I really need to go to the washroom…but I'm being chased by a psychopath!!!

At this time, Miku had just received the message from Akeno and had assembling a large student enforcer team consisting of ten students to immediately meet up and head towards the aquatic centre. Unfortunately, due to the constant monitoring on their actions from the board of directors, they had to divide into five groups of two and separately head to the established location.

Assembling nine members is no easy task due to the member's schedules and different locations spread across the city. Thus, in total it may take an hour or two to arrive.


Feng Ye continues to warm up while alternating strokes. At this time, an announcement can be heard.

"Swimmers, please clear lanes 0 and 10 as they will be designated as sprint lanes in two minutes."

The announcement resounds a few times.

Feng Ye didn't think much of it as it is usually the case in the last 15-30 minutes of warm up. A sprint lane for warm-up period is essentially when dive starts are permitted. The designated lanes allow for one person at a time to sprint around 12.5 metres from a dive start. It differs from the circle swimming which is in every other lane.

As Feng Ye was warming up in a side lane which was actually lane 10, he decides to move to lane 9 and warm up for a bit longer until the lines for the sprint lanes shorten. As he expected, during the initial opening of the designated sprint lanes, long lines are formed consisting of 10-20 swimmers.

On the deck of the swimming pool area, numerous swimmers hustling about including referees, lifeguards, and swimming officials. As always, the warm up period is always the busiest.

Naturally, in the busiest of times and the huge amount of people wandering around the deck, areas such as the change rooms are no longer as populated.

At this time in the male washroom area within the male changing room, a well built man dressed in shorts and a black t shirt stands over a couple unconscious male lifeguards. The well build man doesn't seem to have any noteworthy aspects to him in regards to appearance. There is one exception though.

On the backside of his wrist is a tattooed insigma. This insigma is a blood red eye on top of a darkened black cross.

Each of the unconscious lifeguards have each been struck a few blows to the head and now lay here in a handicap washroom. The handicap washroom is a room separate from the general washroom and has full privacy. Currently, the door is locked and closed, thus, this black t-shirt male stands overlooking the three unconscious lifeguards on the floor.

With no time wasted, he bites his finger so that he begins to bleed. As the blood starts to flow, he shows a fiendish grin.

He starts to draw a rather summoning circle-like rune on the ground with his blood. After finishing, he places the hand which is bleeding onto the bloody drawing and channels his magic power into it. His face distorts in a variety of ways, sometimes showing despair, sometimes hatred, other times agony. In brief, this magic is definitely dark magic.

He channels his magic for around 15 seconds and a response can be seen on the rune drawing of blood. The blood on the ground seems to be getting consumed. The dark magic interweaves with the bloody patterned drawing and exhibits a faint red light glow. The black t-shirt male continues to channel his magic for another 30 seconds and finally stops. Immediately, he drags the unconscious three lifeguards into the circle. Each individual stacked ontop of each other.

At this time, the t-shirt male looks at his work and shows a smile.

"It seems my task is done. With this and the spectre, it is enough to cause a bunch of havoc here."

He then laughs maniacally, " Haha, the city of Aven and Aven Institute of Technology. Your era has come to a close. Soon, you will be the ones in hiding."

The man uses the sink in the handicap washroom to wash his hands. After doing so, he heads out while leaving the handicap washroom door unlocked and slightly ajar.

At this time Chu Feng after drinking too much water from breakfast had to go to the washroom. As he heads down to the washroom, decides to go visit Feng Ye. To get to the pool area, one would usually need to pass through the male or female change rooms.

Thus, Chu Feng heads down and has he is at the entrance of the changerooms, he bumps into the t-shirt male.

"Hey, what's your issue?" Chu Feng exclaims slightly disgruntled.

The male in the black t-shirt laughs. "Haha, all that awaits you is pain."

"Your joke isn't funny."

