A Ray of Hope and the Esper Enhancement Program

The next morning, Feng Ye is awakened by the aroma that is emitted from the kitchen. The smell of a hot breakfast has a positive effect in waking him up. As Feng Ye gets out of bed, he gets ready for the day. Before he heads out of his room, he sits down on his bed and does a quick reflection.

It has been a little over a month since he had arrived here. When he had initially arrived, he was shocked and startled about this weird phenomenon that had occurred to him. Although, he had the system to accompany him his fear of this new world had immediately triggered a mental switch. The fear from when he initially arrived immediately caused him to enter a self-protective state in which he needs to adapt to his new situation. This quick adaptiveness to the environment that was fueled by fear allowed him to quickly accept the system and start his first steps in the new world.

When humans are afraid and are put in a completely unknown environment alone, it is necessary for quick adaptation to the environment. Feng Ye recalls that moment and sighs. It seems that he may be abnormal. From the many novels he had read in his old world, the protagonist usually becomes utterly scared out of one's wits or in denial that such a misfortune had occurred.

However, Feng Ye, besides the initial shock, was able to accept it. His thoughts became even clearer than before. In that highly alert state, Feng Ye was able to rationally accept what the system offered and allocate to his stats accordingly based off his memories from his past world. As he learns more about this world and its striking similarities to his old world, he was able to slowly relieve the highly alert state he was in. Now, Feng Ye who was initially lost and confused had a clear direction. To avenge and find a way home. The journey before him is a long one, but the initial steps have been made. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Feng Ye reorganizes these thoughts and strengthens his own determination. He decides to inquire the loli in his mind.

"Hey Shira, I was wondering…. when I had initially been shifted from the void to that apartment building, why was I able to accept such a reality? Why wasn't I scared out of my wits? Why did I feel as though my mind was clear?"

The loli in his mind who is lying down on her back sits upright and replies, "It seems that when you were in the space of nihility, you had already expressed such emotions to the pinnacle. After that, your mind from the excess stress became tired causing you to become unconscious. It seems that being in that dark environment had also caused immense fear which was the catalyst for your disposition. The fear became energy when I became bound to you and you were able to convert that energy into your Hidden Wanderer ability. The conversion of emotion to energy is not 100% efficient. The residue energy had spread into the rest of your body, but the majority of the residue energy was absorbed into your brain. This may be why you were shocked and then was able to easily adapt."

"I see. So, it was basically my good luck." Feng Ye lets out another sigh of emotion. "I wonder what I had done during my life to be able to have accumulated such luck. I don't recall ever getting such luck when I was living in my old world. However, this means that I'm not abnormal. It just meant that I had stepped in some lucky dog waste.. And had a stroke of good luck."

Feng Ye continues to inquire in his mind, "By the way, how were you able to shift me to that apartment building location?"

Shira exhibits an expression of recalling the event. "It was done based on the nearest coordinate. From the database that I had as the system consciousness, there were numerous space coordinates. The coordinate that took the least amount of energy to shift you was to this world. The other coordinates are too far away and cannot be shifted to at that time."

"Coordinate, huh…" Feng Ye mutters. "Wait, does that mean that we can shift again to different coordinates?"

"Yes, if we accumulate enough energy from this world, we can shift to the other coordinates. We can also set new coordinates which also requires energy to create a specific mark indicating it." Shira responds.

"Okay, so through shifting, I can potentially go home. That's good to know. At this time though, we may end up in a more dangerous environment if we shift without the proper preparations. It would be wise to first power up through this world first." Feng Ye ponders.

This short conversation in his mind sparks a ray of hope for Feng Ye. He misses his friends, his parents and even the boring professors of his world. One day, he will return. Feng Ye, one day, will look back at this memory and indicate that this ray of hope gave him the determination to carve his era.

With the new information and newfound confidence, Feng Ye walks out of his room.

"Wow, you are up rather early." Feng Ye comments as he notices Kotori Miku toasting some bread.

