"Genius!" & VIP Area Guests

While warm ups continue, guests slowly come back from breakfast and fill up the guest seating excitedly chirping/discussing the favourites of the event. Some shill their betting application that is released on the forum and encourage others to place their wagers down.

Chu Feng and the others have also arrived.

"Hey Haruta, let's place this month's allowance on Feng Ye. Probably guaranteed to double!" Chu Feng suggests.

Akihiko interrupts and pours the cold water. "The issue is not as simple. If others also wager on Feng Ye, it will balance out the odds and the cash won will be less. Probably best is to spread some FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) to make sure everyone bets against Feng Ye.

Haruta is enlightened. "Genius!"

Immediately, Chu Feng starts loudly discussing while a flood of new guests come in. "Aaah, why is Feng Ye swimming? I don't think he has a good chance of winning… He should just simply do the combat qualifiers! I thought-"

Akihiko signals with his eyes to Haruta.

Immediately, Haruta covers Chu Feng's mouth, and says in a normal voice. "Hey, don't let out any of this news or it will unfavorable for us."

Chu Feng, with his excellent Oscar-winning performance, displays a "panic-stricken face" and immediately hushes up. The group immediately leaves that spectator area to another viewing area.

Some individuals who are guests that have just arrived manage to hear the Chu Feng's statement and show cunning smiles as they immediately all bet against Feng Ye. Naturally, they tell their friends to also place wagers for the "sure win" that the wagers against Feng Ye's winning continue to increase.

Akihiko smiles as he comments, "The winnings for Feng Ye has a 20:1 odds payout. Thus, every $1 dollar wagered would have $20 dollars won if Feng Ye were to win."

Chu Feng and Haruta also show meaningful smiles.

Meanwhile, in a VIP viewing area above the crowds in an airconditioned room sit a few interesting individuals.

One is a long purple haired girl who is well known as the chess club president, while the other is a blond haired muscular guy who is well known as the kendo club captain. In addition to these two characters, a few high level instructors of the Kami Institute sit to supervise the event.

Both high level instructors are female and have oddly contrasting dispositions. One is silent and stern, while the other is more lenient and loves to converse.

"Hello Watabi-san and Honoka-san. Aaah~ I forgot to inform you about the security details….~~ ! My bad my bad!" The lenient instructor shrugs nonchalantly.

The purple haired chess club president named Honoka replies. "No worries, Suzi-sensei."

Watabi nods in acknowledgement.

Suzi, the lenient instructor takes a look at the stern instructor nearby and refers to her while stating, "Anyways, Mito-sensei here and I have been in charge of the security details and supervision of the event. As the two top ranking second years with awakened abilities, you both also have the qualifications to be here to overlook."

She takes out a tablet and enables a hologram feature which shows a map in a hologram form of the aquatic complex. A bunch of green dots can be seen in locations such as the entrance, exit, scattered around in the audience, and among the perimeter of the outside of the complex.

"Each green dot is a trained institute personal that is a non-esper, however, is highly competent in handling non esper related issues. In the event of an emergency, we would have evacuation protocols." Suzi then refers to Mito nearby. "Mito-sensei will give you the rundown."

Mito spends the next 15 minutes explaining the various protocols for evacuation, etcs. to both Watabi and Honoka. After doing so she gives both Watabi and Honoka an Apple smartwatch look alike device. "I will temporarily giving both of you this. As you can see, we also have them and so does each leader of the groups of trained personnel. This way for any immediate updates, we can communicate and deal with it promptly. Anyways, feel free to rest here and view the event from up here. Suzi-sensei and I will be quickly getting some coffee, would you two like anything?"

"I'm good, thanks Mito-sensei." Honoka replies.

"No thanks, Though, I thank your intentions." Watabi also responds.

The two high level instructors head out of the VIP viewing area.

At this time Honoka takes a look at Watabi and teases, "Ara~ ara~ it seems that the one cultivating to be an immortal in the club training dojo finally came out. Very surprising."

Watabi finds a nice comfortable seating position and closes both eyes while responding. "Training everyday is better than sitting in a clubhouse playing chess all day."

"Hehe. Don't be like that~ Naturally, I have exercised my power as well. Anyways, that first year Feng Ye seems to be participating in this event. Your thoughts?"

"Nothing special, just a larger ant than the rest. In the end, an ant is an ant." Watabi replies. As evidenced in this reply, it seems that Watabi is in the camp that espers are superior to non-espers. Thus, non-espers are pretty much nothing to speak of. In his eyes, Feng Ye is just a strengthened non-esper similar to the trained personnel. In front of an esper, he will probably collapse at first blow.

Honoka smiles, "Perhaps."

Both stop chatting and look out at the massive amount of first and second years swimming laps as warm up.