Chapter Sixteen : Masquerade Ball

Xia was almost ready. Her hair was done by her favourite hair dresser in an elegant bun, few strands loose from the side. She was wearing a spaghetti sleeved black floor length gown with sweetheart sweep train. The dress was perfectly fit for her. The satin dress was enhancing her body shape. She kept her make up balanced with smokey eyes and baby pink lips. Her mask was of black colour, it was having black crystals as the outline and black feathers on the right side. She was observing herself in the mirror for the third time until her mother knocked the door.

"Honey hurry up Gordon is here," her mother informed.

Gordon decided to take Xia as his plus one. He was feeling bit over protective after the accident and he wanted to make sure she is fine. They were best friend since kindergarten. Her parents liked him too. Tora was going with Reese. Reese decided to go with Tora instead of his new girlfriend. Reese is bit scared of commitments and his girlfriend was growing pretty attached to him.

"Just coming," she answered.

Usually she is confident enough but today she was feeling little nervous. Maybe because it's first time she is attending a masquerade ball or maybe because she is going to meet her super rich arrogant saviour. She tried to calm herself down. She wore her black heels, grabbed her mask and went downstairs.

She saw Gordon talking to her dad. Hearing her footsteps Gordon turned. Gordon was wearing grey suit with a bow and white fitting shirt. He was looking dapper. His hair properly set in school boy fashion.

"Let's go," he put his hand forward and Xia placed her hand in his hand.

Finally they were at the Cruze Mansion. She has only heard how luxurious but now she is seeing it live. It's beauty was breath taking. It was situated on the hilltop far away from the town's crowd. It was looking more of a castle. Weather was different here it was bit foggy and cold. The mansion was surrounded by trees from all the sides. The whole pathway from the main gate to the mansion was lit up with fairy lights which were twinkling brightly.

She was excited to see how the mansion looks from inside.

At the gate she was received by an middle age handsome man who was wearing a black tail coat and bow and crisp white shirt. He greeted us with a warm smile and showed us the way to the hall. The hall was spectacular with fancy decorations. Colourful lights, beautiful golden curtains and red carpets were joy to the eyes. Slow and melodious music was being played and everyone seemed having a good time. Xia's parents left kids to enjoy themselves and they joined the adults.

Tora and Reese were already there. Tora was wearing sky blue short long lace dress which was off shoulder. It was complimenting her petite body. Her hair was done in half pony with soft curls. Her mask was of silver colour, giving her perfect look. She was looking very pretty. Reese was wearing navy blue tux and was looking quite handsome. Xia and Gordon joined them.

Most of the men had worn dark coloured suits while women were in their dark gowns. Xia was relieved that she worn a black gown. She was particular when it comes to dressing.

"You ladies want drinks?," Reese asked. Both of them nodded. Reese and Gordon went to bring drinks.

"You are looking gorgeous," Tora said grinning widely.

"You too babe," Xia winked.

"Look Sordid squad is also here," Tora whispered.

"Ignore them. Let's enjoy this ball. I'm so excited to dance," Xia replied.

Her eyes were roaming in the hall as if searching for someone.

"Ahem. Eager to see someone?," Tora teased her.

"Of course not. I'm just looking around. This place is so beautiful," Xia smile sheepishly.

"Hey put on your mask," Tora reminded Xia.

Everyone's attention was grabbed by the arrival of the host of the tonight's masquerade ball. Mr and Mrs Steinkuhler were standing in the middle of the hall. But Xia's gaze fell over to a tall figure standing behind the hosts. He was wearing black tux and bow and was having black mask. He caught Xia looking at him and their eyes met like magnet. She began feeling dizzy and breathed in and out, while keeping calm composure.

Her stomach was summersaulted. She was nervous tonight which is very odd for her. She was generally a confident girl but today she was having some strange feelings.

Mrs Loren came forward and spoke," Hello everyone! I'm glad you all spared your precious time to attend this ball. Enjoy yourselves." Everyone started clapping. She gestured everyone to come on the dance floor.

