Elder is integral to our pantheon, someone we cannot do without. She and every single one of her angels have been nurtured by the pantheon and cannot be done away with!"

Luther's words caused the pantheon to glance at him with shock, feeling as if their view of the dragonman who was usually lofty and arrogant had been refreshed. Even Gabriel began to shake with anger, wondering how this fellow who was vehemently attacking her and even saying her angels should sacrifice their dignity for the pantheon was now calling them 'integral members.'

"The Lord of Emerald is right." Poseidon, ever the wingman of evil, stood up to assist his ally on this battlefield.