Lucid Nightmare

We talked and I filled her in on stuff. It felt weird to me. Is this what it's like to raise a child? After a while she started to act like a normal person would. She even was laughing, I honestly think I doomed her because my sense of humor is now hers to. Her being their seemed to distract me from everything else. Everything was happening in the moment tonight. I didn't get a moment to really think about stuff.

Now the night is at its darkest. Because its winter the nights are darker so there's still a decent bit of time until morning. Wait. What am I saying, this is still just a dream. Though this feels way to real.


Well I can feel pain.

"Hey Addison, what's that over their?"


I look over to see a stray dog that has a emaciated body and sharp teeth.

I start to get scared a little despite it just being a dog.

The moment I think this the dog starts to change

It's like my thoughts are changing it.

Wait? Could my thoughts really be changing or?

I try to imagine the dog being nice but my fear is growing continuously. The dogs body keeps warping from my thoughts and my fears taking no real form as it switches between the two. Suddenly the dog lurches forward and my fear takes over completely as the dog finally takes form as what's best described as a monster. The monster starts ripping at my skin and out of the corner of my eye I see Grace standing in fear. With my last breath I tell her to run. With that being said I remember that I can make things with my mind in this dream. Though I know it's a dream I feel the need to stay alive like one would in real life. I create a spike from the ground and I impale the monster through the head. Despite this it still seems to be alive and it starts using its claws to tear me apart instead of its teeth. My vision keeps fading in and out while I sit their loosing my life. There is no god damn way this is a dream... this feeling is new... I'm dying.