Gordon came to ask Xia for a dance which she accepted. They both were dancing to the beautiful music. But Gordon sensed something is troubling Xia and she is not enjoying the dance.

"Hey something's wrong?," he asked with concern.

"Everything is fine," she gave an assuring smile.

"Don't lie to me. Look at you, your body is so stiff you're not dancing like you used to," Gordon stated.

"I'm just little nervous don't know why," she replied sheepishly.

"Don't worry you will be fine. I am here to catch you if you fall," he chuckled.

Her eyes were searching for her saviour. She hadn't asked him his name. She was looking for him in the hall but she couldn't find him.

Suddenly someone came in front of them. Xia was startled and abruptly stopped dancing. Gordon gave a cold expression to the person. The guy laughed and turned his face towards Xia.

"May I have this dance with you?,"he requested.

Xia didn't know how to react so she took his hand. Gordon marched towards the bar.

They started dancing. She observed the guy he was tall having broad shoulders. His hair brownish black and eyes black. His mask was covering half of his face but his perfect jawline was still visible.

He twirled her and then pulled her close.

"Can I know your name?," he asked gently.

"Do I know you?,"she retorted irritated.

"Well it depends; if you cooperate we can actually get familiar," he smiled softly.

"I don't want to get familiar with you," she answered dryly.

"That's harsh! I have all the right to get to know my baby brother's best friend," he said faking a sad tone.

"My goodness! How many brothers Gordon have?,"she was frustrated.

"So just two. I assume you have already met the other one. I'm eldest," he answered calmly.

" Now can I know your name?,"he asked.

"Xia Andrews,"she replied giving him a cold expression.

"I'm Azar," he smiled.

"Nice to meet you," she mocked him and he chuckled.

Xia found something weird in his sweet smile. He was too sweet which was hard to believe. He has just met her and was being too polite with her. But then she thought she is just being paranoid and overthinking about nice gestures.

While dancing her eyes fell on her parents. They were talking to the hosts. From where she saw it seemed there was something tense going with them. After few minutes her parents left. She got worried, why they'll leave in the middle of the party without informing her?

She excused herself and went to look for her parents. She then asked Tora if her parents said anything to her and she informed her that something important came up so they had to leave.

"Don't worry. Cheer up babe. We will drop you home," Tora said and took her to eat. She ate little bit but she was tensed about what she saw. There was something odd going between the host and her parents and she couldn't ignore the bad vibes she was getting.

She came out of the hall to take some fresh air in the garden.

She was roaming in the garden meanwhile something snatched her clutch. She turned to see what happened and saw a chubby cat holding her clutch in its mouth. She then realized it's the same cat that was in her room. She tried to catch that cat but it moved fastly. She got angry. Her night was already a disaster and now this monster is messing with her.

"Come here you fat devil," she ran towards the cat but it ran faster in the direction of forest. She ran behind it.

"Give me my clutch you double chinned criminal or else I will kill you," she was yelling at the cat but it was in no mood to stop. Xia was furious. She was following it. Suddenly the cat disappeared from her sight. She tried to find it but it was nowhere to be found. She tried to go back to the mansion but she didn't remember the way to return. She realized she is lost. She shouted for help but it was useless. Only sound she could hear was of insects.

She tried to find her way and then she realized someone is coming. She tried to hide behind a tree but a hand grabbed her waist and pulled her. Before she could shout a hand covered her mouth.

"Chill. It's me," someone whispered.

The voice was familiar to her so she calmed down. She looked up and saw her arrogant saviour was standing there and he again saved her. He was looking dangerously handsome in the moonlight. Hair perfectly set, emerlad eyes glowing with a gentle smile. She couldn't stop herself staring at him. Her heart was racing like a bullet train. She doesn't understand what is happening. She always feels weak in her knees whenever he is around her. That feeling makes her nervous but still she tried to shake that feeling away and put her confidence face.

" Literally you are a monkey. You're dancing here in the forest when everyone is dancing inside," he chuckled. There's a mischievous glow in his eyes whenever he teases her.

"Shut up," she frowned. She was looking really very upset. She was in no mood of jokes.

"Okay okay. Tell me what are you doing here?,"he asked.

