Chapter Four : Arrival

Tora's POV

Sunlight was coming through my window and was directly attacking my face. I couldn't take it anymore and got up. Huh!! Dear sun why do you always come so early? Don't you have any other work than disturbing people's slumber?

I went to my balcony to get some fresh air and when I opened my eyes stretching my arms what I see was nobody!? What? No one was on the street! Stores were closed, park was empty. No kids playing, nobody was jogging. What's going on? How can my locality be so silent? I don't how this is possible, because everyday people of our colony start jogging and walking from 5am. Due to this I've to listen so many lectures from my mum. And see today no one this there.


I went to washroom to freshen up. After taking shower I slipped in my black crop tee and grey jeans; kept my hair open and applied minimal make up. I checked myself in mirror and was happy with my look. I strolled down to the living area.

In the living area one man and lady was sitting on sofa facing my mum and Dad. I can clearly say something serious was being discussed as my parents were having grim expression on their faces.

As mum saw me and she gave me a smile, "Good morning honey! See who has come to see you," she said and those people turned their faces towards me.

"Uncle Jack and Aunt Julia what a pleasant surprise," I ran towards them and Aunt Julia took me in her embrace and Uncle caressed my head.

"We missed you darling, How're you doing?," Uncle Jack asked.

"I'm good! It's been a long time since I saw you guys. Are you staying long?," I asked giving a toothy smile.

"No dear, We have to leave early. I came up on business for a few hours, and hope to get home again this evening," he replied smilingly.

"Why you guys are running away so soon? Please stay," I requested them while making a puppy face.

"Some other time darling, Promise," Aunt Julia replied.

"Okay," I responded. I joined them on sofa and for few minutes there was an awkward silence between all of us.

"What's up guys? Why you all are acting so weird?," I spoke breaking the silence.

Mum gave a nervous laugh,"Nothing honey, why don't you go and have your breakfast?."

" You all had your breakfast without me? How can you people do this to me," I said making a sad face while wiping fake tears.

"Tora you only said yesterday that you'll be having breakfast with your friends," Dad spoke.

Oh gosh!! How can I forget this!! I rushed towards my room running marathon on staircase. Quickly grabbed my backpack, my file from study table and came down.

"Sorry guys! I gotta go! Have to complete biology assignment."

I waved them goodbye and closed the door behind me.

Gosh!! It totally slipped from my mind. We have to submit our biology assignment on Monday. It is an group assignment; since Xia is not here, Gordon, Reese and I have to work on this. Thankfully! teacher assigned the old groups. Lucky Xia! She'll not have to do this, I sighed. Gordon decided that we'll be meeting assignment at his place. His house is at walkable distance from mine. While walking I observed today street was deserted. Houses looked strange and silent as if they might all be empty inside like the houses on an abandoned movie set. God! Today is a strange day!!

After 10minutes I reached his house, as I going to press the bell the door got opened and....


I screamed and ran backwards. Reese was standing at the door laughing like a maniac.

"Arrghh! What the hell is wrong with you?? You stupid fellow," I yelled at him, throwing punches at his arms.

"Just look at your face," he said while laughing.

"Look at this, I'll post this on insta," he said showing his phone to me.

Oh god clicked my photo! I was looking horrible, "No please Reese don't do this please! please! I'll do anything for you! Please," I said whining.

"Cool! Then you've to do my share of work in this assignment" he smirked.

"Fine,"I groaned.

"You guys will stand there for the whole day? Or want to do some work?,"Gordon thundered.

"Coming Gordon" we both said in unison.

We both went to upstairs.

"So WWE is over now?," he snapped.

"It was his fault! God knows when he'll stop his kiddish pranks,"I replied giving Reese death glares.

"I'll stop it when you'll grow up," Reese smirked.

"What do you mean by that," I was fuming now.

"Guys we're here to do our assignment, so let's focus on that. We have two days. So we can complete it easily," Gordon dictated.

"Wait! What? Two days? How many times I've told you to stop hanging out with this monkey? See now you're becoming dumb," I said face plaming.

"What?," Gordon asked with confused face.

"Dude we've only one day! Tomorrow we've to submit our assignment," I told him.

Reese started laughing. "Look who called me dumb! Miss empty head tomorrow is holiday. Don't you read newspaper?," he spoke and smacked my head. I stared both of them with confusion.

"Tomorrow some big shots are coming to our town, so officials announced holiday for us." Reese explained.

Oh! I didn't know about this. I gave a sheepish smile and sat on the couch lying next to the bed.

"Okay guys. Let's get started then! I've done all the researches for this assignment and now all we've to do is jot it down on papers," Gordon stated arranging the research papers.

"Here are the images related to this", Reese handed the images to me and open the door.

"Wait where are you going?," Gordon asked him.

"Dude I've a date and Tora will do my work so relax," Reese replied with a smrik.

Gordon glanced at me and I sighed. "I'll explain," I said looking at Gordon.

Gordon nodded and Reese left. Both of us started doing our work. I started scribbling on paper and Gordon pasted images on blank paper. Finally after three hours we were done. "Here cover page is ready." Gordon handed me the over page.

"Want something to eat?," he asked. "Yup, I'm hungry," I muttered and he nodded. Gordon went to the kitchen and started making cheese sandwiches.

"So who is coming tomorrow?," I asked him munching a chocolate bar which I took from his fridge.

"You seriously don't know?," he inquired serious manner.

"Nope," I pouted.

"Steinkuhler family is coming", he spoke.

"OMG!! What?", I almost shouted. "Stop screaming," he frowned.

"I'm sorry, I just got shocked. Why they're coming here? I mean they have their empire in London so why they're coming here," I said.

"I don't know the reason for their arrival but I think they'll be staying here for long. Mum and Dad are at their place; they'll come with them,"

he replied.

Oh yeah! Steinkuhlers are his relatives.

"So prince is also coming?", I asked excitedly.

"Yes," he stated.

"They'll have meeting with all the prominent people of this town so that's why monday is off," he added. "So who all will be invited?," I asked curiously.

"Only our community," he said looking into my eyes.

"Okay," I muttered.

"Listen don't tell about this to Xia or Reese; it's better for them to stay out of this mess. I don't want them to get involved in this matter. So be careful," he said in serious tone and handed me sandwich plate.

"I don't know about how they'll react after knowing about we people ; they have heard about us only in stories and movie. I don't know how they'll react after knowing our existence. I wish we people only remain myth for them. I don't want them to see the ugly side of us. I don't want to ruin our bonding with them," he mumbled looking sad.

"Relax Gordon! Nothing of this sort will happen, everyone is cautious about this secret. And don't worry about our friends, they'll always be with us no matter what and they know how much they mean to us," patting his back I assured him.

After eating sandwiches I washed my hands and picked my backpack.

"I'm going. See you tomorrow," I spoke giving him a smile.

"Yup, tomorrow morning 10 o'clock at Town's community hall; meeting will be there," he muttered.

"Cool and thanks for the sandwiches," I cheered and left.