:Your not daddy:

Stellas Pov.

I snap my eyes open freaking out, why did I have to dream about him again.. I start crying my lugs out loudly waking mommy up. she rushes to my room and picks me up trying to calm me down. "shh its ok it was just a bad dream honey, your safe" that only made me cry harder and louder, seeing that this did not help but make my cries worse mommy took me to her and daddy's room. "Lou honey, wake up, Stella won't stop crying" Mommy wakes him up and puts me down on the bed, in between her and daddy, noticing I'm on a soft bed I slowly stop crying and begin to calm down, the feeling of being alone faded, I slowly start to fall asleep... "There you go Stella, goodnight sweetie"

I hear mommy and daddy say goodnight and kiss my cheeks I let the darkness suck me into its clutches. When I open my eyes I can see the field I've come to love. I take a deep breath taking in the air and smell of the flowers and smile, walking down the path that has formed from the last time I was here, heading to the oak tree I see 'him' there again...I start thinking back to my dream. Why did I dream about when Alex and I met, I slowly stop walking till I completely stopped, I miss him.

I start to feel tears running down my face, I turn around and head for the river instead of the oak tree, As I get closer to the river I start to hear something splashing around Walking faster I finally make it to the river and what I see has me shocked. There's a pure white wolf, jumping around trying to catch some of the fish in the river I walk over with caution being careful to not scare it and have it attack me. It seemed to sense me for it stopped and looked at me with light caution and curiosity dancing in its silver eyes.

I freeze fearing to move, but It just looks at me like its waiting for me to keep moving, I gulp and begin moving again till I'm by the edge of the riverbed It's still looking at me not breaking eye contact with me. I stop and think why am I going closer to him for all I know It will attack as some as I'm close enough to it. I shake my head and start walking into the cold water shivering a bit, getting closer to it I'm just about knee level when It starts walking towards me.

I stop and watched it get closer till it was about few feet in front of me, For some unknown reason to me I reached out my hand to it. And waited After a few seconds he moves closer till he's just inches away from me, then suddenly he presses his nose against my palm and purrs. I giggle "Hehe I didn't know wolves can purr," I say with a smile and slowly start to move my other hand and pet his head slowly, he seems to like it because he pushes his head into my hands and starts to lick my face catching me off guard "So whats a beautiful wolf like you doing out here?"

after asking this he stops licking my face and just stares at me, Looking into those pure silver eyes I can almost feel like he can see my soul. This made me feel at peace with my dream from earlier which is very odd to me, without thinking I say "Who are you?" This seemed to catch his ears, after this he moves away from me and on too the river's edge. I just look at him I wonder what he's doing? I tilt my head In confusion he stops and looks back over to me make a 'come with me' motion with his large head, I walk over to him and start walking with him, after walking for about 10 minutes I see the Oak tree in the distance.

"You wanted to take back to the tree? why?" I ask him thinking I'll get an answer back from him much to my surprise I do. "Yes, he wishes to see you my starlight" My jaw drops...Did he just talk?! I stop moving and just stare at him in shock "you'll catch flys if you keep that open" I snap back, and quickly close my mouth. After that, I stop talking and just walk, within a few minutes we see 'Him' sitting at a table now in front of the Oak. That's odd I don't remember seeing a table there before. before I can ponder anymore a voice breaks my thought.

"Well looks like you found our little star, good work Sigeweard. Now my little star tell me what brings you here today" I stare not understanding a thing going on, How does he know this wolf I now know as Sigeweard, I nod and take a seat next to 'Him' and start to think again what did that dream mean and why is there a wolf here? "So my dear, mind telling me what's wrong now?" I look over and tilt my head "huh?...oh yeah well I had a dream or more like a memory of before I got here" "Oh really? do tell my sweet" He gestures to the seat next to him, So I begin to tell them about my dream and so on after I finished everything got quiet. Not even the bird we're singing nor we're the bugs humming in the field.

Why is it so quiet? did something happened? not being able to handle the silence anymore I speak up "Um is something wrong?" I ask looking over to 'Him' and Sigeweard, They are still almost frozen in time not even blinking, Why aren't they moving or blinking? did I say something wrong..? I question myself. I start to get the feeling of sadness coming back in my little heart from my words, why can't this feeling just leave me be?! I start to hyperventilation and shoot out of my seat backing away from them, I can't handle that look in their eyes I can feel the judgment and doubt coming from them like waves. "N-no stop it...."

my voice blows in the wind breaking the silence around uses. I keep backing away from them till I'm far enough away and I bolt, That seemed to make them come back from there daze. "Stella! come back! Sigeweard hurry follow her!" I can hear 'Him' tell Sigeweard shortly after that I hear paws hitting the ground hard and gaining speed on me, Panicking I start to stumble on my own feet trying to run faster But it seems useless to even try to keep running anymore I slowly start to stop but before I can fully stop I trip over a root sticking up from the ground and fall down a hill "STELLA!"

I can hear Sigeweards voice coming after me right when I fall. Next thing I wake up With tears in my eyes, I blink and see I'm still in my parent's room looks like they are still asleep. I sit up and yawn in doing so my tummy make its self-known by rumbling, Oh my tummy hungry crawling over to mommy I shake her and say "Hungry mommy!" she only stir a bit before settling more into bed. Hm, she won't wake up then maybe daddy, I look over to daddy's side but he's not there... Huh? where did he go? maybe he when to work? I wonder what the ZeroCore is? my tummy rumbles again, Ok enough thinking I need some food crawling over to daddy's side of the bed I start to climb down. over the months I finally got the hanging of walking around, I forgot to say I'm almost a year old and started to get my baby teeth and man they hurt!

Ok, I'm on the floor now time for my search for food! I crawl towards to door and lucky me its open, I crawl on till I'm by the kitchen. Before I move anymore I hear something that stops me dead in my tracks, Is daddy in the kitchen? As I'm getting closer to the kitchen I start to see their shadow it's taller then daddy and slightly thinner too. Instead of screaming for mommy like any normal baby I keep moving till I'm right behind them, I can see what appears to be a black cloak covering them with the hood down revealing white hair and Fluffy wolf ears?