Going Out (2)

Song Meiling and Zhang Enyu were silent for a few long minutes; the insects sang, filling the awkwardness between them. 

"So you're really leaving?" she questioned him. 

Zhang Enyu furrowed his brows. He noticed how she looked sad, almost as if she was going to miss him? But that wasn't possible, he thought. Song Meiling had been adamant that they'd never go beyond their fling. Besides, he was coming back. But he thought to let her misunderstand him, wanting to see where this conversation would lead.

"Yes," he answered; it was a half-truth.

Song Meiling sighed deeply, glancing away.

"Do you have a stick?" she asked him. Zhang Enyu nodded, passing her a cigarette, taking one out for himself, too. He lit his with one hand, as well as Song Meiling's.

"For a foreigner, how was it like joining in the crazy misadventures of the Song family?" she asked him with a forced but genuine smile.