The Battle: Conclusion (1)

With the activation of [Auto Mode], Raith relinquished control to the automation, allowing his own muscles to take charge of the driving. This seamless transition empowered Raith's remarkable skill known as [Multiple Cognitive Resonance], tapping into his muscle memory, honed abilities, and astute decision-making based on predictions, thereby showcasing his true potential.

It was perplexing to determine whether Raith was the one engaged in combat or not, as his countenance bore an impassive expression, akin to his state of samadhi. Balam had become well-acquainted with Raith's fierce and irritable visage over time, observing how his eyes moved when they were intensely locked in battle, how they never strayed but delved deep into his very soul. Balam had even admired Raith's unwavering focus during their previous skirmishes.

However, something had changed in the present moment; that intense gaze was absent, replaced by a disconcerting emptiness.