going to a new world or rethink of where

author pov

took some time but jackson and diana got done watching iron blooded orphans and at the end diana was crying at the end of how good it was while jackson was watching his wife and thinking on what kind of mobile suit he going to make and what weapons he has and then he got an idea of a liquid weapons that change and hardened to different weapons and the mobile suit probably like barbatos but black and red with white but does not know what to make for diana

jackson "well do what to be at the part where they meet taiwonz then we can come in and stop the fight in the meddle of it and it not we fight them"

diana "well we can do that I don't mind but what do I do then I can't do plotting how about fixing the mobile suits with robots and clones to speed up the proess of repairing and maintains to most of their mobile suits and let them take care of mobile workers"

jackson "well we could do that but do you like the to know what my mobile suit is?" said while putting a hand over her head and see his memorys and see his black and red barbatos and the weapon

diana looks at jackson and ask "what the orb liquid thing?"

jackson "it my weapon or weapons cause it can change and form different weapons and maybe armors if I worked on it harder on the liquids commads and what it will look like and what it does with my energy as ammunition and can divided the energy to many different sources like mana,soul force,spiritual force/energy and etc of all the other worlds energys to make my ammo and for my mobile suit well the repairs are in your hands IF needed"

diana "well it looks like you having fun with your learning well I just got to look at the mortals and learn the mobile suit repair and maintains and maybe create a mobile suit made for tekkadan and it young knights heehee and make them better with upgrades and all the suits they take in" making a hologram of all the models they get and use on display

jackson "well we got all that cover but what our back story and where do we start cause we could meet them when they start to rebel and state we there for business deal or cooperation or maybe when they fight the turbines we come an help tekkadan then we comlpete the mission and we wait and keep upgrading and help tekkadan to the point where they can stand against everyone but I got a problem with my emotion in the mortal world"

diana "what problem? I never seen before?" looking sad and pouting and feeling detrusted

jackson "well I have problems with my emotions in mortal form cause the brain of the mortal is or more likely me is having emotion problem when in mortal cause how weak I'm am in mortal form and how much I hate how people talk and make judgement of what you become and what the world is but anyone and anything can be strong it just take time and improvement so the young person you see now is really immature but given time I and you will be better and I can be better for you" look at diana with a saddess smile shown to her

diana "but what will happen to the love you have for me and how did you so powerful and what should I to help you lessen the pain so I could see who you are please tell me" sobbing and whimering and hugging him tightly

jackson hugging duana back and putting his head on top of her head "well stay with me and all I need is time to have this power and get mature with it but I tell you when we get older when adults or late teenage years to begain knowing what I done to have this power" still hugging diana closer and move his head to eye level with diana and french kiss her to which surpise her but try to resist but to no result and just took it and after a while (30 minutes) he let go and look at the diana to which she look addicted or angery cause she smile that not a smile then try to slap him but he dodge and kept dodging and after a whlle he look at the tired diana and look like she about to past out due to the past actions and barely sleep due to how much they be traveling so basicly really exhausted so jackson pick her up and open his own dimenison to which it can't be possible for a god at his age but opens it and steps in

after a day a dimenison portal open and two little figures came out to which are jackson and diana but diana look puzzeled but after walking look back to find the portal close and say "jackson why didn't you just use that dimenison instead sleep out here we could have sleep more and more comfortly" said while pouting and looking sad

jackson "cause I was unsure of the problems that go with a immature body and an dimenison maker/opener is safe or not cause of this body and it help you learn what it means to be out here like others that have no dimenison to go to or a home" then open another portal and looks at diana who look at jackson

jackson "this is the portal to iron blooded orphans and we will be in a battle ship in space where tekkadan would be so we just wait and see how many days it takes and you be surprise on how I look in mortal form we let go" before diana got to say anything the portal came rushing at them and swallowed

in the middle of space near mars their a ship that color are purple and black with white but inside the ship their was portal and jackson and diana they look around jackson look neaturl while diana look surprise at how the whole ship look really new and all with the most powerful equipment that does not exist in this world or that has not been made yet and many others but stop when a booming voice shook their ship and made diana fall but jackson look around while the voice was asking "why you here little maggies" and jackson does not like how this voice is address them then said "who asking?"

????voice "well look at the little man hahaha this one thinks hes tough hahaha"started to laught

jackson use hes power and melt down most of the world to the void to which the laughter stop and try to stop the void eater to world but nothing works to the point where everything in the world is gone now a old man look angry and points at jackson "you son of a bitch you didn't need to do that now look at what you done"

diana who behind jackson look at him "why did you do anyways?"

jackson "cause he was going to attack and I defended both of us while that I destroyed his weapon which was the world we was in"

old man "well now I got to start anew dammit" then walk away

jackson looks at diana "well let head to another world but this time I copy then move in my universe and start our adventure their" starts to move thought the void

diana folows then ask "well where are we going?"

jackson "well I thought about RWBY or fairy tail but I think we go to RWBY first cause it might help you and I planted something that makes it more violent and more learning of war when we alone or when people want to join in on the war or fun for whoever it is so we going to make a kingdom of our own and make it better cause we going to have the ship and the stuff that we make for our kingdom and the people shall be that stay loyal to the kingdom and have mobile workers and mobile suits along with other robots but slowly so we don't look suspicious to the other kingdoms and we have other form of energys and powers other then dust for bullets and other powers that use them"

diana look at jackson while traveling thought the void "oh and what can we do to the story line?"

jackson "well we can start when the story line it born which gives us 15 to 17 years to build the kingdom or 20 at the most to make the kingdom better then the others we can make it in a day and get noice by the others but we will have the power to do it but we need people in our kingdom so we make our own and have them have freedom with laws of themselfs but no violents or taking what the kingdom has like the technology or the robots parts but the food we grow and give they can take but we will have districts and there leaders like the industrial or the farms and the residential for the people but the kingdom going to be larger then the others but also more powerful so we can change the story to them coming to us in our kingdom and our kingdom world be in the ocean near the island near or under mistral and we expand on that island we be the spotlight but we be prepared"

diana "I be making the factories of the robots and ammonation and others to make and expand oh and make it eco friendly to make more energy and make other defenses of the kingdom so we ready for the armies"

jackson "well we need to make the mortals body to be older and look more adult like and we need to have a academy oh and the island is menagerie but we change it so we there and we have the equality of the races"

then jackson and diana were shallow by the light and teleport to the world of RWBY on a ship near menagerie but under vale well on the map view

jackson "well let build here we can create land and build our kingdom here shall we" then move his hand and land started to appear and metal and more land appear and keepiing going to expand and build walls and buildings and finally it the academy to which the whole kingdom looks medieval and at the same time futuristic hmm maybe futuristic medieval armors and weapons and gears of other worlds but on display

diana "I like it looks and look at the people their doing well with the work of farmers and weapon making well let wait and see oh can this whole ocean area be our land and have some ice in it to have different biomes for different training grounds for the different elements" to which jackson nods and starts making more different lands to which it can rival half of vale and bigger then atlas and it all of different biomes

jackson "I think that it so we better make our mortal bodies and make them older let see when we back but I put a fake head master and the teacher are the same except their will teach everything but add some more to which would be about the cube and it monsters and races I put their and the legends of the warriors and other thing that not that much huntmens and huntress knows about like the siliver warriors and add some others in cause of the cube and it creative of the armies it making so let come back when ruby and the gang get here so we can watch and make our bodies while gone and make sure they get here with their normal past and their reason to be here let go"