The strength to say you’re wrong

Fu sped through the forest with tears in his eyes. 'just turn back! turn around! help them do anything!' Yin Fu's body seemed to not listen to his body as it got further away from Garren's group. 'why am i such a coward! why! why!'

Fu was in his own world when he ran into a field with a Fire-Scaled Lizard. "creee!" it roared out alerting Fu of its presence. Fu stared at it with tears in his eyes and released his aura.

the fight was over in an instant, thanks to Fu's new strength. Fu pierced through its scales and killed it in one hit then stored the body before collapsing. 'i'm out of energy i can feel myself passing out. no stay awake! stay aw' "shit..." Fu was out like a light.

as Fu awoke he noticed he was in the same area he was at before but that a camp was set up around him. "what where?"

a voice cut him off "we chased after you when you ran off." Fu looked over and saw the remainders of Garren's group with the voice belonging to Neli.

Fu stiffened up and started shaking 'shit! they totally want to avenge Garren's death i need to escape.'

Fu was panicking and looking around so Neli quickly followed up before Fu could run. "hold on we don't wanna hurt you! we just wanna explain something!"

Fu stopped and looked Neli in the eyes while tears started to pool in his eyes again. "I'm sorry for running it was cowardly and i shouldn't have done it." Fu stood up "and i know this wont make up for it but i'll help you kill your monsters for the exam to repay you!" Fu shouted it out without realizing it due to his emotions running out of control.

Neli saw this a smirked "we accept the help but first you should know that the monster zones in this area all have seals left over from ancient times that store someones soul in the seal so they don't die if they lose their physical form."

a wave ran over Fu stopping his shaking "w-what?" tears came to Fu's eyes. he looked at his hands 'i'm a idiot... i'm pathetic. i want to be like Umo? yeah right i'm a useless coward.' Fu clenched his fist and sobbed.

hearing this the group all sighed and smiled "he really is a child at times. honestly so ready to think we were gonna hurt him instead of help him for saving us? where's that trust in ones fellow man?" Grant was talking to Koi who just shrugged with a grin on his face.

"you might be relieved but i do wanna remind you that we have an exam to finish. plus you just said you would help us out!" Neli sounded peppy when she said this.

'really first you run from them now your crying in-front of them?' "O-oh y-yeah L-lets go" 'No your still crying! idiot!' Fu covered his face with his hands.

the group stared at him with the collective though of 'how can someone be so strong yet so lame?'

"hahaha" laughter came from Neli "and to think i thought you could've been a bad person but your just a baby! hahaha!" Fu blushed while still wiping his face with his hands.

After Fu calmed down the group informed him that they only had 18 hours left. meaning Fu had passed out for 5 hours, to regain his energy. the group then told Fu about how they have the corpse of the Poison-Head and a direwolf with a earth attribute. 'must be the one that it killed before they got there' Fu nodded to himself.

"So we need a frost, undead, light and water attribute monsters. how are we supposed to do this in a day!" Fu exclaimed while holding his head.

"we also need a fire attribute as well" hearing this Fu pulled out his bag and pulled out the corpse of the Fire-Scaled Lizard "oh i guess not then!" Fu nodded to Neli who seemed puzzled. "when did you kill this? before you fought the Poison-Head?"

"No. when i was running from you guys i ran into his territory and killed him." Fu explained as the team stared in awe at this kid that could kill such creatures but cry at everything else.

The team set off with Grant leading them to the nearest light monster nesting grounds. "We should be getting close now be on guard." when they entered the area they saw a pack of Light attributed Giant Mantis. "ok the Mantis class of monsters attack with blades at the ends of their arms so be agile we probably won't be able to draw them away from each other but the mantis attack patterns are very similar to a pincer formation so if we can watch our backs while attacking we should be fine. thats where you come in Yin Fu since you are the strongest its best that you cover our weak spot. Kelly same as the Poison-Head you block i attack when its staggered. Koi, and Neli will assist when there is an opening. ok got it lets go!" Fu was blown away by this as he thought he was gonna fight the group head on. he never imagined they would make a plan of attack and one that sounded so good in theory in a moments notice.

"i got a ways to go" Fu mumbled as he pulled out Garren's sword and activated his Cultivation Technique.

