Speaking of Truth

Xun Zichen finished up some work as quickly as he could manage, knowing that Su Xiang was waiting for him at home. 

"You seem to be in a good mood," one of his colleagues said. 

Xun Zichen couldn't suppress his smile. He usually didn't, but the curl of his lips betrayed him. The last 24 hours were something he didn't imagine, even in his wildest dreams. Su Xiang returned his feelings, something he thought would be impossible. 

But it wasn't fair to her, or to Yu Haoran, too, if he didn't solve the issue. 

But again, he didn't expect Su Xiang to convey the same feelings he felt. He always thought he was alone in something that is considered taboo to those who don't know their history. He thought marrying Yu Haoran would make him forget about his feelings. 

He called Su Xiang to tell her that he would be meeting with Yu Haoran to deliver the news of his decision.