First practical class

THAWCK!! "Who the hell are you creep!" a feminine voice seemed to be yelling but Fu was only half awake and panic and fell off the bed.

"uugh. what? who's there?" picking himself up Fu tried to rub the sleep away from his eyes.

"Thats what i'm asking you!" the feminine now had a face to put to it. The girl yelling was Blue haired beauty with matching blue eyes who was slightly shorter than Fu. Although Fu's eyes drifted to her sizable..."PERSONALITY of a stooge! At least pretend you aren't a pervert and look at my face!"

"Aah! Sorry, sorry! I'm Yin Fu and i was told this was my room by a worker named Umo!" Fu fixed himself and instinctually spoke fast to get what he needed out.

"Yin Fu? the kid who started a ruckus earlier today? Also how could they say this is your room when i'm already booked in hear...i have serious doubts about your story. I'm going down to the manager office to see if this is true, or if it was a mistake."

'i thought girls were supposed to be unreasonable in this kind of situation! thank whatever god is out there!' Fu's internal thoughts weren't visible on his face but the blue haired girl knew what he was thinking and giggled to herself.

"You're just lucky that today was a good day otherwise i would have actually gone off on you!" the blue haired girl said before she took off towards the managers office.

this alone scared Fu as he thought his days of enduring people was over. 'nevermind then' Fu sighed and followed behind.

the two students arrived at the office and were greeted by the manager "Howdy whats this surprise visit from two students? what you guys start dating and wanna move into the same room sorry thats against the rules to change into a room with someone of the opposite sex!" assuming what was happening the manager stopped them before they could get a word in.

"No! we aren't dating but apparently he moved in to room 44 but thats my room but as you just said we can't have two people of different sex in the same room!" The blue haired girl said while smiling evilly at Fu.

The manager was quick to answer "ah Yin Fu and Neli Arketa room 44 yes i was informed this morning of Yin Fu's arrival. now what seems to be the problem?"

"what but you just said that a guy and a gi..." Neli tried to refute the manager but was cut off.

"i said that they can't switch into the same room but they can be assigned into the same room its rare but usually happens when we run out of room and a new comer needs a room as such the case with Yin Fu." manager cut off Neli to explain and pointed at Fu who was trying to hide himself in a corner.

'feel like they forgot i was a person...' Fu thought to himself

"why me! i have enough problems without having to room with this pervert!" Neli exclaimed and pointed at Fu as well.

'stop pointing i feel like an exhibit at this point.' Fu was having his internal turmoil while everything was going down.

Fu and Neli returned to the room after confirming that Fu lived there. "we talk about this tomorrow and set up some rules but first i wanna shower and i suggest you do the same before you do you stink! what did you start that fight and immediately go to sleep? gross!" Neli started talking and remind Fu that he hadn't really slept but oddly Fu felt fine.

'does this have to do with my soul? i'll figure this out later.' "okay do you wanna go first? or me first?" Fu asked putting his thoughts on the back-burner.

"you go first that way you can't peek pervert!" Neli glared a little when she said that.

Fu just nodded and head to the bath. when he closed the door Neli bit her lip 'i know the first time we met was an accident but i still can't trust him yet but if he can make it a week them he'll be in he clear!' Neli nodded to herself and made her mind up.

this would be the start of the week and three days would pass quickly with no incidents. Fu started classes but there was no differences from normal classes except today was the weekly day that the elite classes took a practical class. practical classes were separated by rank those in 1-Star to 9-Star Wood, Bronze, and Silver and higher realms were separated. there weren't any students in gold realm but in older generations one student got to the platinum realm while in his 2nd year, but the coming generations were not as talented and never came close.

the students were in class with Fu taking a seat in the back to avoid unnecessary attention. While the students were gossiping about practical class a man walk in with a muscular frame and overly waxed mustache that seemed to sparkle on command. "take your seats everyone and i'll split everyone into your groups." the teacher put everyone into the groups passed on their rank but then Fu heard his name and waited to hear what group he was in. "Yin Fu you're alone on orders of some executives but you will go into the monster zone-2 same as the bronze realm group."

This came as a shock to Fu since this was the first he heard of it. 'Umo what did you do... and why with the bronzes? maybe i can do it in the monster zone-1 but zone-2 is filled with bronze realm monsters...i haven't even fought anyone else except Nie Li!' Yin Fu started to panic since he knew his limits and thought he was being thrown into the deep end to soon.

