Sphere Of Light (1)

"Wow, so many people!" 

Balam's eyes hovered around, as restless as the wind. Meanwhile, Mok Jae-Hwa calmly walked while dragging the luggage of both of them. 

This was not exactly a happy occasion for him. In general, it was, but this part of arrival wasn't exciting. The fact is that he is probably the poorest person in the airport right now.

"Oh! Jae-Hwa-ssi! You were invited too!" 

'Of course, she came! Damn!' 

Mok Jae-Hwa regretfully bit his lips before she came into his view. It was hunter Seong Nara. The second disaster ranked hunter of South Korea.

Her skin was as pristine as ever, her blue eyes brimming with everything that consisted of the beautiful life, under those bright eyes were a vibrant and innocent smile. But Mok Jae-Hwa was no stranger to that deceitful smile. She wouldn't hold back on insulting him when given the chance. 

Her eyes went down and suddenly became filled with pity.