we gotta go and maybe come back

jackson pov

so we went to diana home after the days past then we went but appearingly the family doesn't like my family or me so diana did sided to leave the family but they try forcing her to stay but I protected her and now the thing me and her said together was "we gotta go and maybe come back" at the same time so I guess diana love that moment and wanted to getta away from my family so they don't where to go and I guess we already living and adventure together which I like so I took diana to battlefeilds where we could fight while diana took me place where we could sleep,relax or train cause diana need combat experience to be a better fighter and also taught her magic and sense we gods can weild magic she seems really happy for learning and staying we me and I to her so I thought of a way to make our self mortals to learn the hardships or teach diana what it like to have family and friends in a war time situation to get to know comradery and sense of being protected by others and being part of family of friends and close comrades in the war of the worlds but not mortals don't want to change that but maybe there anime and movie world to take part in

jackson "hey diana?"

diana "yes jackson where we going next"

we both walking in a forest to see what around and teach her about the plants and the animals just for fun facts or combat so we been hiding and moving without leaveing a trace of us so we contiune moving and learning and teaching our way around and exploring

jackson "well you may not know this but we can go to the other worlds right cause the other gods have taken a liking to the mortals creative and created their world to the gods universe and made their world base of the stories and their 'animes and movies or books' of those mortals so we could go to the world and live in those stories and change their fate but first I must have you see those stories play out first then we can go to the world as gods but disguse as mortals or supernatual entities so I wanted us to go to 'moble suit iron blooded orphans' and the reason is their are young soldiers and they live and die together when complete their mission they help what they think is good for them self but I let you watch it to see what you think or we could choose another one to go but I would like to change the fate of iron blooded orphans and it seems childish to have a good ending but we have to pliot moble suit to help them in their battles and war but we could make our own and move to the world with the suit and join in but we need to look like teenagers so how about wait cause the time is aways reseting by the end but if we change it then it contiunes on it own so it like the mortals world that anything can be unexpected events and we could also hide their cause it like a room we could lock the world for our selfs and continue living cause we gods so we can switch between mortal and god so it could be fun.

diana "hmmm okay let watch it and see what I think and I think we shall cause it sound interesting