3 days later
author pov
the hero went out to collect food for the next couple of days and came back to drop them off in the cave then came out to look around but found nothing of useful to him but laid around for a while then started doing pushups and situps and other exercises
later at night the boy walk like a drunk but fell when he got to the corner where he sleep then past out but the light in him came out and blinking like they are having a convertion then the black color orb lit up and other color stop and the black orb light kept blinking then the other color started blinking then slow moving outside then went to different directions
later that night
the colors came back and seem different like there sizes and how light or dark their color orb are but all went and wait outside the light started blinking then all stop when they saw the dark color orb seems the darkest it became then all went inside and went back inside the boy body then the black orb move to the head then went in the head of the boy little after the colors came out then all went to head
the boy woke up and started rolling around and expression on the boy face seem to be pain and but happyness in his eyes for some reason?
hero pov
woke up and felt massive pain in my body but mostly it seems to be the pain concentration in my brain or head can't tell but it hurt a lot around my head but still what I'm getting from this pain seems to be power and my body getting stronger with what giving me knowlege of this power is powerful I'm so happy that I can get strong but the pain seem to not stopping at all
2 hours later
what the hell that was long and painful but the power with the pain seem to be the trade off but never the less it not bad so now i got sources of power call mana and qi but seem to be more but can;t see it or know but how to gain mana and qi but also how to improve with it then let head outside
author pov
the young boy move outside and laydown and close his eyes but put his hand together over his stomech then if magical or qi culthivater came they feel the area of both mana and qi gather to the young boy
3 hours later
the boy open his eyes and started to stand but his body feels wet and got up to look where he was and see dark liquid that smell bad so he move to a pond and wash his clothes and his body but look at his body in amazment and got out now he look handsome and muscular for a young boy to seem to be ten or eleven then the boy move and sat crosslegged then started think for a while then his hair change from black to white to red and other colors then stop at black then closed his eyes
hero pov
I-I-I think I'm in my mind hmm I look around but all I see is white hmmm let think of something then to orbs came one colorless and the other light blue hmm seem to be mana and qi let see if I could mix them together
author pov
after half hour the boy open his eyes and grin for a while then smile then put his hand together then a earth came out and condense to look of a dumb bell and made another one and had trouble lift both but still did it and started his wightlifting trainning then made another earth condense but to little belts then put them on his wrist and back to increase wight then started running
3 weeks later
the boy seems more muscular due to the qi and mana resharpen his body muscle mass but also their a piller of earth with vines around it and look compact and drag marks going one direction but it been push or pulled back and forth then the boy stop and look around and see all the dumb bells he made they differ in sizes but all of them are condease earth and next to them are a line of dumbell until it stop at the biggest being almost like 2 adult tall and width but stop and started to gather his new energy maqi (mana and qi) then all the qi and mana in a 100 mile (bigger then the bowl at 30 mile) then stop once seem full again which is at 10 or 30 minutes others see this it be the fastest someone can gather energy but to the boy it normal then started doing his usually exercises but stop when he felt an disturbance to his left then move closer to see what it is
hero pov
hmm I don't see the disturbance but feel it but what is it or who it is
10 minutes looking
"ohh I see a man body in armor hmm and seem to be the one making the disturbance let see if he could talk" then the boy saw the head and look like a bull head and carrying a double headed axe that but by the bull headed man all ready seen and sense him but didn't do anything it looks like
author pov
their were people coming to the bowl powerful people both cultivaters and wizards both they all sense each other a got together to discuss the thing that made the disturbance but they all activate their skills and spell to see anything but what they saw shock them a young boy standing in front of a minotaur but a king minotaur with it armor and axe it take a lot to kill one king but this one seem to be getting close to god or turning in to one but all the cultvaters and wizards stop looking at the minotaur then at the young boy who was this boy? but no one spoke cause they were all look to see what going to happen
the minotaur look at the boy then said "hey are you willing to help me ascend to being a god for my kind?
the boy "sure but help me in the future if possible?
minotaur "sure if i can help at all but you do know your numbers right?"
the boy "*sign* yeah I do it just werid i tought their be more but i guess not right?"
minotaur "well at lease their not that many"
the boy "well I was trainning here and wanted to spar or see my power"
minotaur "let hope not and defend me while I do this"
the boy "okay and see you later if possible"
the minotaur was confuse but didn't ask and stood there while the people watching from a distance was confused and laughing cause the minotaur relyed on a young boy who not even in his teens but they all went forwarded to stop the minotaur cause it a monster to the kingdoms and the humans
when they all went they disappear and reappear in front of the boy who just turn around and look at all then said
the boy "is this all of you?"
wizard 1 "boy move or be killed by me"
wizard 2 "do you reall have to do that?"
wizard 1 yes I hate all monsters and demi human no I change my mind of who in my way"
cultvater 1 "well me to but just the monsters"
cultvater 2 "hmmm I'm not that heartless but here to see what going on"
wizard 1 "well why you still here then you heartful prick" looking angry
the boy "stop and let fight all ready just is this sad looking at four and let me adjust my power to lower then all of your powers then shall we" looking displease how these people act
wizard 1 "well then let go