Morning: 18+

18+ (Skip to the end [...] if you're not comfortable with mature content)


In the morning, Su Xiang woke up to the sound of someone entering the bedroom. She sat up, noticing that Xun Zichen stood near the door, still shirtless. He quickly glanced away. "Sorry," he said, and she realized that she was still half-naked herself. 

She lifted the bedsheets over her chest, flushing.

He walked towards the dresser. "I have to get my shirt," he said awkwardly. He stumbled on the way, and Su Xiang smiled. He didn't know how to act around her. She didn't know either.

Things were still left unsaid. But the memory of their kiss lingered. 

His back faced her when he searched through his clothes; his muscles flexed the tattooed Phoenix on his back.

"When did you get that?" Su Xiang asked him, astonished.

Xun Zichen was scanning his dresser for a dress shirt to wear. "I had a few sessions over the last two months," he answered.