The Hero Rescues the Beautiful

Feng Ye returns to his suite. Taking a look at the empty room which used to be Akimichi's, he sighs. While he was in the hospital, some staff members had come in to remove Akimichi's belongings and clean the suite.

Feng Ye wanders around the suite as memories of the last month resurface. Thoughts about Akimichi's last words continue to resonate in his mind accompanied by the normal everyday moments that had occurred the past month.

"It really is true. The everyday moments that one neglects is really the best moments. One really doesn't realize such moments until after losing it…" Feng Ye mutters.

"What to do during this week leave…?" Feng Ye isn't one to idle about. Especially after seeing Akimichi's poor state, Feng Ye had hardened his resolve to increase his strength.

He needs to do some reflecting and decides to stroll through the city with his leave from the institute. The system loli, Shira, had mentioned that he had another hidden ability which exists but still needs to be uncovered. Thus, to calm his mind and, perhaps, obtain some inspiration, Feng Ye strolls through the metropolis. Naturally, at this time, he doesn't have the thoughts to pay much attention to his surroundings. As Feng Ye was ranked first in the entrance examination, naturally, some people are always paying attention. Unknowingly, he is followed as he strolls along.

Feng Ye strolls through the city until it becomes dark. The bright sky finally dims and the magnificence of the city lights are demonstrated throughout the streets. As he is lost in thought, he doesn't notice vibrations from his phone as a certain figure catches his attention.

"Really, it seems that after that event, security seems to have weakened… It seems that the student enforcer team might be in the process of rearrangement."

He is rather confident in his strength and cards in hand so dealing with low ranked espers should be no problem. Especially with the safeguard of his Spiritual Awareness ability and Shira Takeover, he should have no issues. He notices the figure darting into a nearby alleyway.

Naturally, as a student, he had been told to not go into such alleyways alone especially in busy cities like New York back in his old world. Normally, Feng Ye would walk away. He's no hero and doesn't want to involved in troublesome matters. However, now, he urgently needs to increase his strength. Besides the system, he still hasn't uncovered his mysterious esper ability yet. Thus, he needs to defeat or murder organisms to gain energy points. In a sense, his action now can be what one calls, "looking for trouble."

He follows the darting shadow into the alleyway, while also changing his appearance to another common Chinese male appearance whose face is easily lost in the crowd. In the alleyway, he notices a group of delinquent students who may be from another campus surrounding a girl and harassing her. From their dialogue, even an idiot can tell it's plain harassment and their intentions are illegal. The girl has a rather distressed appearance with some tears rolling down her face.

Feng Ye sighs and thinks to himself, "Doesn't this scenario look familiar…. How many novels have I read that seem to have this "hero rescues the beautiful" scene. Oh well, even if it's cliche, all for the energy points! Romance? Not interested for now."

Feng Ye walks near the students and sighs, "Isn't it rather low to gang up on a women during these ungodly hours?"

The group of students consist of around 4 members. A rather gruff looking student who appears to be the leader of the group questions, "Who are you? Get lost!"

"Really, why go to such a low? You should let the girl go." Feng Ye calmly replies.

The gruff looking student snorts and immediately attacks Feng Ye with his fist. Just as Feng Ye is about to send this random flying, an unexpected interruption occurs.

From above, a figure drops down in between Feng Ye and the gruff looking student. This figure does a roundhouse kick which sends the delinquent flying backwards. Before Feng Ye could get a glimpse of the appearance of this individual, the individual immediately rushes and stuns the rest of the group with a burst of electricity which paralyzes the remaining three.

After doing so, the individual gently asks the distressed girl, "Hey, are you alright? You are safe now, but I still need you to follow me to write up a report."

A nod is given as a response from the distressed victim.

Feng Ye's mouth twitches. He questions in his mind. "Is the script wrong?!" The system loli named, Shira, laughs. Shira had her fair share of light novels from Feng Ye's memory and can understand Feng Ye's current surprise.

The individual, after reassuring the distressed girl, turns and faces Feng Ye with some sparks of electricity in her hand crackling excitedly. This individual is around 5''6 in height and has purple, long hair. She seems to be of Japanese descent. Her manner is a rather serious one. On her sleeve, three words can be seen, "Student Enforcer Team." She had a rather athletic build with a nice figure and a developing chest. Her age is probably around the early twenties, a bit older than Feng Ye's real age (20).