"Early sleep and early wake up is optimal... Good morning, Feng-kun. We can get to know each other better during breakfast. Today, I'll make breakfast as a gift on first meeting." Kotori Miku replies enthusiastically while grinning.

Feng Ye awkwardly scratches his hair and replies, "Thank you, Kotori-san!"

Kotori waves indicating him to not worry about it. Feng Ye then heads to the table in the living room and takes a seat. During this time, as he waits for Kotori to finish, he browses his mobile for any news and notifications he may have received. Glancing quickly, besides a few messages from Chu Feng and the others, nothing out of the ordinary was noticed.

Feng Ye takes a look at his calendar and notices that it will be some time until his leave from the Kami Institute finishes. As soon as he opens the calendar, Shira's voice resounds loudly in his mind.

"Oh, hey! Tomorrow seems to be the end of the month. You know what this means, right? By the way, do remember that it is monthly as per our agreements~!"

Feng Ye's go-happy expression stiffens. Right, he had this agreement with the loli. Every month as well. He sighs and responds in his mind.

"Yes, I will observe and fulfill the agreement. I was just wondering though if I could use the spiritual awareness to communicate with any consciousness. Also, would you have any suggestions on how I could increase my mental strength? I would rather be able to observe than go unaware of the trouble you would cause."

Shira exhibits a thinking pose in Feng Ye's mind. "Hmmm, well, you should naturally try experimenting and finding the limits of your ability first. Then, try exceeding your limit and eventually, you should be able to train the ability to a higher level. Also, you should have some faith in your partner, I! You should also have realized that I am much more intelligent that you are. So, naturally, I wouldn't do any troublesome matters that could affect you."

"Alright, alright." As the conversation in his mind reaches an end, Kotori Miku walks in with two plates of toast, eggs, and sausage. She places a plate in front of Feng Ye.

"Here you are, Feng-kun. Let's discuss." She pauses for a little bit to reorganize her thoughts.

"So, I'm Kotori Miku. Due to the recent events that involve Akimichi-kun, I have been assigned your new roommate and protector. I am currently a post secondary student in the Aven Institute of Technology and have received a leave during the next few days until you are back at school."

Feng Ye nods. "I see. I'm Feng Ye. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Kotori smiles and continues. "Recently, in the city, there are many troublesome matters. It is quite dangerous for you to go out late at night. So, I would like to set up curfew hours. As your protector, it is in my jurisdiction to do so for your safety."

"Okay." Feng Ye replies.

Kotori shows a confused expression. "You aren't angry about this policy?"

"No, I understand your reasoning and agree that it is logical." Feng Ye sighs as he continues, "I am only a weak student. In the face of the power of espers, what could I do? Just make sure you also take care. It does seem that it is getting chaotic."

"I'm glad that you understand the situation. Also, you will be spending the time that you have received from your leave to complete a training camp. Due to your involvement with Akimichi-kun, you may also be a possible target. Thus, the student council has also decided to have me in charge of your training."

"Alright, I accept."

Kotori shows a satisfied smile and nods. "Good. Do note that I will be strict. This is for your own good and I expect 200% effort."

Feng Ye remembers the moment when Akimichi passes away and clenches his fist. He resolutely replies, "Yes. I will. No worries, senpai."

The two begin eating and the atmosphere slowly changes from serious to a warm one. The two exchange and actually have quite a few similar interests.

As the finish breakfast, Kotori suddenly asks for Feng Ye's opinion. "Feng-kun, I was wondering what you think about artificial espers?"

"Hm, artificial espers… you mean the students who are "awakened" through artificial means?" Feng Ye replies.

Kotori contines. "Yes. Those that do not awaken their potential naturally and use an external force to unlock their potential."

"Hm, it really depends. I believe as long as it's voluntary then it should be okay. It is okay for someone to do seek power."

"I agree with your viewpoint, but what about failures? Those who attempt to be artificially awakened but do not succeed?" Kotori's tone seems to have turned serious.

