
Akeno watching the scene on her screen in her office knits her brows. "I haven't heard about this type of blood offering."

She immediately urges the response team to go quicker. Miku replies and her voice can be heard over the intercom located in Akeno's office, "We have arrived at the parking lot and are running in!"

It is at this time that Akeno looks back at the screen showing Feng Ye in Shira form facing off against the spectre. Looking at the Shira form Feng Ye, she mutters, "Perhaps… he is Rank S potential..."


At this time the lively dark flames on the spectre's right fist begin to spread upwards toward the rest of the spectre's body. A few seconds later, the entire spectre is covered in this dark flame. Lifting his head towards the ceiling, the spectre with both fists clenched roared loudly.

"Watch out!" Mito yells. Shira hearing her yell uses repulse on the ground to propel herself to where Mito was.

Mito then had waved her right arm and all barriers that were constructed to impede the spectre's movements immediately shatter to pieces. Several reinforced walls appear immediately in front of them. Each one towering and reaching as high as the ceiling. The barriers are around 1 metre in thickness each and seems to be armored in smaller barriers.

The spectre raises both of his arms and opens his palms wide towards Mito and Shira. A huge terrifying amount of energy gathers at his palms.

Feng Ye who is observing this exclaims, "That looks like a freaking kamehameha! D*mn!!"

A large energy ball with a diameter of three metres appear at the spectre's palms. "For a powerful opponent, such as yourselves... You should be honored to be able to witness the peak of darkness! DIE!"

The large terrifying energy ball is thrown towards Mito's series of barriers. The initial thick barrier walls which had contacted the energy ball were torn as though it were paper. As the energy ball had slowly reached the fifth and sixth barrier it had decreased a little in diameter, however, it's speed was still relatively fast. Seeing this, Shira immediately grabs Mito's hand and utilizes repulse to shift their position to the are adjacent to the path of the energy ball.

The remaining barriers had ended up dispersing some of the momentum and energy of the attack, however, were still torn. The energy ball which was now around 1 metre in diameter collides with the back wall of where Mito and Shira were previously. A large hole can be seen and the outside of the pool area was clearly visible.

Shira and Mito can see Suzi, Watabi, and Honoka who have just pushed past the evacuating group of swimmers through the hole in the wall.

Suzi looks up and sees Shira and Mito along with the huge hole and gawks. The group of swimmers nearby Shira and Mito also are startled. Kotori Miku and her group also can be seen to have arrived where Suzi, Watabi, and Honoka are.

Mito yells into her Apple-like smart watch. "Send back all reinforcements! The enemy is approaching the levels of a rank S- threat! Unless we have A level espers, all is futile!"


Akeno immediately clenches her teeth and informs Miku and the others to hurry and evacuate the group and evacuate themselves. She trusts Mito's judgement and thus, this unexpected encounter immediately has reached uncontrollable levels.

Mito clenches her teeth as she mutters into the smart watch, "It is not good, we won't be able to prevent another of his attacks.. Especially if he aims for where that hole is again. Before my barriers could slow it down slightly, but the remainder of the force was luckily absorbed by the wall which also had been reinforced. Now this wall is gone… We can only persist and delay until evacuation…it seems like it is finally my turn to take on this role."

She turns to Shira, "You have potential- hurry and escape!"

At this time Feng Ye inquiries to Shira in his mind, "Will Perfect Trance be able to do anything?"

Shira replies immediately, "No, perfect trance only accounts for the maximization of potential of solely the host. It cannot branch out efforts to protect a group as it will no longer maximize efficiency which will decrease optimal conditions. The only path to take now is either escaping with Perfect Trance or…. Synergize and hoping for the best."

Feng Ye in his consciousness form clenches his teeth and mutters as he takes a look through Shira's eyes at the group of individuals outside the hole in the wall. "I have never cared to take on the heroic role. Usually heroes are fools… however, what is this feeling….? Placing all on a single final effort for only a straw of hope…"

Feng Ye sees Wu Ya's anxious face among the crowd and also Kotori Miku's anxious expression.

He thinks to himself. "This is cruel. I've been forced to integrate into this world... all for the single mere hope of returning. However, now, why do I feel a sense of responsibility? There really was such a version of I which had existed, wasn't there?"

