Chapter Five : Celebration

Xia's POV

We paced towards the hall where everybody was waiting for us.

"Don't get nervous darling; they all love you", Grandpa whispered to make me relax. I smiled at him.

With every step towards the stairs of grand hall my heart started hammering in nervousness. The stairs were covered with red carpet by knights guarding the way from each side. The cheers of citizens were audible.

I gulped and tried to calm my hammering heart by breathing slowly. Grandpa slowly stepped ahead, leading me carefully with my friends behind me trying to cheer me up but all this time one thing was going in my mind.

As we reached there, I waved at my people. They all were looking happy.

"I'm very grateful to all of you for giving me enormous love and blessing on this day. Thank you so much everyone for being the part of the celebration " I greeted the crowd.

Everyone started cheering and clapping.

"Let the celebration begin" Grandpa announced. Sirens started singing and dancing. Others were enjoying food. Some couples started dancing on the song.My eyes were searching him but I couldn't find him.

"Honey, I think it's the time for you to go to the cave" Grandma said.

I nodded.

The cave of water kingdom. The blind dark vast sea has its own sun in the cave. Those glittery, glowing, shining plants have climbed the walls of the cave. Those plants were emitting holy hymns. Those hymns give peace to demise soul of creatures. It soothes everyone. It is said these plants were coming from Goddess Amphitrite's garden. Tiny jelly fishes were playing hide and seek around those plants.

I swam to the cave and was welcomed by buzzy crowd of star fishes. I was present there with the heart full of gratitude. I closed my eyes and touched one flower from the holy plant and tried to get my soul attached to goddess of ocean.

"Almighty bless your children, guard us from evil. Show us the right path to lead our life. Shower your blessings on everyone. "

In the end with a flinch in heart, tickle in tummy, I prayed the goddess to send my soulmate to me."

I returned to the celebration trying to find him. He was nowhere to see. "Hey! What are you doing here? Let's go and see the performance of the sirens," Even and Nancy took me with them. Zack and Amelia were dancing happily. All other people were having good time. But I was still searching him. "C'mon girl! It's your birthday you should have fun and you are standing here frowning" Eve elbowed me. I giggled and pulled her with me and we started dancing.

Suddenly I felt someone pulling me and I turned around to see who it was. I tried to register if it's him I'm looking at. My eyes filled with unshed tears of happiness.

"Where the hell were you?," I punched that stupid fellow.

He has become so much more handsome and charming. Perfect gentleman. Tall and lean frame, sharp jaws, brown hair and chocolate brown eyes."Sorry sweetie I was kind of busy," Arnold replied sheepishly.

"Busy? Where?," I asked him raising my left eyebrow.

"Nothing important. Come here, I want you to meet someone," he took my hand and we went towards a group of girls who were busy talking.

I wanted to talk about so many things with him and most importantly I wanted to make the confession that I love him.

"Hey Summer! Come here" he waved at someone. A girl like Victoria secret angel came towards us. She was very pretty with hazel eyes, blonde hair, high cheekbones and plump lips. While observing her something strikes my mind! She is a siren. That's why she is so attractive and pretty.

"So Xia this is Summer, my ladylove." he stated hugging her and placed a kiss on her forehead. "And summer this is Xia my best friend, the birthday girl! Our princess as you already know". He said with a laugh.

I completely shattered at that moment. What just happened? Before I could confess my feeling to him, everything was ruined. I couldn't take it. This was so heartbreaking. I was on the verge of crying. I wanted to run away from this celebration. My mind went numb. I don't know what to do. So I just smiled at them.

He nugged me," Hey what happened?". "Ah! Nothing.

Congratulations idiot! Finally you found someone. I thought you'll die single". I said with humor trying not to sound upset. He laughed. "So. you're here for how many days?' he asked. "I'm leaving tomorrow". I replied. I'm going to see Eve, you guys have fun. I bid my adieu and left.

I rushed to my room. Eve came from behind. "So you got know."? She asked with sad eyes. "Listen Xia, whatever happened it is for the best. You deserve much better than him. So don't get upset please." She hugged me. "Why didn't you tell me" I asked with cracked voice. "I wanted you to know everything yourself and move on. You deserve the best" She replied.

"He is your good friend but cannot be your partner. One day you're going to become a queen and you need a king by your side." She patted my head slowly. I couldn't control my tears anymore and started sobbing. I was broken from inside. I wanted to shout and scream but I couldn't show this to Eve. I didn't wanted to talk about  this  thing any further. Only option I was left with is to pretend that I'm okay. For me the celebration was over. Everything happy about this day was over. I was broken .

Eve took me to my room. I went to my bed and cried silently. Tears were falling unstoppably. I just wanted to lay here and cry my eyes out. Eve was sitting beside me holding my hand.

She was trying to give me comfort but all was vain. I hate my life. "Goddess Amphitrite why you did this? Why I don't get what I want? Am I this bad!." I thought to myself and feel into slumber.

Grandma knocked on Xia's door. Eve opened the door and greeted her. "Where is Xia, She is not there in the hall?" Queen asked. "Your highness, she was tired and wanted to sleep so we came upstairs. She is sleeping now and I'm here with her if she needs anything. There's nothing to worry about. Queen came to the room and kissed her. "Stay here with her" Queen said and left.