Chapter Seventeen : Chase

Orion was getting angry and frustrated as time passed and he was still unable to find her. She was no where and no traces of her going any further were found. Woods were filled with cricket sound. No hints of anybody else being there.

He called Gordon and asked him to come there quickly. Within few seconds Gordon and Azar were there.

"What happened why are you looking so pissed?,"Gordon asked.

"Xia is missing," he replied.

"That I know. I was supposed to drop her but I guess she left alone," Gordon said, but why do you care about that he added.

"Dude because she was here with me and now she is missing ," he said with gritted teeth. He was worried about her. This was a strange feeling for him. How can someone like him can get worried about a girl whom he didn't even know properly.

"What are you saying?,"Gordon was confused.

"Man! she came here following Timmy then she got a call she couldn't get the network so she walked to get the signal. I heard her scream I came to find her but couldn't ,"he explained.

"How can you let her roam alone in the woods?,"Gordon yelled.

"So what I was supposed to do? Follow her? Listen to her conversation? And she would have understood that without thinking of me being a jerk?," Orion yelled back.

"You didn't see anyone else here?," Gordon asked.

"Dude if I would have seen anyone do you think I would have been standing here and talking to a dumbass?," Orion replied back.

Azar was standing there listening to both of them yelling and playing quiz with each other. He was the eldest and more wisest. He was always the patient one. It was his speciality to tackle any situation with presence of mind, cunningness and smart planning. He was observing the situation very carefully and thinking what to do next.

"Now may I have your attention boys,"Azar thundered.

Their gaze shifted at him. Both of them were so busy shouting at each other that they forgot his presence.

"I would like to inform you both that we have a serious situation here and we have to do something very quickly because an innocent life is in danger plus our reputation because it happened at our place," he stated.

Both of them nodded.

"We have to act fast," Azar added.

"So what's the plan?," Orion asked.

"You go and try to find the location. Do you have any belonging of the girl?," Azar said.

"Yeah her clutch is there. I'll inform you if I found out anything," Orion moved to take the clutch and Timmy followed him.

"You my boy go back inside and take care of the party make sure everyone is okay and if you see anything strange inform me," Azar said to Gordon.

"I'm not going to the party and wait for Xia to come back. She is my best friend. I'll go with you guys," Gordon stated.

"I can understand your emotions Gordon but see this party is for us to blend with the people of this town if anything goes wrong. We will have to face the consequences and we don't want that. Do we? You are good with people so just go and take care of the party. Rest will be taken care by us I promise." Azar assured him.

He always had his ways with the words. Gordon's sighed and moved back to the mansion.

Three of them were worried about her. They didn't know what happened to Xia and in what condition she would be in. Somehow they have to take the situation under control.

Orion was blaming himself for all this if he hadn't asked Timmy to look for her none of this would have happened. But he was concerned for her safety, after finding out that it was her who saved his life that day. He didn't want her to get involved in his mess. He lied to her when she asked about that day for her own good. It was his fault he was getting close to that girl, for some unknown reason. He couldn't describe this strange feelings towards her he was clearly getting pulled towards her but now this feeling has put her in danger.

It was better not to associate himself with the girl," he told himself.

Orion found a handkerchief in Xia's clutch, now he can work on the location spell with his wizard, Timothy. Timothy was a cat which holds the spirit of a wizard and protect it against evils. Orion found Timothy when he was kid. The cat was lying on the ground in the forest. Its leg was broken so Orion carried it to his house and took care of it. Since then Timothy became his friend and when Orion grew up Timmy told him his secret. Timmy only talks to him. No body knows about this secret.

Orion placed the Pentagon pendant on Timmy's neck so that he can use hi power to find Xia's location. "I'll find her no matter what it takes," he told to himself.

After three hours Xia woke up gaining conscious to find herself in a room which was dimly lit with few candles in one corner of the room. The entire room was covered with cobwebs in every corner and there was no one in sight. She tried to get up but her hands and legs were tied with rope.  She tried to call for help but no one showed up.

After few minutes later four tall hooded man approached towards her. They were looking dangerous and angry. There was something strange about their eyes it was like they were glowing red.

"Why am I here ?," She asked scared seeing them standing around her.

"Please untie me. Let me call my dad he will give you whatever amount of money you want," She said.

"Money is not what we want princess," said the person standing in the middle smiling maniacly.

