Stellas Pov.
After I said my "first-word" mommy and daddy have been trying to get me to speak again. I've decided to call them mommy and daddy instead of mother and father till I get older that is, Man adults talk was too much. After our little meeting with the Venenums daddy and Norzan have decided to walk mommy and me back to the village.
Right now I'm currently in mommy's arms looking around, for being a forest its awful quiet around here I haven't seen any animals so far, that's weird I wonder what this place is called? As if they hear my unspoken question "Elle why did you come to the lost forest by yourself and with Stella no less?" daddy asked mommy, that what I've like to know too. "Honey I've been coming here since you started working for the ZeroCore. Plus there shouldn't have been any Venenums in this area."
Are you kidding me? this place is called the lost forest...Great my parents are insane, that would explain why I don't see any animals here but whats the ZeroCore? "But still you have to be careful, When I saw your Magma flare I thought my heart almost stopped." I can hear daddy say with sadness and worry in his voice. "oh honey I'm sorry...I promise I won't come here alone again with Stella."
Mommy stops and gives daddy a hug bring me into it, I smuggle deep in the hug and sigh with content. I feel better having daddy here with us, Norzan I'm not sure what I think about him I mean he's not mean plus he works with daddy. "Hey, Elle why did you go into the forest anyway?" Norzan ask "Well Stella and I wanted to check up on you guys since you'd be around the area, Plus Stella hasn't been out of the house before"
Wait are you blaming me on this??? I look at mommy in dismay, I stretch my arms out to daddy wanting him to carry me. he's not looking at me...getting frustrated I yell "Daddy! up!" he snapped his head in my direction looking at me in shock and happiness still not picking me up I yell again. "Daddy! up!" I start to feel tears swell up, Seeing this he quickly plucks me out of mommy's arms trying to make the tears stop.
"oh shh Stella daddy's holding you see? you're in daddys arms" I blink and the tears start to stop, I giggle and hug him and yell "yay!" this got everybody laughing with us. After are laughing we continue walking back home I start to see the entrance to the village, I can see someone I don't know standing there almost like they're waiting for us suddenly I'm put in mommy's arm. "ok Elle I want you and Stell to go straight home ok?"
I hear daddy whisper to mommy ok I'm confused don't they know who that is? I look over and see them looking at me, I freeze ok I wasn't expecting them to look at me. It seems like mommy and daddy don't notice this too busy whispering to each other, I look closer and see some kind of marking on his face but what shocked me the most was his eyes.
They look like pools of ink on paper, I get the feeling of wanting to go near him... so I reach out to him and I feel something touch my hand I look down and see some kind of...Flower? I look up and see him gone. "Shit he's gone, hurry home we'll see you later, remember to activate HolyBlitz." I just bearly hear daddy say to mommy and I. "Stella? what's wrong honey? are you hungry?" Mommys voice breaks me from my daze I point to the gate, silently asking why did he leave this catch her off guard and looks at me in worry before stroking my cheek and mumbles.
"She shouldn't be able to see them" confused as to why I shouldn't have seen him I tilt my head. "Now let's get you home honey it's about time for your afternoon nap, see you at home lou." just as she said that I yawn, and rub my eyes. After daddy and Norzan depart heading back to the lost forest mommy starts walking back home, on the way I see the Soul Tree again in the distance as before I reach out my hand but this time I can see what looks like pollen coming out of it and lands in my hand.
Ok, that's something new I wonder if this is Mana? Before I can investigate it more mommy thinkings it's a good time to start rocking me in her arms nulling me to sleep, I can feel my eyes grow heavy before I close my eyes I see the same man from earlier standing near the tree smirking at me with that I fall into what I thought would be a dreamless sleep, but I was wrong.
It was raining outside, bearly anyone was out apart from the people running the shops I was walking back home in the rain with no umbrella, As I walk my mind thinks back to what happened at school yesterday. Why can't they understand I did nothing wrong!! why must people be so mean, why can't they see that they're hurting me? I stop walking and just stand here not moving, Why am I here anyway? Maybe I shou- Before I finish my thought I stop feeling the rain.
I look up and see someones in front of me holding an umbrella I don't look at there face I just stare at there chest, I can tell they are male and what looks like a school uniform but I'm not sure. "hey, you ok? why are you out here in the rain with no umbrella?" this person asks me, shocking me greatly that anyone would even notice me let alone talk to me, I nod my head "yeah, I-I'm fine.."
I said with a very small sad smile on my face, this here seemed to make them think otherwise because they didn't buy it. "Ok If you fine, then why are you crying?" I'm crying? I reach to check but stop. there's no way they can tell I'm crying for all they know it's rain. "I'm not crying, it's just the rain now If yo-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because this person moves their hand towards my face, thinking I'm going to be hit I flinch and back away slightly.
Shaking like a leaf on a breezy summer day. He stops moving, from what I could tell at lease, being curious as to what he was going to do I slowly look up at his face and see a look of sadness and confusion etched on his face. His eyes are green with a bit of brown throughout, his hair is black and curly too. That made me mentally smile, but what really got me was the emotions I can see going through his eyes. I could see Sadness, confusion, anger, and lastly understanding? before I can stop my self I ask him "How do you understand the pain I feel?"
He smiles back and answers back almost immediately "because I've been there, I know that pain very well" His voice was deep and sounded gentle when he answered me I pause before speaking again. "Does it get better? or will It continue..?" I ask with a blank face. He nods "Yes, Its does get better but it will but up to you if it will get better or not" It's up to me? I'm must have been in some deep thought, because I didn't flinch when he pulled me with him over to a small house down the road. "Take your shoes off I'll be right back."
That got me out of thought I look at him and nod taking off my shoes I look around and see a small family room with a tv and couch, I can see the kitchen in the back and a small hallway. Man, it's cool I start shivering Damnit! I shouldn't have walked in the rain great I'm going to get a cold now. I sigh looking down as I do, a towel is dropped on my head then I feel a pair of hands rub my head trying to dry my wet hair.
"Here you look like a wet cat with your hair like that." he chuckled lightly at me still, drying my hair I didn't stop which is odd since I don't let people touch me let alone my head. After a few minutes he's done drying my hair, he hands me some clothes and points to the door at the end of the hallway. I nod and head for the room hoping it was the bathroom. After stepping in I look over the clothes he gave me, he handed me a black hoodie with letters spelling out 'Have faith' and a pair of grey legging too.
After looking them over I quickly change and head back to the family room upon entering I see him sitting there on the couch with two cups waiting for me. "ah feel better now? sorry if the clothes don't fit you there my sister here this will warm you up" he hands me one of the cups I nod taking it and sit down next to him I take a sip and smile. Hm...Chocolate "So what's your name?" he askes me Should I tell him? no lets not. I shake my head telling him no. He nods in understanding, we sit in silence for a bit before I speak. "Um... what's your name..?" I ask in a small soft voice, He stops drinking and gives me a knowing smile "It's Alex."