Purple Haze Institute

"You're taking him?" Yin Fu's father seemed all but ready to have his son taken away.

"Yes we believe him to be a great talent and addition to our school. However we can only take him with your consent." Umo was calm but there was the telltale sign of him being displeased by the eager look in Yin Fu's fathers eye.

"yes. yes! take him make him into something and take him away!" and that was the last Yin Fu heard from his father besides the celebration that was going on when he walking away.

"Uncle Umo what am i going to do in the institute? because i'm worried about what will happen when i meet my peers again." Fu was obviously still scared at the prospect of being tortured and left to die in an even crueler way by anyone that bullied him in he past.

"you'll be enrolled in elite classes but it's not like they just accept anyone so when we get there you'll have to pass some test set up by the board. do your best!" Umo said encouragingly but that seemed to scare Fu more as he never thought about having to go through test before.

'what kind of test? should i ask Uncle? No. he probably can't talk about them anyways but if its like the normal advancement test to get into the schools primary classes than maybe i have a shot' while Fu was thinking about this they arrived at the Institute. The building was 4 stories high a floor for each year of students. it look like it was made entirely of metal but one could tell that some brick was covered with paint where they ran out of metal for the walls.

walking in the building Umo turned around. "ok wait in the lobby while i go and get your testers ok." Fu nodded and said nothing else.

half an hour had gone by and Umo still hadn't returned 'what if i have to insert my energy into a weapon! i don't know how to control it i just got it.' Fu was siting on a bench thinking about what the test hold for him when a shout was directed his way

"Hey Yin Fu what do you think you're doing here? i thought i told you to wait till i picked you up. seems like i'll.." the voice that was obviously Nie Li stopped for a minute and that gave Fu time to raise his head to look at him in the eyes. "y-you ranked up to 3-star realm from an unsettled body in a week?" Nie Li seemed shocked and disturbed by the news

"uh hey Nie Li" Fu fidgeted a little 'calm down he can't do anything to me here and Uncle will be back any minute. don't be a coward stand up to him' Fu thought this to himself but didn't follow up on it.

Right when Nie Li was going to insult Fu again Umo walked in with a woman that was barely older than him "Fu the board decided they would test you with other students of the same age as to gauge your strength. this is Alissa she is currently top of the elite class and her strength is 1-Star Silver Realm!" while Umo said this Nie Li seemed to come to an understanding of what was happening.

"He's been selected for elite classes? he isn't even bronze rank!" Umo was shocked by the outburst as he didn't even notice.

"do you think he shouldn't?" Umo asked the question seemingly ignoring his out burst.

"absolutely and you expect him to fight a silver rank i bet he can't beat me a bronze rank! allow me to be the one w

he fights with!" Nie Li was transparent in his hatred towards Fu and both Umo and Alissa could see it.

Alissa seemed ready to say something until she was silenced by Umo "okay, okay stop..."

"lets do it then!" Fu finally mustard up the courage to say anything but like last time he regretted it instantly as he thought about it.

Umo was surprised and so was Alissa but none were more shocked than Nie Li who thought Fu would try to hide behind the people who showed up. a smirk appeared on his face "you hear him lets bring this to the field!"

the group walked to the field and Nie Li got in and taunted Fu to get in "come face your death Yin Fu!" he shouted it loud enough that others seemed to hear it and join the crowd to watch Yin Fu get beat by Nie Li.

"Yin Fu?" "he's the kid that got into our school without any cultivation right?" "yes! i nearly forgot we had such trash." the students that gathered started to ridicule Yin Fu for being talentless.

'Why did i think this was a good idea! i'm going to get forced to the ground at this rate...focus....focus. what did i bother learning all these years for. i learned every concept for martial training and martial skills all so i could one day take the number one spot when i got my cultivation, and now that it finally came i need to take it. I-I Need to make theory into reality!" making his mind up Fu took a basic stance called the Star's Fall stance in preparation.

while the Star's Fall was hardly a high level technique it was made to fight against those bigger than you with a simple grappling motion.

"alright then seeing as you two seem ready I'll start the countdown and be witness to this fight!" Umo had gotten to the middle of the stage and almost called off the fight until he saw a strange look of determination come from Fu that he hadn't seen. It was intense and seemed to yell at the world "I'M HERE"

Umo raised his hand "On Fight, Fight! 3-2-1 FIGHT!" on fight Umo's hand raced downwards

"Raaah" Nie Li took off instantly with his aura bursting forth. Nie Li thought his aura alone would suppress Fu, but instead Fu seemed to hold his ground this caused Nie Li to be even more infuriated and made him speed up slightly more.

'focus, stay calm... and..' Fu moved his left foot forward and lowered his posture to go underneath Nie Li's punch. "STRIKE!" Fu yelled with everything he had while jabbing his fist into Nie Li's gut lifting the teen while doing so.

"Gah" Nie Li's smile of victory turned sour as pain enveloped his body.

Not stopping for even a second Fu turned a grabbed Nie Li's head and brought it forth slamming it into the ground causing it to crack with the force generated. 'woah i did that? i know the basic concept but i feel as if that was instinct. i'll have to think about this later focus on the task at hand' Fu backed away from the downed Nie Li and got into the Star's Fall stance again.

Nie Li was suddenly heard getting up. Slowly but surely he got up and his expression was dark. Nothin but a murderous glare was present, No smile, and especially no glee that was normally present when he was bullying Fu.

