Your Name: 18+

It was the day, the very day that Xun Zichen would claim his name.

He went to the Household registry office, feeling melancholic that he had to remove himself from the Su family. He had given the officers his DNA test results that proved he was related to Xun Yaozu, connecting direct kinship. 

After a few hours, they confirmed his kinship towards the Xun family. One of the officers passed him a key, and said, "With the recent passing of your uncle, Xun Yaozu, we leave all his assets to his next kin. There's nothing much left; the bank took everything, from the company to anything worth valuable inside the house. But the estate itself will go to you."

Xun Zichen widened his eyes, forgetting that he was the last member of the Xun family. Xun Yaozu must have left his will to the next family member. As much as his uncle detested him, even he'd not give it to anyone else. The phoenix must run in Trueblood.