"Then what do want? Just let me go," she yelled.

He took out knife from his pocket and came very close to her," I guess you have interfered in someone's plan and now they want you to pay the price for that."

"What do you mean?," She was scared now.

"Oh don't play dumb. Tell us what do you know about the night when you found Orion in the sea. What exactly did you saw and told him about it?," He asked with death glare.

Now she completely understood what all of this was about. They kidnapped her because she saved Orion's life and these were the same people who tried to kill him. Though she didn't saw anyone's face back then or now, because of darkness but she knew it was them only. The fact that they might know her real identity only fueled her imagination to the worst possiblity with why they had got her here.

" I don't know what you are talking about. You're mistaken," she said.

The man with the knife crouched down to her level and before she could move away from him, he caught hold of her hand and slashed her wrist. She screamed in pain due to the agonizing tear on her skin, "Stop please," she cried.

"Tell us what do you know and we will let you go," the man thundered.

"I'm telling  you the truth I don't know anything," she replied with cracked voice.

She knew if she gave them about that night not only Orion's but all of her community's life will also be in danger and that was the last thing she wanted to happen. So because of her loved ones she tolerated the pain.

"I think you are not taking us seriously. Girl you don't know us what we are capable of doing. Why you're protecting that son of a bitch? Just tell us the truth and you can go," the man said.

She suddenly felt a stab below her knees on both of her legs which only made her scream. He pushed the knife further into her flesh as she thrashed to get away from him. Tears streamed from her eyes blurring her vision in the process. Blood trailing down her leg, staining her dress as it absorbed the liquid.

"I am giving you time to think and decide you want to die here or tell us the truth and get your freedom," he said and left with other three man closing the door.

"I know the location. Let's go. Meet me at the parking," Orion said to Azar on the call.

Azar and Gordon were waiting for him in the parking when Orion arrived there.

"Where is she?," Gordon asked.

"In an abandoned house in the slum area near the town market,"he replied.

"Let's go then. I have brought all the equipment to tackle any situation," Azar said.

They all settled in a black SUV and left for the house to retrieve Xia back. Orion was hell angry so he was quite.

"How was the party?," Azar asked.

"Everything went well. All the guests left happily but I think we have one problem," Gordon replied.

"What now?," Orion asked with annoyed tone.

He told Xia's parents called him to ask about her and he told them that she is with him but he didn't noticed his Uncle standing behind him. He caught him there and interrogated him until he told them the truth.

"What? You told him everything?," Orion thundered.

"What I was supposed to do? It was your father Orion! You very well know about his interrogation,"Gordon frowned.

"What did he say?," Azar asked.

"He said he will take care of the things here and we have to bring her back safely," Gordon answered.

"Great," Orion said.

When they reached the slum area, it was all crowded and busy. They couldn't find any abandoned house. Timmy pulled the jeans of Orion with paws to show them the direction.

"Where was he?," Azar asked.

"He was sitting with you under your seats," Orion chuckled.

"So hero he is here to save the day," Gordon patted Timmy's head. Timmy purred

Gordon and Timmy were good friends. Gordon when visited Orion, he used to play with Timmy. They have very fond memories of each other.

Timmy took them to the woods passing through narrow alleys and old houses. Few meters away was a old house surrounded by bushes and trees. They reached to the house and Orion looked through the window. He saw Xia was covered in her own blood and the room was empty. Without thinking for a second he stormed the door and went to her. She was unconscious and was breathing heavily. She lost lot of blood. His anger was fueled now. Azar and Gordon was looking for the kidnappers but no one was in the house. Orion untied Xia and took her in his arms. As they were about to leave four man was standing in front of them. Azar and Gordon attacked them and they started fighting.

Orion placed Xia carefully on the chair and went to tackle the kidnappers. They held throats of  the kidnappers and  placed them on the wall. One of the kidnapper attack Gordon with a knife. Seeing this Orion complete lost his cool and ripped that man's heart with his bare hands. When he saw in his left Azar was holding the heart of the other kidnapper. Two of the kidnappers tried to run but without wasting a second Orion ripped their hearts out.

Orion was covered in the blood. It was like he had a blood bath which he literally did. Azar and Gordon were looking at the Orion. This was the real man from whom everyone was afraid, ruthless and merciless.

Orion turned back to see Xia and when he looked at her she was already looking at him with fear in her eyes.

To be continued.....