"Yin Fu i was told that this is training to make up for you lack of training before and that i'm to give you this basic cultivation technique." surprisingly the teacher had more to add and what he said startled Yin Fu even more.

Yin Fu took the technique and went to the area where the floatel would pick them up. cargo ships were these huge aircrafts the acted like a flying hotel that could move at mach 1 and looked like ships that floated.

'this is the first time i've seen on in real life. i wanna know how it works! its so cool! ah wait gotta focus Umo said this is training because of my lack of... training so is it like remedial training? i don't understand but i need to do this i can't let Umo down!' as Fu boarded his floatel he quickly took out his newly acquired cultivation technique and studied it for hours until he was told they had made it. in total he studied for 3 hours and had got it dow but wanted to see if he could gain any understanding and make it better but his effort bore no fruit and he was stuck with the low level technique.

"the objective of todays class is simple! take down a monster of each elemental attribute! that means 1 fire, frost, undead, light, earth, and poison! grades are based on time, how strong a monster is, and the type of monster it is! also we will pay the students market price for the carcasses they turn in but only the for the five that are for class any extra will be a third of the price. with all that out of the way come get your starting supplies and split into groups of 5 and set off you have until tomorrow to finish this assignment!" the teacher finished and the students went into a frenzy getting supplies and forming teams some noticed Fu but brushed it off since they had to worry about themselves.

Fu had been given gear by Umo before hand with Umo saying every strong person has what they need on them when they need it. so Fu started to carry around extra supplies in his bag. His bag was given out to every elite student as a way to carry supplies during practical classes like these. the bag could carry anything it touches up to 10,000 pounds and the user could pull out what they wanted by thinking of it, but if things were to big to simply be thrown in the bag had a seal that absorbed them into the bag if the user put their hand on its activation seal above it and faced the absorption seal to what they wanted to be sealed. the bag can't absorb living creatures but creatures that were small enough can thrown in the bag and live in a fate worse than hell as they are thrown into a pocket dimension where they lose control of their bodies and fall endlessly till death or they are rescued.

'i wonder why it doesn't absorb the earth? because the weight limit? because its too big? whats too big can i absorb a floatel?' Fu was fantasizing about the bags uses while making his way through the forest to find his any monsters to target. 'Shit i should've studied up on this land before coming here! i'm sure that i'm already lost now, but i haven't seen any life at all where is everything'

"uun!" a noise caught Fu's attention as he stopped moving.

"a dog?" whispering to himself Fu climbed up a tree to get an advantage. 'i have to bait him out, but with what?' as he said this the creature walked out of the brush and stalked towards the direction he just was. 'what luck! and its a Earth attribute DireWolf so all i have to do is kill it without drawing any atten...'

SNAP! suddenly a Giant serpent takes down the wolf like creature, and in one fluid move it locks its body around it squeezing the life out of it.

"Awoooo!" the DireWolf clamps down and releases its aura of 1-Star Bronze to help combat the Serpent on it, it almost gets out until the serpent releases its aura of a 5-Star Bronze realm on the wolf suppressing it entirely and killing it in its moment of weakness.

Fu watches this scene while subconsciously backing up to the base of the tree he's on. 'W-w-what am i doing here i'm not capable at all why did i think i stood a chance!' Fu started crying in fear and getting into the fetal position to protect himself in a reflex that he learned throughout the years. 'somebody save me!'

"I heard something over here!" a male voice was heard through the woods. His aura of 3-Star Bronze realm was felt from where Fu and the serpent were and they both turned looking hopeful ,and Hungry respectively.

"Finally we don't have a single thing yet its about time we found something!" this time a familiar feminine voice was heard along with her and 3 other aura that all were 3-Star Bronze realm as well.

'no you aren't strong enough get out of here!' Fu ranted in his head knowing that the students that rolled up were outmatched. 'wait what if i use them to escape! its not like they're my friends! not that i have any besides Uncle Umo... yeah i'll leave!' Fu was showing his cowardice again but in his mind it was the only thing to do why help those you have no relation to?

"ok Neli i need you to stun it while i get the first hit in followed by Koi and then again by Grant. Kelly stay here and be ready to defend if anything goes wrong! got it, then go!" the male that was the apparent leader said while taking out a sword.

"got it Garren!" Neli replied giving a name to the leader.

