Xu Long part II

Many years have passed and Xu Long was starting to get used to it. She gets courted by a different type of people. Either they do it for pleasure, or they desire power, or greed for the wealth. There are many types of men Xu Long has seen. An honest type, the crazy type, the psychopath type, or the scheming type of man. There are so many varieties of man, you can pick one!

Xu Long is a 15-year old girl, she doesn't have friends, basically, she's a loner. Xu Long doesn't talk much and many people see her as a walking blade, hard to approach. Xu Long has a cultivation stage of Qi gathering third stage, for a 15-year-old girl who is from a renowned cultivation family, being third stage Qi gathering is trashy cultivation.

Many 15-year-old geniuses are elites of their own sects and families, they are their pride! That's why, for the Xu Family, Xu Long is a humiliation and a shame on their name, a stain that can't be washed sticking on their clothes.

The other branch families jeered and mock Xu Long whenever they see her. Although her family treated her like a princess and spoils her a lot, this makes her feels more dejected and disappointed to herself. Her face is heated up like there's a fire inside her, no.. you can call it a burning shame!

"Ha! Look at who's coming this way! Are you going out to showcase your beauty again?"People from the branch families looked at the person who's being mocked at, when they saw it was Xu Long, their eyes turned cold and they snickered at her. "Beauty without brains!" They started making fun of her as they laugh out loud till their lungs burst apart. Many girls at Xu Long's age are jealous of her stunning looks, people are enraptured by her beauty and they started to admire her more and more wherever she goes that is why people from the branch families started to pick on her.

"Oi! If you have time, go cultivate! You are the shame of the entire family!" Everyone started pushing her. Red color covered her entire face as shame and humiliation surfaced on her inner feelings, she felt inferior to everyone as if there's no point of her existence. Tears started to form in the corner of her eyes then she started running outside while covering her face.

Outside the Xu Manor, there are crowds who are looking just for entertainment because it is well known in the entire East capital that Xu Long, the goddess of many men has many suitors and today as well a usual occurrence is happening. There are shouts of praise and confessions can be heard.

"My goddess! Please grace us your presence!"

Men tried all sorts of tricks just to get to see Xu Long, their eyes burned with anticipation, It sparkles like a star in the space twinkling in the night sky. Just then, the gates of the Xu Manor burst open and a girl with a long jet black hair with pale white skin and a slender body came out running while covering her face. Although she covers her face, people still recognize her completely.

"Ah! It's Xu Long!"

"Ahh! My goddess, Please marry me!"

"Xu Long! Please hit me whenever you like!"

"Xu Long'er! Bear my child!"

Men started howling once the figure stepped out, like a light that shone upon them in the darkness, they started to get a hold of it. Startled and scared, she almost jumped when Xu Long heard the howling of the men. She started to use more strength to run at full speed to lose the crowd.

After running for a while, she went to a secluded place, It is near a ravine where the view is so beautiful. Mountains can be seen with a forest underneath it. They are so tall that it feels like a pillar going up to the heavens. In the ravine, you can't see the bottom of it. It's like an abyss of darkness leading to the netherworld, Fog formed as it covers the entire area, you can only see the tall mountains and some huge trees standing to pierce the fog.

Xu Long started panting, she stood for a while to catch her breath. Above the ravine, there's a sole tree that is not so tall and not so small. It doesn't have leaves on it like a withered old tree about to die. Xu Long sat on the tree and took out a flute and started playing it. The music is so gentle that you will be entranced to it but it has a tinge of sadness emanating from the music as if a lonely person trying to find happiness.

After a while recovering some peace of mind, Xu Long put down the flute and started to get up. When she stood up, the soil around the tree started to crumble, it seems like the soil became weak because of lack of nutrition. "W-what's going on?" Fear started to bubble up inside her. She then saw the tree branch in the corner of her eye, she reached out to hold it but it seems like it phases through it no... it's more like she didn't get a hold of it properly because she was distracted. She measured the place where the branch it and just reached out, turns out the branch is a little higher and her hand held nothing but air. The earth around the tree started to crumble and she loses her balance.

"Ahh!!!" There's an ear piercing scream that it sent shivers on the person who hears it. Xu Long fell into the ravine and her scream faded more and more as time passes.


Gu Long slowly opened his eyes, it was so dark and he can't see much of the surroundings, just a river flowing to the north.

"Aigoo~ my back! my back!...."

Gu Long stood up and stretched his aching back. He checked his surroundings and found that it's completely dark. His head hurts and he rubbed his temples and started recounting what happened. 'After the fall on the cliff, did we manage to stay alive? what about the car? where's Xiao Ze?' Gu Long started to look around for Xiao Ze and the car.

"Ah... Xiao ze?.... Where are you?"

Gu Long started calling his best friend's name as he moves around slowly like a thieve about to enter the house of his target. He looked back more often to see if there are any suspicious movements around him.

"Ayy, Xiao ze! You should say something if you're here!.... uhh... maybe he's still unconscious?... right, that's right!..." As Gu Long talks to himself, he heard a rustling sound like running water, then he snapped out of his daze.

"Ohh... Water!...Water!...Good timing! I was just about to look for something to drink!" Giggling, he went to the river and scooped some water and drank it. He started washing his face. When Gu Long leaned over to scoop water to wash his face, something fell out on his shoulder. He saw that it was a hair... a long hair at that! Confused, he started to think."Since when did I grow hair?"

Then realization struck him! "Did I went into a coma and just woke up!?"

He then abruptly stood up. "No no no no... It's impossible!... right.... right..." Gu Long continued to nod his head as he self-reproach himself for thinking impossible stuff. He then again knelt on the ground to scoop some more water but this time he saw his reflection in the water. It looked like a beautiful girl in her teens with a long jet black hair and a beautiful pair of stunning eyes. It looked seductive and provocative at the same time and it burns the passion inside of Gu Long.

He started to reach out on that beautiful face. Then, he saw that in the reflection it was doing the same thing as him! As if struck by lightning, his face became blank and seems like in a stupor. His body then went out of balance and leaned over the river and with a splash! he was soaked wet! Gu Long jumped up went out of his stupor and stared at his reflection on the water. He reached out on his face to feel it. Gu Long clearly saw that in the reflection it was doing the same thing as him.


Shocked, Gu Long stared at it for a moment before he screamed, Confusion started to fill his face...