Xun Zichen

"Xun Zichen. That's my name," he said. 

Su Xiang's eyes widened further; her lips parted from each other. "Xun Zichen?" She repeated.

He nodded, and Su Xiang stared at him, stunned and wild. 

"How come you haven't told me before?" Su Xiang asked, expressing the shock on her face. She didn't know he knew his real name this entire time. 

Xun Zichen's lips thinned into a tight line. "It's something I remember vividly — that name. But I don't remember anything else," he admitted.

"But if you know your name, then you must know who your real family is?" she questioned.

Xun Zichen nodded, his face long and wary. 

Su Xiang bit her lip. She could sense that he did not want to talk about it. But just who were they to make him appear so shaken?

"You can tell me when you're ready," she said.

Xun Zichen sighed. "I have yet to learn more about them myself. It's complicated."