"In order to prevent that pain of loss to be experienced once again and for it to happen to others, someone has to hold up the sky.." Feng Ye recalls his pain in losing Akimichi. He strengthens his resolve and immediately interrupts Shira Takeover.

" 『 Synergize』!" Feng Ye shouts. Immediately, he finds himself in Shira's small build. Shira now is an observer and comments, "You probably won't be able to meet head on toughness with toughness. It takes around 30 seconds for him to charge that huge energy attack. Use it to approach and decapitate. In Perfect Trance, it won't allow for any straight burst of energy as it would ruin efficiency along with decreased sustainability. Remember only 5 mins!"

Remembering the feeling of when he had observed Shira utilize his abilities, Feng Ye immediately mutters, "Particle Blade".

His voice which was heard by Mito was Feng Ye's voice now. Although it was kind of odd listening to Feng Ye's voice while he was in Shira form, she quickly urged him to escape.

Feng Ye focuses on the enemy while replying to Mito, "Support me with the barriers. Try to open up a path for me to easily move around him."

Mito no longer continued to urge as she becomes serious, "Alright. I can only persist for another 2 minutes before I collapse."

"Got it." Feng Ye answers and immediately utilizes his increased attributes and darts similar to Shira's movements before. Naturally, each small movement resulted in an afterimage."

Barriers form on each side of Feng Ye as he kicks off these barriers using repulse to increase his speed. He quickly arrives to the front of the spectre who has been charging energy for another attack.

Feng Ye leaps upwards and utilizes his particle blade to cut one of the arms collecting the energy. The spectre immediately stops his gathering of energy as he gets disrupted. A quarter formed energy ball gets hurled at Feng Ye followed by a fist covered in the flame. Feng Ye immediately side steps, rolls, and leaps to avoid the attacks. He lounges to a nearby barrier platform at the left side of the spectre. Using this as a wall to kick off of, he uses both hands to grasp the particle blade and slashes downwards at the left shoulder of the spectre.

The dark flame immediately tries to resist the slash. The spectre also reacts much quicker and had thrown a punch directly at Feng Ye's particle blade. A deafening sound can be heard as the particle blade makes contact with the spectre's fist. Unfortunately, although Feng Ye had learned quite a lot from Shira during Perfect Trance… he cannot perfect it yet, thus, still lacks experience.

During this confrontation and short standstill between the spectre's fist and the particle blade, the spectre steps back and swings his other arm at Feng Ye. Feng Ye who is currently stationary in midair couldn't avoid in time and gets struck hard.

Bang! Feng Ye pounds into the pool deck floor leaving a series of cracks around crater ion the ground. "Argh!"

Feng Ye spits out some blood. The corner of his mouth has some blood that starts to drip. A normal person who sees this would exclaim that this was child abuse due to Feng Ye's Shira form!

The spectre wastes no time and immediately stomps on the ground to prevent Feng Ye from getting up on his feet easily. As the entire aquatic centre shakes, Feng Ye as he was about to get up immediately loses his balance. The spectre uses his right fist which was previously at a standstill with Feng Ye's particle blade to pound Feng Ye to the ground.

He hurls his fist towards Feng Ye! Numerous barriers are broken as Mito tries to block the fist.


Akeno from her screen bites her nails. Kotori Miku clenches her fists nervously. Wu Ya worriedly looks at the scene praying silently.


The fist breaks through all the barriers and arrives at Feng Ye. Forced to withstand this brute force attack with toughness, Feng Ye immediately discards the particle blade which immediately disappears and throws his punch at maximum strength and utmost effort at the incoming fist.

Boom! Feng Ye supports himself with all his strength while on one knee to the ground. His fist and the spectre's fist is still connected and making contact as following the impact is now a competition of strength.

Feng Ye is currently on the defense as he maintains this pose shakingly against the spectre who has a build and height superiority. This confrontation can only be described in one word: desperate. A pretty much futile attempt. At this point it seems brutally one sided. Shira in Feng Ye's mind sighs.

Wu Ya who watches this closes her eyes in sadness and despair hoping to not witness Feng Ye getting smashed. The group of evacuating students also due the same hoping to not see the brutal scene which is to follow...