Particle Domain- 『 ISEKAI MICROCOSM』!

Feng Ye knows that he is pretty much making a futile effort. However, in his innermost feelings, a roar of unwillingness envelops his entire consciousness and soul. He still must return! He cannot fall here! This unwillingness continued to expand until it had started to resonate with the surroundings. His persistent emotions were utilized as a catalyst to condense into energy. The energy from around him in his surroundings immediately incorporate itself into Feng Ye's small body (as he is in Shira form).

Feng Ye who had been distracted by his unwillingness struggling internally didn't notice a new ability which had appeared in his panel.

Particle Domain -

An area in the host can easily manipulate all particles to easily form or dissemble structures. Structures formed can defy the laws of physics within the domain. Requirements of activation: STR 180, INT 200, VIT 200

WARNING: Using this ability causes a huge amount of stress on the host's body. Using for prolonged amount of time may result in permanent irreversible damage.

Naturally, Shira was able to see this. However, Shira was also aware of Feng Ye's current stats.

STR 150

SPD 126

INT 195

VIT 180

He won't be able to meet the STR, INT, or VIT requirements. Naturally, it is in the best interest of Shira to help Feng Ye or it is also her dead end.

Immediately, Shira pulls up Feng Ye's shop panel. Seeing the adjustment of conversion rates and decrease of effectiveness of the potions are expected.

System Shop (Energy Points [EP]: 33)

Point Exchange | Conversion Rates


Stat Points: (Former: 1 SP = 2 EP)

1 SP = 5 EP

Ability Points: (Former: 1 AP = 3 EP)

1 AP = 8 EP


Featured Items | Costs

Smoke Bomb | 2 EP

Tracker NanoBug | 5 EP

Potion of Strength (x1.2 STR for 15 mins) | 10 EP (Changed from x5 to x1.2)

Potion of Speed (x1.2 SPD for 15 mins) | 10 EP

Potion of Vitality (x1.2 VIT for 15 mins) | 10 EP

Potion of Intelligence (x1.2 INT for 15mins) | 10 EP

Potion of Miracle (Full Recovery) | 500 EP

Other items: Inquire System


Ability Lottery (95% Failure, 5% Success) | 50 EP per 1 draw.

*Note: After Host Attributes Total 200, Adjustments (Sum of STR/INT/SPD/VIT) made in SP and AP conversion rates.

*As host's ability had increased, the potions' effectiveness decreases.

With Feng Ye's 33 Energy Points, Shira immediately purchases Potion of Strength, Potion of Vitality, and Potion of Intelligence for a total for 30 EP. As soon as they were purchased, they were immediately consumed. As the shop essentially is apart of the system which resides in Feng Ye, as soon as it is purchased the potion immediately integrates and is utilized within Feng Ye's body.

Immediately after the purchase, Shira sees Feng Ye's stats:

STR 150(x1.2) -> 180

SPD 126

INT 195(x1.2)->234

VIT 180(x1.2)->216

Thus, Feng Ye can now use the new ability that had unlocked due to the conversion to energy of his intense emotions of unwillingness and regret.

Feng Ye surprisingly felt his body increase and flow with vitality and strength. He felt his thoughts clearing up. As if instinctively he immediately knew about his new ability as though he had been enlightened despite not looking at his panel.

He immediately yells, "『 ISEKAI MICROCOSM』!" He immediately feels a huge amount of stress coming from all sides both around the surroundings towards his body and within his body. He absolutely knows that he cannot maintain this ability for long.

Mito nearby and Akeno (from the screen in her office) sees that the area around Feng Ye and the spectre seem to form a semi transparent dome enclosing both inside.

Wu Ya and Kotori Miku see this and have a glimpse of hope.

Feng Ye's condition is very bad right now. He immediately clenches both fists and numerous particles around him form into numerous Dao which float around him. Feng Ye as a Three Kingdoms fanatic naturally loved the sword designs which had reflected in these weapons formed by particles and energy similar in composition to his particle blade. Dao are single-edged Chinese swords. All of these particle dao swords immediately fly directly into the spectre. Feng Ye also roars in agony as he points towards the spectre's head. Immediately small molecules that the spectre is composed of slowly break off as though it were dissembling him.

The spectre roars. "You- !" Without the chance to say the next word, his face scatters into numerous particles. Feng Ye internal injuries are aggravated due to the stress and backlash of his ability. The formed particle blades continue to be formed and sent flying into the massive spectre. Various parts of the spectre slowly dissemble at a molecular level. Even the blood that seeps out. This process continues until all that is left are a pile of particle swords with no spectre remaining. Feng Ye immediately stops using the ability and all particles objects formed disappear into the void.

Feng Ye who was on one knee all this time falls to both knees forming a seiza-style Japanese kneeling posture. The semi transparent dome immediately retracts and shatters.

Feng Ye gasps for air between pants as he utters a few words out, "It is finally … over.." At this time, a wave of mental and physical fatigue enveloped his entire being due to the backlash from Synergize. That is not all though as the backlash from his new ability also exponentially increases the pain. Feng Ye felt his body burning as though he had torn every muscle in his body. In addition, he felt as though he had been light on fire.

He hadn't noticed, however, Shira noticed the change on his panel.

Particle Domain -

An area in the host can easily manipulate all particles to easily form or dissemble structures. Structures formed can defy the laws of physics within the domain. Requirements of activation: STR 180, INT 200, VIT 200

WARNING: Using this ability causes a huge amount of stress on the host's body. Using for prolonged amount of time may result in permanent irreversible damage.

Mito also collapses on the floor. Immediately Akeno stands up from her chair in the office and restrains her urge to immediately head to the scene.

Wu Ya, Kotori Miku, Suzi, Watabi, and Honoka immediately rush into the pool area to help up Mito. They also are about to approach Feng Ye but Mito prevent them.

"No! He is burning up right now, touching him will cause a burn. It must be backlash from his ability. Immediately flush him down with water then let the medics approach!"

Honoka uses her ability to lift a large volume of pool water to drench Feng Ye. Feeling this large volume of water envelope him. Feng Ye immediately felt relieved…. This was all over.. Finally…

Kneeling there without any remaining strength Feng Ye holds his breath and closes his eyes as the pool water cools him down immediately. As soon as the pool water disperses all over the pool floor, a team of medics immediately rush over to help tend to Feng Ye's wounds.