She inquiries in a commanding tone, "What's your purpose here?"

Feng Ye calmly replies, "I noticed this woman in distress, naturally, it is important to help."

"Suspicious. The hero rescues the beautiful? What a joke. Do you think this is some novel?" The girl from the student enforcer team questions.

"Yes, it does seem like a cliche setting in a novel, however, you can ask her to testify for me." Feng Ye replies while referring to the distressed girl behind.

The girl from the student enforcer team glances at the distressed girl and notices her acknowledgement. "Okay, as you were also present, please also follow me to write up this report." As her words fall, the electricity in her palm vanishes along with the intense intimidating aura.

Just as the group was about to head towards the student enforcer team headquarters to fill out the report, the girl from the enforcer team turns around and shows a photo on her phone. "Have you seen this person wandering around, by the way? He also seemed to have be around the area you were in."

After seeing that picture, Feng Ye's mouth twitches again… "Your mother! Isn't that a picture of me?!" He exclaims in his mind.

The bored loli, Shira, in his mind replies, "Hahahaha~! It is you. Haha~!"

Feng Ye calms his mind to not give away any clues that may expose him and shakes his head indicating that he has not seen such an individual. The distressed girl also indicates that she doesn't know.

The girl from the student enforcer team sighs. "How troublesome.. No problem, let's finish these reports."


Feng Ye arrives in his suite after completing the report and getting a quick meal along the way. Naturally, at this time, he has changed back to his normal "Feng Ye" appearance. As he opens the door, he notices someone in the washroom utilizing the shower.

"???" With his mind filled with question marks, Feng Ye decides not to barge in but head into the living room. "Screw the tropes.. Why do I have a bad feeling about this..?"

He decides to take this time to catch up on any missed notifications as he was too distracted by the events that had occurred tonight.

Notification of New Roommate: The student council has decided to pair you up with another member of the student enforcer team. Due to limited availability of members, the student council has made an exception for you to be paired with the opposite gender. This message also serves as a reminder to not have illegal intentions. The roommate's primary focus is for your safety.

After seeing this notification, Feng Ye glances at the picture of the individual and the name, Kotori Miku. Feng Ye is immediately depressed. This picture belongs to the terrifying girl from the student enforcer team. This is truly an unfortunate realization. Tonight, he had gained zero energy points as he had no involvement and didn't even make body contact with the delinquents. Now, he has to room with this dangerous girl. Even just remembering the amount of electrical energy she had in her palm, would send shivers down Feng Ye's spine. This girl should be rank A. It seems that all the rank B espers have been assigned or are busy.

Feng Ye is suddenly enlightened. So, that's why the girl was looking for him. She was his roommate. It seems like it is absolutely necessary to not piss off this new roommate. He would rather not have an electrifying experience.

As his train of thought concludes, the sound from the shower stops. It seems that he will be meeting his new roommate as "Feng Ye."

Feng Ye is a little nervous as he has never stayed in the same living space with any female except his mother. The door of the washroom opens and the girl that he had met earlier walks out humming a tune. She realizes that someone else is in the room and shows an embarrassed expression. However, a quick moment later, she seems to have gotten angry out of shame and an intense aura suddenly fills the entire room. Electricity starts to build up and crackle in her palms.

Feng Ye shifts backwards with his back drenched with cold sweat. "I just got here. Nice to meet you Kotori-san, I am Feng Ye." Feng Ye does his best to sound as though he didn't notice the girl was humming a moment ago. He tried to look oblivious to his surroundings.

It seems that this introduction did the trick. The girl takes back her intense aura and with a gentle smile replies, "Hello Feng-kun, I am Kotori Miku. I hope we can get along well."

"Phew." Feng Ye sighs and comments to the loli in his mind, Shira. "That was a close call. Lucky."

"It is rather late tonight. You shouldn't be heading out so late. We can discuss some agreements tomorrow and introductions then. Have a good night."

Kotori Miku heads into the empty room which used to belong to Akimichi. The room seems to no longer be empty and filled with clothing, etc.

"It seems that she had moved here earlier today while I was wandering around. I wonder if this roommate is good or bad news..." Feng Ye thinks to himself.

Without further ado, Feng Ye prepares to get ready to sleep.