Accidental Exposure

Feng Ye and Kotori Miku enter the building. After going through automated sliding doors, the two are greeted by a large lobby area consisting of a reception desk on the left side and a reclining area populated with vending machines on the right side. At the far back of the lobby, there is a security check area which individuals who wish to use the facilities need to go through. To Feng Ye, the security is actually pretty tight as though it was going through customs at an airport in his old world. In the lobby, on the right, there are also a few doors which lead to washrooms. It seems that everything will be able to be seen after going through the security check.

Kotori indicates to the reception desk, "Feng-kun, first we need to get you registered. Follow me."

Feng Ye nods and follows.

At the reception desk, three uniformed receptionists sit behind. Two of the three are busy registering others, so Kotori and Feng Ye head to the idle one. This receptionist is a middle aged woman who has a genial smile.

Kotori walks up and gives her Student Enforcement ID Card to the receptionist. All members of the student council and student enforcement team have privileges. Such privileges include discounts at stores, memberships to training areas and sport complexes, access to restricted areas, etc. Prior to entering, Kotori had explained to Feng Ye that she can bring two others who aren't apart of the student council or student enforcer team with her to this training area. Essentially, Feng Ye will be able to obtain a free membership.

Kotori requests, "Hello. Today, I am bringing Feng Ye to be registered in order to be able to access the complex's facilities."

The receptionist smiles and replies, "Alright, let me handle this for you. Hello Feng-san, could you please fill out your information on this kiosk. After completing it, please follow me for the secondary assessment."

"Secondary assessment? What's that?" Feng Ye inquires.

"The secondary assessment determines the physical capabilities of the individual who is applying for a membership to the complex. This helps us assess whether the individual is an esper or not as well as their physical limitations. It is important because it helps us determine which areas we can allow you to access. If an individual who may have a weaker physique utilizes one of our facilities which require a certain level of strength, like our gravity room, they may be injured. Do you have any additional questions?" The receptionist explains while following up with an inquiry.

"I see. No problem, I have no additional questions. I will be back quickly." Feng Ye replies as he heads to the kiosk indicated. Kotori, after noticing Feng Ye heading to complete the registration, wanders to the reclining area while sizing up the different snacks offered by the vending machines.

The information required is quite simple. It simply asks for Feng Ye's name, gender, age, campus, physical health, any medications taken, and questions regarding his health. It is quite boring, however, Feng Ye was also in a dilemma regarding a single question which asks if he had any mental issues. After some contemplation, he had decided against putting down that he had his made up multiple personality disorder as he doubts that Kotori would be able to look at it anyways.

It had taken around 10 minutes to fill out the form. After completion, he indicates to the receptionist that he is completed.

"Yep, I have just received your submission. Please follow me for the secondary assessment." The receptionist indicates to a sliding pair of doors to the right of the reception desk. Feng Ye enters the room and notices that it is quite large. There are various types of equipment utilized to assess strength, agility, and overall fitness.

"Hm, the equipment seems to look quite similar to the fitness test in the anime, One Punch Man." Feng Ye thinks to himself. Shira who looks bored and still counting down the time until she can take over ignores him.

The receptionist leads Feng Ye to a odd looking machine. It looks like a large capsule. Around the capsule area, on the walls are mirrors. Feng Ye didn't pay much attention to them as it is usually normal to have mirrors in a fitness testing area.

She explains, "This is our esper potential and determination test. Simply enter the capsule standing on the indicated area and it will scan for brain activity. Espers show different signs of brain wave activity with an area which is normally inactive in non-espers showing as active.

During the explanation, Feng Ye is anxiously inquiring Shira. "Hey Shira, would you be able to shield any brain activity that is out of the norm from non-espers with the Hidden Wanderer ability?"

The bored loli replies, "Yes, the Hidden Wanderer ability can block low level esper abilities. Since you have just obtained the ability and haven't developed it. For now, it can shield it from detection. However, you will need to level up the Hidden Wanderer ability alongside the Spiritual Awareness esper ability. If not, the Hidden Wanderer ability may be too low level to be able to shield your ability."

"Alright. Thanks." Feng Ye replies in his mind as he uses the Hidden Wanderer ability to block detection of any abnormal brain activity. Feng Ye, since he was initially studying biochemistry, had seen a few electroencephalography (EEG) images which is used to show brain activity under certain psychological states, such as alertness or drowsiness. Additionally, he has also seen positron emission tomography (PET) scans which show brain processes by using the sugar glucose in the brain to illustrate where neurons are firing.

He is absolutely glad that he had learned that information form his old world or else using the Hidden Wanderer ability would have been difficult to hide his esper abilities. What he had deemed "useless" information back then actually applied to this situation.

"Okay." Feng Ye nods. After using the Hidden Wanderer ability to shield the brain activity that is known to be active in espers, he steps into the capsule.


Unfortunately, that mirror that Feng Ye neglected was a one way mirror. On the other side of the mirror, is a small office. Inside, there is a woman sitting down observing Feng Ye's brain activity in the capsule. She has also been observing Feng Ye's facial expressions and appearance ever since he had entered the capsule testing area.

Looking at the data that Feng Ye had submitted and the current capsule results, she smiles. "Interesting."

