To be, or not to be, that is the question..

While the fight continues to rage on the outside of the pool area, the situation inside the pool area still is in a rather desperate situation. Haruta and the others are in the stands. As of right now, this is probably the safest position. The ones in the lobby near the fight outside are at risk. However, the ones at the pool deck area are currently at the highest risk due to insufficient manpower.

Mito focuses then stretches both arms out as though offering a hug. Naturally, one look at her stern face would instantly inform you that she is not trying to hug anyone.

As she stretches slowly outwards, numerous translucent shard-like particles form barrier structures which appear numerously. Layer on layer of barriers stack forming walls on each side of the spectre in front of her.

With a wave with her right hand in the direction of the three "lifeguard" goons, barriers also appear in front of each of them causing each of them to run and collide directly into the barrier. These goons then crazily hammer the barrier with their fists and small cracks appear.

Mito realizing this clenches her teeth. She cannot reinforce those barriers as the spectre in front of her will require her full attention. At this time, large cracking noises are heard from within the cube-like structure which consists of numerous barrier walls. At the middle of this structure is the spectre pale man. Like a wild beast, he hammers on the walls with his fist. Each strike resulting in the accumulation of cracks.

Immediately, Mito raises both hands in the direction of the spectre and forms a frame with her fingers 『 』.

Immediately, numerous layers reinforce the cracks. Mito then moves her fingers of the frame closer together 『 』.Each time she moves her fingers closer together, the cube like structure compresses the spectre further. Naturally, she cannot do this easily as the resistance and onslaught of attacks on the barrier by the spectre prevents her.

"Scoundrel!" The spectre roars while pounding even harder against the barriers surrounding him.

Beads of sweat begin to appear on Mito's forehead. With even higher concentration and maintaining her fingers in the 『 』 frame pattern, Mito creates multiple sharp pointed shards to extrude from the cube barrier walls into the interior where the spectre continues to revolt.

The barriers blocking the goons continue to accumulate cracks. Mito sees this and shouts, "Immediately get as far away from those three as possible! All institute personnel immediately form a blockade and try to delay as much time as possible! Cycle the injured to the exit first!"

The shattering of three barriers is heard where the three goons have been temporarily blocked.

The trained personnel immediately get into position and form a barricade. Every object within reach also was thrown towards the three goons such as kickboards, noodles, and pull buoys to slow their charge.

A row of the trained personnel immediately take out a riot shield which seemed to have a buzzing hum emitted from it. Electricity courses through the shields.

Behind this row of personnel with riot shields are a row of personnel with a high tech-looking sword blade with crackling electricity surging on back and forth the sword edge.

The three "lifeguard" goons charge through the numerous pool equipment that were used as projectiles and immediately ram into the row of personnels with riot shields. Immediately, the fight became one pot gruel. Groups of trained personnel surround each goon and engage dogfights.

The swimmers on the deck continue to worriedly evacuate the space. Feng Ye also starts to evacuate. Haruta and the others already have exited from the viewing area.

Unfortunately, when around 85% of the swimmers have evacuated. A mutation occurs.

The personnel are limited by their stamina and strength. The goons seemed to have inexhaustible stamina. Thus, quickly, the personnel started to tire out leading to their rout. One by one, the personnel pant for breath then collapse under the onslaught of the three goons. The badly battered riot shields were scattered all over the now bloody pool deck.

Just as the last personnel was about to collapse, with a desperate look, he apologizes with a glance at Feng Ye and the rest of the swimmers. "Sorry…"

After glancing over and saying that single word, a fist from one of the goons pummels his head resulting in the cracking of his skull. His entire body gets flown by the impact into the pool water. The area where he landed in the pool slowly turns a light red due to his outflow of blood.

Feng Ye now has the choice. The famous quote from Hamlet resounds clearly in his mind, "To be, or not to be? That is the question..."

Shall he use his ability to protect these non-espers or use it to leave quicker. Naturally, he has no friendship with these scrubs. He immediately chooses the latter.

Decisions are great in the planning stages, unfortunately, reality doesn't allow for such. Feng Ye notices in the crowd of the remaining 15% of swimmers Wu Ya's form.

"D*mn, why hasn't she evacuated yet…"

Unfortunately, Wu Ya, during warm up, was in the middle lanes. Thus, during evacuation, she naturally would be one of the last to be able to leave the pool.

The three goons immediately charge towards Feng Ye, Wu Ya, and the remaining 15% of swimmers.

Mito notices this scenario and sighs in a depressive manner. "At least the 85% were able to exit from here..." She then continues to focus on dealing with this enemy. If the spectre in front of her isn't solved quickly, the slim chance of rescuing the 15% would be zero.

"AAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Mito screams as she forces all her strength into compressing the spectre in the barrier cube. Numerous spikes continue to get formed and are shot at the spectre within.