'Neli what are you doing! can't you feel the serpents aura it's too strong for you and them!' Fu was visibly upset but still made no move to help or warn the group 'what do i do! i know we haven't been friendly to each other but we are roommates. why couldn't it just be some random people.' Fu stopped finally stop crying when he noticed the serpent pounce towards the group while they were off guard going over their plan.

"Garren watch out!" Kelly yelled out jumping in the way of the serpent to block the hit with her shield and lance.

"Graah!" the serpent roared and overpowered the shield user knocking her back and pushing towards the group even more.

'Shit! Shit! Shit!' time slowed down as Fu watched the events unfold 'i can't just leave them can i?' suddenly Fu has flashbacks to his childhood where adults and kids alike never bothered to help all because he was deemed worthless by people that did test incorrectly. 'i have no reason' the scene changes to a little Fu in his room crying after being bullied in class when his door opens and his father walks in. "i have no reason to help you! you ruined everything! you killed Catherine! you killed my reputation!" Fu's father yelled while tossing a dirty blanket at Fu. 'i should let them die!' a new scene shows Fu narrowly avoiding some kids that were chasing him Fu sighed until he bumped into Nie Li. The event follow as they would with Fu ending up in a hole on top a mountain surrounded by ice. 'they would do the same! so i' Fu saw the old face of Umo helping him being different then anyone else he ever knew. something Fu never understood. "i want to be different" Fu looked down at his hands "i wanna show everyone the kindness Umo showed me!" Bellowing out Fu drew his daggers.

while Fu was having his internal turmoil the serpent had cornered Neli's group having pushed them into its body encircling them entirely. "What do we do its obvious that this is stronger than all of us!" Grant shouted starting to panic! while the rest had the same thoughts in there head.

"RAAAAAH!!!" a shout alerted them to a new presence they got hopeful till they felt the aura of 2-Star Wood realm. the group all felt terror as they new they were still trapped.

"how the hell did he get in a monster Zone-2 he isn't even bronze realm!" Garren questioned while trying to comprehend the situation they got in. i took her a second but Neli recognized her roommate "Yin Fu why are you here get away your only getting in the way!"

Fu heard everything they said but tried to not focus on them instead on the battle he inserted himself in. 'first activate the cultivation technique' as he said this his energy started to swirl in his body making a whirlpool in his chest. 'next pull out the power to the surface and into my daggers!' his daggers lit up with a tinge of light blue 'next i need to...DODGE!' Fu ducked under the serpents tail as it whipped past him 'oh god focus on the fight you idiot!' Fu's energy in his body started to grow more as he absorbed the natural energy around him. 'what is this the technique is only supposed to allow me to absorb almost insignificant amount, then why can i feel it pulsating!' Fu felt himself getting stronger and was surprised by this.

Fu ran along the body of the serpent towards the serpents head. when he got half way there his aura suddenly burst. "did he just rank up!" Garren gaped as he witnessed everything.

"He did but how? he very obviously is 3-Star Wood realm but it makes no sense he shouldn't be able to cultivate without resources or a technique but even legendary techniques give a comparably small amount of energy towards cultivation!" Neli spook up. She wasn't lying no one had ever used cultivation techniques as an actual resource since they weren't reliable ,and resources were far better. That's why the school didn't found it necessary to only give out a low class as to allow them access to a technique, but not bother wasting time giving them legendary one to save on funds trying to get one.

'i ranked up? is this the effects of the technique? it slowed down but its not done yet i can probably rank up to 9-Star Wood realm with this if i have enough time!' when Fu found this out he had his plan set. "Hey you guys help me buy sometime! just defend don't bother fighting it i need time to rank up some more!" Fu dodge another tail swipe and stabbing his daggers into the passing tail letting himself be dragged away.

"buy him some time? does he think we can stand up to this thing in the first place!" Garren growled out "what do you think he means by rank up again? He can't rank up twice in a row can he?" Grant asked his leader helplessly.

Neli heard Fu and was ready to dismiss him. Suddenly another burst of power came from the direction Fu went. "He can really rank up multiple times in succession! guys all we have to do is protect him while he draws agro its simple kiting!" Neli shouted out running down to Fu with her team behind her.