"Failures are human as well. Although, the process of awakening had failed, it doesn't mean they are should be treated any differently than a normal human." Feng Ye answers.

Kotori sighs. "Yes, unfortunately, such cases have been increasing. These individuals are known as failures and are despised, even discriminated against. Due to this contradiction, it usually causes them to hate and envy all other espers in general. You need to be careful as non-espers with potential also are targets for their hate."

"It is reasonable., however, I don't seem to have seen any of these individuals yet." Feng Ye replies.

Kotori shakes her head. "Yes, that's because most of them are in hiding or have just decided to try to live their lives as normal humans. They have failed to completely awaken their potential which causes them to have some instabilities which include incomplete abilities or even abnormal features. It is quite sad actually. The board of directors will continue to conduct experiments to unravel the peak of human performance and potential despite the occurrence of failures."

"I see." Feng Ye gets lost in thought. It seems like the city's troublesome matters is more deep rooted than expected.

Glancing at Feng Ye's expression of being lost in thought, Kotori continues, "I would like to suggest to you... Although, the benefits sound extremely appealing in regards to joining the esper program, I would recommend caution when you join it. If you ever awaken your abilities, you should join. However, do not partake in the additional supplementary research program. The esper program is jointly run by the student council and board of directors. However, once an esper joins, they will be offered the opportunity to partake in further research alongside researchers in regards to their abilities. This program isn't known those who are non-espers. Public knowledge is that the esper program is the only program which exists. The supplementary program is called Esper Enhancement and is completely run by the board of directors. It offers those that join unbelievable advantages, but it is highly frowned upon by the student council."

This suggestion startles Feng Ye. It seems that there's a conflict between the student council and the board of directors. As the program is completely sponsored by the board of directors, it seems that the situation is more complex than what one would think. As the student enforcer team is closely associated with the student council, it seems that there are two distinct camps.

"Why are you telling me this?' Feng Ye questions.

"Just some advice. I have seen many brilliant talents like you unfortunately fall from the sky." Kotori's expression becomes somewhat dim as she adds, "Including my sister."

"Do you know what occurs in the Esper Enhancement Program?" Feng Ye lowers his voice as he inquires.

Kotori nods. "No worries. This building is actually under the student council's jurisdiction. The program is essentially pushing the limits both mentally and physically of espers. Once you join, there is no backing out. There are many cases of unethical experiments that occur and the student council has been actively against it lately. To prevent harm from students is the goal of the student council and student enforcer team. The board of directors only care about results and progress. Just something for you to consider."

Feng Ye nods. "Thanks for your suggestion."

Kotori nods and then smiles. "Anyways, as breakfast is finished, let's head out. Training officially begins! Let's go!"

The two head out and take the metro directly to a training centre that is backed by the Aven Institute of Technology. From appearance, the building isn't as tall as the numerous tall buildings which tower over the city. It is rather a dome shaped, complex.

Kotori introduces, "This is a popular training centre for students. It is primarily for those who want to increase their physical limits and improve their chances in awakening. Additionally, it also is the main centre for the student council and student enforcer team. We will be heading downstairs to the gym. This complex also has multiple facilities like a swimming pool, track, soccer field, and many others. We will be here the next few days."

Feng Ye nods. Just as the two are about to arrive at the entrance, he suddenly stops. Kotori notices and shows a questioning expression. The reason he suddenly stops is because he can hear Shira in his mind counting down the time in his mind until she will take over.

Feng Ye coughs, "Uh, Kotori-san. I have a weird medical condition where my personality may change one time every month. I believe I may have a multiple personality disorder. Just want to let you know so you aren't startled."

Feng Ye naturally doesn't have multiple personality disorder. However, how else would he be able to explain Shira taking domination of his body for 24 hours...

Kotori shows a weird expression. "Okay.. Strange, but thanks for letting me know. I will pay attention."

With this odd interlude over, the two head into the complex.