Neli saw this and perked up "why didn't you have your technique going while we were traveling?" this stumped Fu completely since he didn't even think about using it outside of fighting since his mind engrained that cultivation techniques were pointless.

"I-i forgot?" was all Fu could muster

"enough chit chat lets go." Grant said getting serious and charging the Mantis pack. Kelly followed him yelling to draw attention.

'watch their backs got it' Fu ran up and kept an eye on the other Mantis in the group and sure enough they moved to flank the group but Fu pushed them and hit one to the ground and then used Garren's sword to cut its head off.

"Now Neli!" Grant yelled out Neli jumped up and slashed the Mantis's head cutting it but not killing it. the pain made it lash out towards Neli but Kelly came and blocked the attack and parried it with her shield allowing Grant to close the distance and stab it in the cut in its head killing it. when it fell the team turned their attention to Fu who had killed his second Mantis with the third one in his sights. "what a monster." Grant couldn't have been closer to the truth and the whole team knew it.

'jump over its slash then return it with my own' following his advice Fu dodged the Mantis's attack and returned his own to its face cutting its eye out, but he didn't expect it to react so fast since he was still in the air when it attacked again. he was sent flying back.

"Fu! damn that looked like it hurt." Neli said watching Fu fly away but then turned to the Mantis and threw her dagger at it hitting its head knocking it back killing it. "You ok Fu?"

"Yea-Yeah i'm fine just a little bruised. it looks like i really can't take hits from those of a higher cultivation." BOOM another burts of energy alerted the team that Fu managed to rank up again. 'i forgot about that again.' Fu grabbed a corpse and stored it in his bag while the group stored the rest.

"the closest nesting ground is for undead attributes next we will probably run into Whining Man. he isn't aggressive until you make eye contact with him. He hits hard and quickly with claw like nails. he will also grab you and try to tear you in half so be careful to keep your distance. we need to kill it as fast as possible preferably before he becomes aggressive. Also be careful since they are the most common monster in the Undead Nesting grounds listed in this area so you might see another one you need to advert your eyes immediately. all said now lets go." Grant took off to the next nesting grounds with the group following close behind him.

'can i be as strong as him? can i make friends that will follow behind me and take me to new heights? i envy all of them. i've always been a loner my whole life but the way they act they've probably been a team for awhile now. i need to be strong enough to forgive myself first. everyone bullied me but i let that affect me and make me hated myself. thats what despise the most of myself.' Fu was venting to himself while running ignoring the glances from the others.

The group approached the nest and got ready. Kelly spotted the target and alerted everyone else. "ok i'll lead then Yin Fu you follow for the kill." Fu nodded in response and got ready.

Grant charged in on the Whining Man alerting it to their location. it turned and looked at them. Grant looked past it while Fu closed his eyes. Grant sliced at its head making a shallow cut Fu opened his eyes and saw the cut and followed up but in the process he looked at it in the eyes.

"Graaaah!" it roared out and slammed Fu to the ground. seeing this Neli and Koi moved in to assist while Keli defend the down Fu.

the Whining Man moved to attack Fu again but was stopped by Neli who pushed him into Koi who cut him on the chest but that didn't stop it as it moved to attack Koi. Kelly blocked the hit but her shield cracked under the pressure.

The Whining man swung it arm at Kelly but Neli blocked it and had it at a stand still while koi attacked the other arm to immobilize it. "I got it!" Grant yelled out as he came from behind and stabbed it through the chest.

Grant pulled out his sword and the body went limp but when Neli and Koi relaxed its arms shot at them and threw them into trees behind them. "GRAAAH!" it threw its hand behind it grabbing onto Grant and pinning him to the ground. it went for the finishing blow before Fu came up and chop its head off.

"i got it." Fu was panting not having a body sturdy enough to take the hit from the monster leagues above it. "i need a break Grant i'm at my limit." Grant just nodded and they left the Nesting ground to set up a temporary camp.

"tomorrow we will head to the frost nest. Yin Fu i suggest you keep your technique active while you rest." Fu nodded and activated the technique.

'frost nest maybe that can help my cultivation even more' Fu grew excited as he laid there on the ground leaning on a tree resting while the others cooked food. 'maybe i can break into bronze realm.' he thought as he was called for lunch.