Arts, Magic, Skills Explained!!


I'm back again, this time I will be doing a little bit of clarification of magic, arts, and skills.

The entire universe operates on a certain system called the voice of the world, this is a system that every being has, every being except those on Earth(there's a reason as to that and I will leave you to discover as we go further into the story.

So even though the characters do not show it, they actually hear and see the system. But they don't make it obvious because it's pretty normal.

And most times, a certain age of maturity is reached for all beings (except Earth) to be able to hear the voice of the world or the cosmos. Some even refer to it as the Cosmic Wheel itself.

It grants them status and a way to grow.




While these three phenomenon may look the same, they are entirely different.

Although the system aids in magic detection and execution, magic usage is totally dependent on the user, i.e. the user has to understand the basics and know how it works.

Arts are the same way, but arts a non-magical and are most times inherent. But it can also be thought. These are the kind of abilities that are mostly found in Asuras and Guardinals, angels, and demons. But it does not limit them from being able to use Magic and skills too.

Skills are strictly given by the system, and their use is totally dependent on the system. Like in games, the more you use them, the more your proficiency increase, they gain higher levels and you know how to use them better such that the body becomes accustomed to them.

The next thing I will be touching is energy.

All energies originate from one: Cosmic energy.

I'm not supposed to mention this, but aye!! Spoiler alert!! Don't believe that notion. As much as cosmic energy is the source, there exists another source that is unexplored and unknown.

Cosmic energy

Divine energy (aka ete'r)


Dark Mana

Fiendish energy


Magic energy.

These energy levels are different and are listed according to their closeness to the cosmic energy in pure and unrefined form (atmospheric form)

The divine energy is the closest to the cosmic energy but it is still not the same thing as cosmic energy itself, what makes Cosmic energy very different is the fact that it can't be gotten from the atmosphere, while the others can.

In the outermost layer of the atmosphere, said to be closer to cosmic energy is the divine energy which is called ete'r in its purest and unrefined form. But beings such as angels cultivate them by meditation and that process is what finally converts ete'r to divine energy and puts them in a lot of different cultivation stages (that is a description for another day)

Following the outermost layer, to even the layers that fill the sky and the air around, that is mana. Mana and Magic energy are the same things, however, they are slightly different because of Earth's ecosystem. At first, it seemed as though it was just the naming sense of earth's humans–but there is a lot more to be discovered.

Magic energy operates internally and cannot be gathered from the atmosphere, so far so good, there is no method for that. That is why the growth of hunters are stagnated.

Dark mana is mana cultivated from negativity, it is the only closest form to what the demons have that humans can use. Humans may be able to use dark mana, but they can't possess it within their body as it can cause a Mana Reflux and ultimately lead to paralysis, inability to use magic or death.

Demons can possess dark mana and also possess fiendish energy but to them, dark mana is considered impure and disgusting because it can never compare to their fiendish energy.

Fiendish energy is derived from cosmic energy also, it is like all the bad residues condensed in one point–Felfhiem.

Lastly, we have AURA. Aura might look like the most insignificant but it has potential, however, it is very hard to cultivate or even unlock because they include enhancing the body to maximize its usage and are only found among humans who learn arts (yes arts can also be learned by humans... although a high level of it can destroy their fragile body with just one use)

That will be all for now. Till we see again.

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