fighting and new god

author pov

the 4 started moving towards the boy at speed comparable to light but they split up in pair one wizard and cultivater each one in front while the other in the back if the boy but they use physical magic and punches from the group but before they could even touch the boy they were all sent flying and hit either nature stone wall or make a crater in the Earth when all of them regroup they saw the boy just standing there waiting with a calm expression and looking at the group then the wizards started talking to each with a few words then told the cultivaters to which they all nod in agreement and the group pile all their power to a forward attack to which the boy didn't move and look at the the group with the still calm expression then the group put up their plan and fire all their power at the boy to which look like a beam with different elements of blue,red,green,dark blue of the beam and hit the boy then vanished like a bullet shot but the boy was gone but other far away wall in the direction the boy would be sent flying but a crater in the wall and a little figure in the middle then the figure got out but two things appear on his hand and forearm to which a shield and a spear then started walking to the group but the group look tired but still standing but the boy came a stab the air with his spear and all the cloaks on the group got destroyed and black fibers around the group but their expressions change from tired to fear quickly but the group look at each as if they just met to witch the group look at each other and noticed there 3 men and one women the 3 men seem to be in different ages the two wizards are one old man and a middle age looking man and the youngest are the cultivaters the young looking man and women look at each other and the wizards and the wizards did the same but after a while they look at the boy like a monster with fear on there faces but the boy look at them with a confused expression

hero pov

I thought they all knew each other but I guess not hmm what to do but if we continue it going to get boring real quickly

everyone pov thoughts

wizard 1 old man

I thought we were just going to make the boy into meat pates with all of us but we barely lift a scratch on him

wizard 2 middle age man where did this kid come from and how can he be more powerful then all of us hmm we need to retreat or make an agreement so we can kill that minotaur but this kid is either a Demi human in disguise or don't care to what happen to the world but got to retreat or talk some sense into the kid

cultivater 1 young man

we need to kill that minotaur to get our sect more power cause that minotaur hide or soul can help me reach a new rank and more power to get what I want

cultivater 2 young woman

I need that soul I'm so close to reaching grandmaster rank just need a boost

author pov

they all look at the kid in disgusted then they try to use everyone of there powerful ranged attacks but either the spear hit the spell or skill or a mana wall around the minotaur blocks the attacks

1 hour of trying

everything around the Mana wall was black and destroyed but the boy who stand in front of the wall and the group but the group look all tired out and breathing roughly like no oxygen is near them and 3 of the group (on the ground resting) the woman stands there with a determine look but the boy stands in front with a calm look but the clothes he wear were all dirty with the charred Earth and fire that cought on him to which the boy look like he got out of a war or a fire situation but look calm as ever

20 minutes later

the woman catches her breath then walk slowly to the boy at one point of view like a prostitute but the other like a mother but the women stop near and lean in and whisper in the boy ear

but a moment later she got a punch in the stomach and sent flying to where she lands near the group of men that had the expression of shocked and confused of what she did cause of a cultivater they skill depends of battle and soul but alluring depend of the look of the body then the young man got up and sat near the woman and waited for her to be conscious

30 minutes later

she scream in pain then got up and look at the boy with a angry expression like he murder her family

the woman "why you do that what wrong with you we could have power! yelled at the top of her lungs"

the boy "cause you useless to me and I don't look the age to be wondering around with you. you slut!"

then the group understood what the woman tried to do but unknown to the group is that there a child near by and watching the whole situation but the boy can sense the kid but not brought the child out yet then the clouds started to form above the bowl and turning dark them massive amounts of pressure appeared the group cough blood while the boy stood there like nothing happen but he ready his spear and thrust forward and the group died with a hole in there head but the child hiding move a little like shock or scared then the Mana wall near the minotaur broke and step out and look at the boy with a complex expression then look around like it sense something then back at the boy

minotaur "thank you for your help boy"

the boy "hey it okay just watch and help your kind cause it been awhile for a new beast god to arrive so you know in with the new out with the old or stick them together I don't know which ever you want when you meet you ancestors up there" yelled due to the increase in size the minotaur is now 5 stories high

minotaur "I think about but what are you going to do with this little rodent" then point at what lift of the forest where the closet tree was then a moment later a little girl dropped down (more like falling but recovered during the fall)

moment later the boy moved his index finger and the girl was floating in the air and move towards the 2 and stopped in front of the boy

the girl "stop let me go I'm a family member of the royal god family of wisdom don't mess with me"yelled

the boy "oh the royal god family huh hmm and it wisdom so what are you doing here and what you name

the girl "my name IS Diana bloodlust and my family sent me here to watch and learn what combat look like and killing" sounding proud of her family

the boy "well what happens if I kill you or kidnap you"

Diana look at the boy with a pale face and fear in her eyes then look at the minotaur but find that the minotaur is gone then she started to cry due to her age being 10 or 11 she was scared beyond control and cried like this is going to be her last day

the boy look at her confused then realized what he just did

the boy "hey you do know I was kidding right why do you have to cry and you probably being watch by your own family why!" then though maybe she a runaway from her family hmm let calm her down

then the boy moved closer to her but she was really scared and move away but stopped when the boy grab her hand then she was going to scream but stop when she was hugged and her head in his shoulder due to height and all is soft sounds of sobbing and the boy trying to calm her down with talking and patting her head which help a little

after awhile (2 hours)

the boy "are you alright?"

then a slap came for his face but Dodge and back up to see a teary Diana

the boy "whoa I sorry sense your part of the bloodlust family I thought you could understand it was a joke what are you if you not a bloodlust?"

Diana "I am part of the family but still in training" sounding smaller and blushes

the boy "well sorry but I need to go now maybe when I visit you or your family but going to other goodbye"

Diana "please stay and come back I need to get back" blushes

the boy is she lost or a runaway hmmm"are you a lost child or a runaway or is this a form of punishment?"

Diana face goes on all red "yes I got separate from my elders and other kids now can you take me home?"

the boy "well okay can you fly or teleport?"