Hopeless Man

Raith's training began without further ado. The squatting sessions he had for five hours were the easiest of his sessions.

Thard - Harl did not go easy on him at all. Every time Raith had to carry out the monstrous asura's absurd drills, his hatred grew and grew.

But Raith had no choice, his stubbornness persisted sure but the few times he dared to bare his fang, he was one-sidedly beaten, thrashed, battered, smashed and crushed, several times over. Left alone a tiny step away from the deep ditch of death.

The asura healed him once - when he broke his hand during their first battle. They've had several more battles after then and his bones had been crushed in even worse ways.

Sometimes, he would have to pick himself up after hours of suffering and crying in pain. Then he would fix himself something to eat.