"Can't believe I'm saying this! But a fatso devil stole my clutch," she sighed. "I don't know why all the strange and weird things happens with me!"

"What do you mean?,"he was trying to hide his smile.

"A fat cat stole my clutch and ran away. I was following that stupid cat and ended up being here," she replied with frown.

"I see. Let's go find that cat then," he grabbed her hand and started walking.

"What are you doing here? Isn't that ball is hosted by your parents?," she asked raising her one eyebrow. She saw how all the girls in the ball was drooling over him but it's odd instead of enjoying all the attention he is wandering in the woods.

"I did my part. I am not a fan of balls and parties," he said dryly.

"How will you find that cat?,"she asked looking at him. His eyes were so hypnotising. No matter how many times she stared them, she can't never get enough of them. There's is something really wrong with her she thought to her self and try to turn her gaze from him.

"I have my ways. First come I will show you something."


They walked for few minutes in silence. Xia was fighting the battles in her mind with thoughts. She didn't want to embarrass herself in front of him again. She doesn't want to give him another chance to tease her.

"We are here," he announced.

Xia couldn't believe her eyes. That place was so beautiful. There was a small lake surrounded by wild flowers. Moon was shining in the sky and it's reflection can be seen in the water. The view was very eye pleasing. She was captured by it's beauty.

"How do you know about this place," she asked him awestruck.

"This areas comes under my mansion," he smiled.

"Yeah! Perks of being super rich," she murmured. He chuckled hearing that.

"Wait" he went behind a tree and came with a picnic basket. He placed a black blanket on the ground and asked her to sit. She joined him. She noticed him he was sitting quietly beside her under the moon light he was looking so handsome. His eyes twinkling. She didn't saw him dancing in the ball.

"I asked Gordon about your camping trip but he said you guys never went to camping this year," he said looking at the lake.

Xia frowned. She then realized he is asking about the excuse that she made while telling him the story about the guy she tried to save.

"Oh no no! I went to camping with my cousins. I was visiting my grandparents," she replied.

"I see. How is your college going?,"he asked.

"Hey I never asked your name. What is your name?,"she asked without answering his question.

"Orion," he smiled.

"Sounds like Oreo," she giggled.

His British accent! Swoon!

"Don't say that," he gave her a serious look.

While they were talking that cat came and sit beside Orion. Xia noticed the cat sitting on the blanket and she jumped to catch it.

"This is the theif I was talking about," she said with I-will-kill-you-fat-cat stare.

"Calm down. He is my buddy," he said laughing. His voice was so husky.

"What do you mean? This obese theif is your pet??," She was furious.

"Great! What a fantastic pair! Master hits people by his car and pet steals victim's purse. Very nice," she said sarcastically.

"He is not a theif Xia. Calm down you're scaring him," he chuckled.

"I'm scaring him? He messed with me. Tell him to return my purse or I will kill him. Don't defend him," she again tried to catch the cat but it jumped.

"Relax Xia. Let me introduce you both," he said.

Xia sat down and frowned.

"Xia this is Timothy Shukla, my buddy. You can also call him Timmy," he put the cat on his lap.

"Yeah fatty Timmy," she mocked the cat.

"Timmy boy this is Xia. She is our guest. Now be a good boy and return her clutch," he said to the cat.

"He must be just playing with you. Otherwise he never does anything like that," he chuckled.

"Tell him to behave himself," she stated.

"C'mon! He is a nice fellow. At least give him a chance," he said. And don't call him fat he is a bit sensitive he added. The cat left the place and after a while came back with the clutch. She took her clutch back and patted cat's head.

"Alright," she pouted.

Her phone started buzzing, she opened the clutch and took out her phone. It was her mom. She picked the call her mom was saying something but she couldn't hear properly. She excused herself and walked in the hope to get better network. She continued walking.

Orion was sitting at the lake with Timmy. The cold breeze was blowing and they were looking at the moon. He was waiting for her to return. Suddenly they heard Xia scream. Orion ran in the direction of the voice but she was not there. He looked around but she was nowhere to be found.



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