hero pov
find myself in a forest it looks like it flourish with an abundant tress and plants that I didn't know what to call them but they feel refreshing with warmth and energy but i got struck with what my body is it seems small like a little boy then went running to a near by lake to see what i look like and when I got there I see black hair then see eyes different colors one red and one blue then white smooth skin and then look at what reflecting i see my slim little boy build
then started to think either to find town or village but then again i could spend some months here or years then look around then said out loud "yup staying here for years" then see a stone natural wall all around himm but seems this place used to be a natual area to who fall in
but first need food and a place to sleep in this big bowl
author pov
the boy stuck in a bowl of natural stone mountins and strech all far for miles but within eye veiw and no animals nowhere to be seen but insects and plants and trees but on a outer veiw out of the bowl there a beautiful earth and places of town and smaller spiks of villages and bigger places like citys but there 7 and it look like earth has a lot of unexplored earth and islands
hero pov
I quickly move around and surpising there no animals but insects and vegetation and water but can't stop at that need food and shelter and need to move more quickly to move to tree? or maybe there a cave? but need to keep going
after hours of searching I found a cave and looks clean but still need food
author pov
the boy quickly move around the bowl but stop he look back and gave up cause need to stay nearby but still move around the area of the cave and found fruit in the trees and berries in the bushes and bring back to the cave and lay down of the cold gound due to him having no shirt but shorts then sent to sleep
hero pov
I fell asleep and then i hear a voice in my head but it feels like right next to me then look around but found no one so just fell asleep again but this time stay asleep then I i hear "hey you there" then spoke back "yeah and who are you?" then my head hurts and a moment later it became unbearable then woke up to sunshine then ran out then hit a tree which i grunt in pain as i try not to scream or cry then is stop hurting well only my head not my fist then try to relax then fell asleep again then in my dream i see magic like real magic! then clam myself then woke to early morning and puzzeled at first then shrugged like it my mind trick or something then went to eat and think of a plan to weather to workout or eat for today then choose to eat today but at night i went to sleep as the sun went out
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there was somelight out of the sun that went in the (bowl) but stop and seems to looking at the boy without waking him up the lights were different colors of the rainbow and mixes of the colors there to in total 23 of the basic and the combined colors are looking around the bowl and of course as fast as light they did a quick look around then they dim and lit up again like talking cause all the colors are blinking and some are still and waiting then all the colors stop and move closer to the boy and seem to sense something then all went in the boy thought the head then moment later they came out and started blinking more and more like their excited even the darker colors seem to be blinking but can barly tell then all of the colors went in the boy and never came out then the boy woke up in the morning when the sun came out then the boy look confused then went out to get food and eat