Emergency!! this chapter is between 307 and 308

Amongst all monsters, some had unique and different traits. These unique traits oftentimes can be found in an entire species of monsters such as phoenixes, wyrms, and dragons. 

But usually, these species are hard to come by and nearly impossible to defeat. With a ratio of 1:100, there always exist some monsters who have unique abilities, yet are not boss monsters. 

These kinds of monsters are often called variants. 

Variants were strong and unpredictable, a simple way to address them, was:

Monsters with a little bit of intelligence. 

Curtis's eyes resented the monster. It now had a new appearance due to its flames. But that did not even pain him more than his shattered sword. 

The fire attack was to put the monster in hell for shattering his blade. After what Andre said about starting a family a couple of minutes ago, he was already thinking of putting the sword as a family treasure. 

But the darned monster broke it. 

"Sir Curtis..." 

Derailing from his train of thought he answered;

"Do you have a plan in mind?"

"No, but I feel something strange rise in my chest." 

Curtis unsure whether he wanted to carry on with a conversation like this, at a time like this, hesitantly asked:


"I want it..." Andre paused, looking at the monster. He couldn't help the disgustingly joyful expression that intruded his face as he said those words. 

He could feel his insides burn with passion. 

But by 'want it' what exactly did he mean? Curtis was thrown into a land of confusion, he observed the prince's expression for a dozen more seconds. 

'He wants it for real.' 

Prince Andre looked like a kid that just found his best toy. An infatuated man. A woman that just got a brand new Ferrari. The joy on his face could be written in diverse ways yet it seemed so weird and uncanny. 

Because what Prince Andre was looking at right now was a blue gorilla monster. 

Curtis shook his head slightly not knowing what to conclude. 

"I guess you should follow your heart and get what you want then..."

It was the best he could say, given the situation. But he had never felt so weird after speaking in his entire life. 

'What the hell did I just say?' 


"Thank you!" 

Andre cried out and darted forward like a crazy dude, leaving Curtis's hand extended in the air. He had belatedly raised his hand to stop him from recklessly dashing in but the prince's sudden release of speed shocked him and kept him from talking. 

Besides, Andre probably couldn't see it. But red chains made purely out of aura were wiggling behind his back like tentacles as he ran forward. 

'What is that?'

It took Curtis a few more seconds to process his thoughts. 

When he was going to awaken, it was in an unexpected way. He had just finished daily exercise drills with some heroes who were the high rankers in Therut and was even chit-chatting with Rudgen when his chest suddenly began to pain him. 

It was like his insides were burning and soon his clothes were on fire. It was an embarrassing day for him, one he didn't want to remember. 

Taking note of the way Prince Andre had been talking, this seems to be the same thing going on. The aura chains on his back were shreds of evidence. 


Andre shot into the air with a superhuman strength, a power he had never believed himself to have. His eyes widened with excitement, a bright smile opened his mouth as he amazingly glided through the air, deftly avoiding the gorilla's snowball throw. 

He landed behind the monster, and with a swift footwork, he turned and darted across it before it could reach him. One of the wriggling chains that came out from his back caught the monster's leg and tightly wrapped it, pulling the monster as he dashed forward. 

The gorilla, helpless was hauled across the ground. The second chain grabbed its other legs as its struggles intensified. 

Even Andre did not know what exactly was going on. The gorilla grabbed a building rock of snow abruptly putting a stop to Andre's annoying running. 

Andre flipped over the air, falling on his back. The grip of the chain on the gorilla loosened granting the monster a millisecond opportunity to escape its grasp. 

However, before it could, Andre had soared into the sky again. The chains this time had even grown longer and two more had grown out of his back, making a total of six chains that were wriggling out of his back. 

Andre flipped midair over his head, glaring down at the struggling monster with delight. Two of the chains in his back twirled together and shrunk like a spring. 

They extended in a burst, producing a force that propelled him downward at a blinding speed. 

A large explosion ensued, bathing the whole area in red light. 

Curtis looked up into the sky, he had not been able to focus on it because he was focused on the Prince and watching out for him in case there was any point he needed to step in. 

The golden radiance that filled the air bathed his skin with warmth. He felt like he could pool this thick coat and still be alright, the sky was so beautiful, and when the glow of red caused by this recent explosion was added. 

The scenery was godly. A perfect picture that could never be erased from his memory, if he could stop time, he'd probably want to have this moment down in the grandest of paintings. 

A new country on this land. Curtis was sure they would turn out to make a great country on this land. It would be hard but it will be great. 

Raith and Maria landed as the red glow began to shimmer down. 

"Brother! What happened?! Where is Prince Andre!" 

Curtis's eyes turned to Raith and then shifted to the source of the explosion that was beyond Raith. 

Raith turned back to look at what his brother was trying to show him. 

As the cloud of snow cleared, Andre stood sat with a radiant smile, on the shoulders of the gorilla.