I understand that someone has to be the bad luck egg...but why is it me?!

A few minutes earlier, Chu Feng has been crazily out of breath along with the girl he had been dragging along. He staggers and lets go of the girl's hand.

"Keep running, there is no way both of us can outrun this crazy! Go run for help!" Chu Feng says between his panting.

"What about you?!" The bookworm girl shows a look of worry.

"Go! Run!" Chu Feng then is about to bolt in a different direction.

Naturally, the black t-shirt male would rather chase Chu Feng. At this time, lucky for Chu Feng help finally arrives.

Three individuals stride towards Chu Feng and the bookworm girl.

"Hey! Are you alright?! Let us take over from here." The lenient instructor called Suzi asks. With Suzi, is Watabi and Honoka by her side. At this time, on each of their Apple-like smartwatches, a communication methods comes through from Mito. "The situation is critical here will need backup as soon as possible. I am being tied down by one, however, three low level goons are causing havoc."

In reply, Chu Feng tries his hardest to squeeze out a smile. "I'm about to piss my pants. While you guys solve this, let me go run to the washroom! Also, quit looking me with despise! I actually had to go before I met this crazy!"

Just as Chu Feng was about to bolt to the nearest washroom, the bookworm girl grabs his hand. "Be..before you go, can you tell me your name? My name is Yuka..."

"Chu Feng! Nice to meet you, but gotta go!" Hurriedly, Chu Feng then shakes off the girl's weak grip and dashes to the washroom frantically. When he had entered the washroom, he immediately breathes a sigh of relief. As he relieved himself, he mutters, "I understand that someone has to be the bad luck egg...but why is it me?"

While Chu Feng is doing his businesses, back where the confrontation between the black t-shirt male and Suzi, Watabi, and Honoka, the tension in the atmosphere increases.

The black t-shirt male laughs, "Overreaches oneself. Depending on you three?"

He immediately attacks Suzi by immediately throwing himself at her with a fist.

Suzi focuses on the incoming attack while calmly stating, "You two, feel free to display freely."

"Ara~ alright Suzi-sensei!" Honoka replies. She immediately focuses and a purple glow covers the enemy's entire body. She knits her brows as she tries to restrict his movement. Noticing that her efforts weren't having much of an effect she tries to manipulate the floor tiles to do some damage. The tiles on the floor around the enemy starts to rip from the ground and in a rapid-fire manner pelted the enemy's face, chest and torso.

Watabi also wasn't idling at this time. His body starts to harden and a clear transparent armor seems to wrap around his entire body. With the increased defense, he is can tank some hits and immediately charges to intercept the enemy's attack.

Suzi takes out an odd weapon. A chinese traditional folding fan weapon with blades on the edges. She sweeps in the direction of the enemy and a gust of wind accompanied by four sharp blades fly towards the enemy. The wind accelerates the impact and speed of the attack and also complements Watabi's speed as it is a tailwind. It slows down the enemy as it acts as headwind against him.

Upon impact, the enemy roars. "Insignificant struggle!" With a wave of his left arm he hits the blades shot at him into the distance.

At this time, Watabi had arrived in his front and had thrown a hammer fist followed by a hook punch. He was able to hit him clearly on the chest followed by the face.

Unfortunately, the enemy is quite formidable and tanky. The man in the black t-shirt starts laughing. "It's time to stop playing!"

He bites into his left hand and immediately chants. "Zen-wultza. Zeroth-no! Tenakamur. Oh TABI!"

A dark sphere like field around him slowly starts to expand outwards blocking the attacks from the tiles and blades. Watabi sensing some danger immediately withdraws.

The enemy shows a look of disdain and continues to chant a new spell. "Tzu-fah. Zaroth!"

He raises his palm towards Watabi and immediately a dark hellish energy ball of condensed magic gathers in his palm.

"ZELT!" The enemy shouts. The ball of energy is propelled directly at Watabi.

At this time, Suzi focuses on two waves of her handheld fan-shaped weapon and two concentrated tunnels of wind blast out to meet the energy ball. Honoka immediately changes gears as well and manipulates the flooring to form several layers of flooring in front of Watabi like multiple layers of shields which consist of various ceramic and metals.

BANG!!! The impact between the wind blast, the energy ball, and the layers of shield result in each participant to be pushed backwards by around a metre.