A New Beginning

The atmosphere was shrouded with a dark blue flood, while it looked like the sky was at its darkest. It was also like the sea was looming above this land.

Beneath this anomaly, were two men. One was walking, the other crawling.

The one walking had dry, dark skin, his eyes were dark and gleamed eerily with a malicious sobriety, his look was distant, they spared no mercy to the man who crawled away from him.

The distinguishing feature of this man apart from his dark skin was his pointed ears and his height. He wore a black cloak that somehow mystified his presence, they were also ragged.

A long silver blade glinting and softly whistling against the wind was held by his right hand.

He slowly walked closer to the man who tried to get away from him. That one had a large tail that danced about as he desperately tried to get away.