The male in the black t-shirt grins fiendishly and throws out a punch with his right arm. "Anyways, unfortunately, right now, I cannot allow you to enter."

Chu Feng avoids the punch. As Chu Feng was standing near a corner structure, the man's fist with crazy momentum had continued its trajectory and had hit the corner structure. The structure's pillar starts to exhibit large cracks with a deafening BOOM. Chu Feng was able to see the tattoo on the guy's wrist.

Chu Feng at this time seeing this had a scare. "WTF, what is this strength?!"

With no time to ponder, the man follows up with a standard fully powered kick towards him. Although Chu Feng had been holding his urge to relieve himself for quite some time, he uses this urge as motivation to run faster away from this random.

Life over bodily matters. Moral integrity? Screw that, I gotta make it out alive.

Chu Feng bolts away and oddly enough this guy kept chasing him?

"What kind of sick prank is this?! If a Filthy Frank look alike pops up and tells me that it is just a joke bro, I will smash that guy's face into a wall..." Chu Feng thought to himself. Naturally, an alternative Filthy Frank had existed in the world and life of Chu Feng.

Anyways, as he gets a quick pace running, he turns his head and starts to yell, "Hey mental illness, nice trash tattoo!"

Unfortunately, Chu Feng didn't have a thought to choose and be selective on what he could taunt the guy following behind him with so he was able to only taunt poorly like this. However, unexpectedly, it had successfully enraged him further.

"..." Chu Feng dashed wildly about as they were near the changing room area there were no people there at that time. As he continues to dash with the psycho behind him, he finally sees a group of security looking personnel with strict looking faces and the Kami Institute logo.

"Help, psycho behind me!" Chu Feng yells as he refers to the guy chasing him. Immediately, the group of six trained institute personnel immediately try to approach to restrain him. One of the personnel immediately speak into the Apple-like watch, "Report! Area 1B has the occurrence of a strange psycho."

Unfortunately, these six trained personnel were like ants in front of this guy's strength. Each had collapsed at the first blow… Each of them were struck and had flew several metres away and have become unconscious.

Chu Feng was speechless at first, but then he was filled with a sense of fear.

Seeing the expression of fear on Chu Feng's face, the man laughs. "Hahahahahahahahaha! Those who dare to insult the insignia of the Spectre Eye organization will be condemned to the depths of hell!"

Only a single thought appears in Chu Feng's mind…."F*ck, I really need to go to the washroom…wait, that's not right..I need to GFTO immediately..."

For some reason, be it that the guy in front of him kind of expected Chu Feng, this ant, to not be able to get away, he starts standing in place and laughing even louder. "Ants like you even have the courage to insult our insignia. Soon, this insignia will topple this fake peace brought by science."

At this time, be it curiousity or something else, another first year girl arrives at the scene. Her appearance looks like a bookworm and isn't anything more or less than ordinary. After seeing the scene in front of her she screams in horror.

The black t-shirt male in front of Chu Feng sees her and smiles. "It's been awhile since I have been able to wash my hands with blood! Another ant had delivered themselves, hahaha!"

Chu Feng sees a fire extinguisher attached to the wall and immediately rushes to it and breaks it from the box holding it while the guy was distracted. Immediately, he pulls the pin on the extinguisher. Rushes up to the guy in the black t-shirt. Aims the hose nozzle directly at the their face and squeezes the handle to release the extinguishing agent.

This catches the guy off guard and even prevents him from being able to finish his sentence. "ARGHH!! YOU- ARGH!"

He pounds the fire extinguisher at him and rushes to an unconscious personnel who had the Apple-like smartwatch. He grabs it then rushes to the bookworm girl and grabs her hand leading her to bolt away.

While bolting away with the girl, he presses the communication button on the smart watch and yells for help.

Pantingly he squeezes out the words, " HELPPP!!!. I really need to go to the washroom…but I'm being chased by a psychopath!!! Abnormal!!! Mental illness!!!"