Sphere Of Light (2)

"I'm sorry, I didn't know he was that important to you." 

She didn't understand what was going on here, but throwing shades on the catastrophe-ranked hunter had caused the dark-skinned man to change his mood. 

With the stern face he wore right now, it was hard to believe he was that same guy who was complimenting her minutes ago. 

A smile formed on his face. 

"I apologize if that scared you. I am quite sensitive when it comes to matters about Lord Raven. I serve him and I won't allow anyone to talk down on him."

"No, it's my fault." She replied with a sheepish chuckle. 

But this just got weird! Serve? Lord Raven? And that too from a man she was already considering to be a prospect. Surely, she was not about to fall for a man who served someone when he should compete with him, aiming to be better.

The ice queen's boyfriend had to be great in all properties.