To Be A Player

Raith could vividly remember the first day he came here. What particularly made him stay was because the vicious asura said he was going to teach him everything about combat.

Over two years now, he had not taught not even a damn thing.

Raith sat down, his finger crossed. His messed up hair and dirty face made his serious demeanor look like an expensive joke.

This was it. He was not going to make the asura take advantage of him anymore.

'How does one even take these off?'

He inspected around the weight manacles. There was no marking where it can be opened.

'How strange. I've had these on all these while and I've never thought of removing it.'

Raith had gotten so used to the manacles that he sometimes forget they were there.

As he was inspecting it, the asura appeared before him. Immediately, Raith shot up with a stern glare.


Thard - Harl grimaced.

"Master. I greet you!"