"aaaah! i knew it would drag me around but this isn't what i thought it would be!" Fu yelled out as he was clinging to its tail that whipped back and forth trying to shake him off like a bull. 'almost at the next rank! keep steady.' Fu let go of his daggers and hopped off of the serpent. When he landed it reared its head and look right at Fu its eyes glowed purple showing its attribute to poison. 'does that mean this thing is a Poison-head, but its huge so did it mutate to grow this big!' Fu grew more worried when he made this discovery since the Poison-head was some new species but a mutated species mean more trouble since they can be considered the top of their realm meaning if another monster were the same rank as a mutated monster it was outmatched in terms of energy stored.

the Poison-head thrusted its head towards Fu whil he was recovering from landing giving Fu no time to move out of the way. "i gotcha!" Kelly blocked the initial blow getting knocked over. while Grant uses his sword to stop the progression of the attack as he's being pushed back Garren and Neli join him in pushing against the tail. They hold off the Poison-head long enough for Fu to get his barring and run out of the way of the attack towards the last member Koi is waiting for him.

"focus on cultivating! we can buy you a minute to focus, and only a minute so be quick!" Koi warned Fu of the time limit he had to cultivate. with a nod Fu sat down and focused on cultivating.

'got it focus on the core of my energy, shape it, and condense it.' when Fu sat down and focused he broke through to 5 then 6-Star Wood realm.

As Fu ranked up his energy started to take to churn into a shape but stop just before it could complete the shape making what seemed to be a handle of a weapon. 'what is this? no time need to focus i have 30 seconds left!'

With the serpent the group was being worn down over and over again. Being thrown to the ground Kelly breathe slows "I'm tapped out guys." Kelly meant to shout but could barely whisper her voice.

"Koi get kelly out of here and run. Grant, Neli prepare to run as well!" Garren was knocked away trying to block another hit. Garren struggled back up determined to save his team.

"We can't outrun this thing and we won't leave you!" trying to make Garren change his mind Neli made excuses to not leave him behind.

BOOM another burst of power from Fu reaching 7-Star Wood realm was felt. "step back this is the best i can do with the time i have!" Fu jumped up from his sitting position and charged with speed thrice of his old. The Poison-head felt the power boost and turn its mouth and tried to sink its fangs into Fu but was halted by Garren. Fu took this advantage jumping off Garren's shoulders and punches the Poison-head in between the eyes knocking it back and stunning it. "ow-ow-ow that hurts!" Fu grabbed his hand noticing it wasn't broken but he couldn't use his fist anymore without risking injury.

"thats some power kid!" Garren was in shock and praised Fu when he noticed the sheer power a punch did that his sword couldn't do.

Neli ran up to Fu and noticed him shaking his hand in pain. "the power to hurt those significantly stronger than you but at the cost that you can't defend against that same force." Neli analyzed everything she saw instantly, and to Fu it snapped that even though he won against Nie Li he was almost knocked out in one hit since he couldn't defend against it. Fu started thinking about more pros and cons this power could have.

"graah!" The Poison-head raised up and glared at everyone ahead of it and charged at the two in front of it seeing them distracted. "watch out!" Garren yelled getting in between the Poison-head, Fu and Neli. Using the last of his strength he blocked it but a crack could be heard from his body breaking from his legs snapping and then his arms breaking before the attack threw him away.

"GARREN!" Neli panics and rushes his downed body.

"god that hurts." Garren said in a very calm manner that scared Neli. "Hey kid use this! it'll save you some pain in the future!" Garren said tossing his red outlined black sword to Fu.

"i'm sorry." Fu said starting to tear up as Garren started to glow and disappear. 'i wanted to be different jumping in to save them even when it benefited me more if i ran! so why am i failing at this. why can't i save them!'

"Garren no! NO!" Neli, Koi, Grant, and Kelly all sobbed watching their leader finally fade away right in front of their eyes his last words being "finish the fight."

this rang through Fu's body as he turned to the Poison-head and charged with tears in his eyes. Fu raised the sword and inserted his energy into it causing it to rage with blue energy.the energy slowly turned red as the frost energy was suppressed by the swords affinity to the flame elements in his body. Fu stabbed the Poison-head and the sword was set alight with flames burning the Poison-head killing it instantly. "i'm so sorry!" was all Fu could say turning and running away from the team.

'i'm sorry! i'm sorry! i don't know why i'm running but i just know i don't want to be there to face you guys!' depressed Fu ran further into the woods to hunt the rest of his targets in isolation.