The Battle Conclusion (2)


With a resounding impact, Balam swung his fist, anticipating a fiery expulsion of fiendish energy that would charge at Raith. Yet, to his dismay, nothing happened. He found himself utterly useless in this realm, unable to manifest the power he desired. Frowning in frustration, he persisted, shooting his hand and making intricate gestures that were supposed to be a prelude to a powerful dark spell.

However, all Balam achieved was a frantic dance, resembling that of a mad man. As he bit his lip, growing increasingly exasperated, Raith observed him from a distance.

Finally acknowledging his humiliation, Balam lifted his face to Raith and questioned, "What are you doing?"

Raith, surprised by the unexpected turn of events, pondered, 'Hmm, I didn't anticipate it to unfold like this. Could it be the influence of the [formless will] I incorporated into my domain? Now, I'm truly intrigued by this [formless will].'