The Decisive Battle

With the energy that flowed around him, Raith recovered his vigor. His wounds still hurt, the pains around his muscles and some wrecked bone still persisted. Ultimately, he was feeling better than he was a second ago.

To top it all, his cosmic energy and aura was recovering at a tremendous rate. He didn't know what factor to attribute this to but it was not a new thing. It happened regularly when the abyss was in him.

Raith took steady steps, walking one step after the other. The monk stayed where it was, eyes fixated on its target. Its arms trembled and palms were moist. But it didn't bat an eye away from Raith.

Even though. It still lost him.

Raith narrowed the distance before a second counted and fixated a punch into the monk's gut. It responded with the flow: coughing out a mouthful of blood and hurled away the next instant, tumbling a long roll away before finally bringing himself to a stop - dragging his hand on the ground.