If another individual was with her, they would notice a discrepancy in the results. The equipment to measure brain wave activity actually is quite small. The capsule is there as a confirmation of the brain activity. The actual data acquisition had begun ever since Feng Ye had stepped into the nearby space around the capsule. There are sensors hidden within the ground which are sensitive to brain activity and continues to record the entire time.

Feng Ye's brain activity had shown activity in the esper region which had indicated that he was one. Initially, this surprised the woman as usually at such an age, it is quite rare to have an awakening. She felt that she had found a talent and had noted it down to report to the student council president. When Feng Ye had utilized the Hidden Wanderer ability, the brain activity suddenly disappears which shows the first odd discrepancy. This made the woman think that this Feng Ye fellow wasn't simple. The new data from the sensors hidden from the floor and the capsule demonstrates that Feng Ye had no active brain activity in which there should be in espers.

She notes down that Feng Ye was able to shield his ability and suspects that it may be a mind-related esper ability. She also notes down that Feng Ye probably didn't want to expose his ability. This woman's intuition is quite fearful. With the data collected, she will personally inform the student council president at night time. As for the results of the test, publically, Feng Ye is determined to be a non-esper, but high potential to become one.


Meanwhile, Feng Ye doesn't feel or suspect anything odd. He walks out of the capsule after getting informed that the test is over. The receptionist who had led Feng Ye here informs him of the test results. "Feng-san, your results indicate that you are a non-esper, but have high potential to become one. Very nice."

In his mind, Feng Ye sighs in relief.

The receptionist continues, the next part of the secondary assessment is the physical fitness test. She points to the area filled with equipment of all sorts which are each accompanied by an examiner.

"Next, I will be heading back. Simply, start at the punching machine first. The examiner at each station will assess you. Once you are completed, I will be at the reception desk to provide you with your membership card. Good luck." The receptionist explains, then proceeds to walk back to leave the room.

Feng Ye, then, completes a series of assessments with a different examiner each. He was able to pass each easily. Naturally, he made sure to stay lowkey and only used a portion of his strength to obtain satisfactory results. After completion, he heads back to the reception desk.

The same receptionist smiles towards him. "Congratulations for completing the secondary assessment test. Here is your membership card. You will be able to access all facilities with the exception of esper-specific ones unless you have Kotori-san accompanying you."

Feng Ye indicates that he understands and receives the membership. "Thanks!" As his reply falls, Kotori Miku walks up to him from the sofa.

"Feng-kun, let's head through the security check and start the training program."

The security check was legit the same as going through customs at an airport. Metal detection, pat downs, and numerous body scans were completed along with items scanned through a machine. Kotori only had her brought her student enforcer team ID which allowed her to easily go through the security check. Feng Ye also didn't have much on him. He was equipped with a credit card that he was given from the Kami Institute which is automatically loaded with monthly "allowance" along with his phone. Most of Feng Ye's important belongings are in his storage space courtesy of Shira.

He had still kept his old phone from his old world, but in order to not stand out with such an outdated model, Feng Ye had acquired a new one which he uses in public. Compromises have to be made to stay low key. He already screwed up during the entrance examination, and his small fight with the rogue student, Sima. Such accidents are the very opposite of "low-key", thus, Feng Ye needs to be extra careful. Unfortunately, he does not know that he had attracted even more interest due to the secondary assessment.

(A/N: Feelsbadman. lol.)

As the two pass through the security check successfully, the scene behind the double doors astonishes Feng Ye resulting in a jaw dropping expression.

"Wow!" Feng Ye exclaims.

Numerous individuals in athletic wear are moving about. The scene in front of him is as though they have entered a large scale shopping mall. His reaction is similar to that of a traveller who experiences the mall area after customs at an airport for the first time. In front of him are numerous restaurants and stores which sell sports equipment, athletic wear, energy drinks, etc. Restaurants are the majority of the businesses which populate the hall.

Naturally, all stores which aren't restaurants are mostly sports-focused.

In the centre of the hall, there is a set of elevators. There are 8 elevators which form together an octagon. The hall has many corridors leading to other halls in which other types of businesses exist such as a gaming cafe or sleeping area for those work-out fanatics who wish to eat, sleep, and work out all day long.

Kotori, nearby, laughs as she notices Feng Ye's expression. "Hey, country bumpkin who hasn't seen the world, follow me. We are going to the gym area."

They head to the elevators. After entering an elevator, Feng Ye notices around 9 floors. The floor they were just at is the main floor which is labeled as G for ground floor. There are 3 basement floors which are labeled B1, B2, B3, respectively. B3 is the floor which is the deepest underground. Each label has a corresponding button which is tapped in order to designate a specific floor. Above the main floor, are five floors labeled from 1 to 5. From a legend which is displayed on a monitor beside the floor labeled, Feng Ye sees what the details of each floor.

5 - Conference Room Area / Offices

4 - Security Floor (Floor for security members and staff)

3 - Sleep Floor. (Only members who have purchased passes can access)

2 - Courts for Basketball, Badminton, Tennis, Squash

1 - Hospital Floor (Only for members-only)

G - Main Floor (Reception Lobby, Shopping area, Security Check)

B1 - Pool area / Gym / Weight Room / Indoor track

B2 - Special Training Area (Gravity Rooms), Stress Tests, etc.

B3 - Esper Training area. (Espers only)

Kotori taps on the button labeled B1. It lights up and the elevator door closes. The elevator begins to travel downwards into the lower levels.