"Did you see that! Yin Fu the talentless loser just put Nie Li's face to the dirt!" this obviously caused an uproar within the crowd. "Yeah he did! he isn't even in bronze rank. let alone close to getting to bronze he's only 3-Star Wood realm while Nie Li is in 2-Star Bronze realm!" one student heard this and turned in shock. "You're telling me that the talentless Yin Fu is fighting with someone 8 ranks above him and holding his own!"

while the crowd was murmuring Nie Li was thinking things through on his own "this trash is fighting me! He even got a hit in everyone knows that genius can only surmount one to two levels of cultivation! he isnt even 9-Star Wood realm but has the ability to hurt me. i-is he a monster.." while Nie Li was in his thoughts suddenly he was aware of movement. that movement being Fu taking initiative and pressing his advantage.

'he's finally out of his daze i need to get close enough to grapple him and pin him to bring this to an end!' Fu's thoughts ran wild with a strategy, but his lack of experience showed when he decided to pick up his speed slightly. Fu was taking notes from his opponent and trying to move too fast to be caught.

"As if!" Nie Li saw what was happening and set out to counter Fu but Fu jumped and lifted his foot to Nie Li's face. Losing consciousness Nie Li brought his fist to Fu's face before losing all of his strength and passing out. watching Nie Li's body hit the floor with a thud everyone got quiet.

"Aah" being struck Fu was shocked and brought out of his high. Reeling back Fu barely caught himself on a knee before he fell. 'ow ow ow this hurts so much. i guess he is a 2-Satr Bronze realm so its expected. Wait..did i really just fight against a 2-Bronze Star realm?!' Fu was stunned at his realization.

"WINNER YIN FU OF YEAR 1!" the voice of Umo was heard that broke the silence.

"H-he's a monster!" "He actually beat Nie Li!" "How does the talentless loser gain such skill!" "He was using the basic stance for Star's Fall but its power was more than the book says its suppose to be!" the crowd lost it and started rambling and roaring like a dog that knew there was food but the owner was slow to give it to them.

"Alright this concludes the fight between peers Nie Li and Yin Fu please go back to your homeroom and prepare for classes!" this time it was Alissa who's voice pierced the crowd. "Someone bring Nie Li to the nurse, and Yin Fu please follow me to finalize your results!"

Fu seemed to have forgotten why he was fighting in the first place before getting up and slowly walking to Umo and Alissa "Good job Fu!" Umo said proudly

the praise stumped Fu "uh-um thank you uncle!" it was obvious to anyone that Fu wasn't used to praise.

"So for the test we're just testing your attribute and soul power to determine how to go about teaching you." Alissa explained and a surprised look appeared on Fu's Face. noticing the look Alissa smirked "what did you think the test was gonna be a fight? normally people can't surpass 2 levels of cultivation we wouldn't bully you in a test. hahaha." hearing this Fu was stumped because he thought the fight against was for his spot in the elite classes but it turned out it was pointless.

'of course they wouldn't have me fight someone so much stronger in retrospect but i really thought that was the test! gah im an idiot!' Fu reprimanded himself in his head for his lack of judgement.

Umo had lead them to a room with a crystal in the middle "Now normally you would've taken this when your enter the school but seeing as you body was unsettled the power of your soul wasn't able to take shape but now since you've made a breakthrough we can test you." Umo gestured to the the crystal in the muddle of the room and Fu approached the crystal with his curiosity growing as he approached it.

"what is this?" Fu finally asked as he got in front of the crystal.

"The soul transmitter! as the name implies it transmits a copy of the soul onto the face of the crystal to reveal the soul power and attribute! all you have to do is put your hand on it and insert some of your soul power into it." Alissa answered in a textbook manner that seemed almost robotic.

"got it." 'here goes nothing!' Fu placed his hand against the crystal and when he inserted his soul power into it.

the crystal trembled and stated to glow. The light started to grow and grow until it was blinding. when it died down it was still bright enough to fill the room with a light blue glow that had tinges of red oddly in it. then the light took form of a humanoid figure with a tail swinging dangerously behind it and piercing red eyes.

"My god. what is this. the light blue glow is associated with the frost element but the tinges of red are associated with the flame element, but i've never seem a soul form a figure. I've only heard of it in legends that a soul forms a shape to describe the type of power ones soul will develop into." Umo was trying to stay calm and explain everything under the gaze of the overwhelming power shown in the transmitter crystal.

"so i have frost and flame?" Fu asked trying to learn as much as he could about his soul.

"no most likely its that flame affects your soul or causes it to react in a similar way that frost does." Alissa finally snapped out of it to answer Fu's questions.

Umo then began to explain the logistics of Fu's soul. like how the frost attribute was normal but never as strong as his which is why he was able to directly take in natural frost energy and not refined frost energy like those found in cultivation resources. this also explained why he ranked up 3 times as he was able to garner a bigger harvest from natural energies than refined energies that reduced the energy to ten percent of the original.

The flame was an oddity but they theorized that it was why his meridians were damaged because of the opposing forces in his body. this meant that he could probably use flame cultivations but not to the extent that he could with frost as he balanced his body by unbalancing it and having more of one element to suppress the other in his body.

when they finished explaining everything it was night and Alissa was sent home while Umo showed Fu to his new dorm where he would live while he was in the elite classes.

"your room is room 44, and your things should be moved in by now you can spend tomorrow setting it up as there are no classes tomorrow. But come the next day be ready to start training with the elite!" Umo was beaming at this point at the prospect of training Fu.

"ok uncle i'll be ready. For now i'll rest up." exhaustion was taking over Fu after the days events.he could only think of sleeping at this point but was trying to be polite out of respect for Umo.

"okay okay go." Umo waved him off with a smile seeing Fu's half lid eyes.

'finally i can rest' Fu opened the dorm to his room and plopped onto the bed he saw. 'weird why does it have pink covers? did they run out...' was Fu's last thought until he blacked out to exhaustion.