I'm a woman!?

Shock filled the face of Xu Long. She keeps opening her mouth as if want to say something but can't get the right word to say.

"I am a woman?....no ... wait... I...I-I-I'm a woman!?"

at last, she finally found what to say but instead of confusion, she was bewildered instead, jumping in joy. her hands ran down all over her body with excitement plastered on her face. Then, she opened her upper side of the robe and looked down. She saw a pair of a lovely mound, it looks soft and bouncy. Xu Long's eyes went round as blood drips from her nose. Her head is spinning and illusion formed in her head. She saw two hills standing still peacefully, birds chirping as it kept circling around it, then it went soft and it actually bounced with a 'boing' sound effect which snapped her from her daze.

"Ahh... What a lovely pair of mounds!"

Xu Long started drooling when she thinks of the pair of hills, then the realization came in her then her hands went down on her lower region, she felt chilly all of a sudden when the wind blows. Xu Long's expression changed as the color of her face change multiple times, and with a pale face, she said in a husky yet shaky voice. "It's gone.... my little brother is... gone..."

She went on her knees with a loud 'thud', both her hands pressed down on the earth, tears started to form on the corner of her eyes. Despair filled her face as she was sobbing without actual tears.

After some time passed, she stood up and started recalling her 'past', The previous owner of her body, the original Xu Long! She found out about her family, the Xu Family, and her disappointment.

The previous Xu Long was a shame and humiliation of her family and was treated as a stain on their clothes, she was always bullied and because of her personality, she doesn't stand up against the bullies. she was so sad and frustrated about her lack of talent on cultivation and she doesn't want to burden her parents.

Gu Long pity Xu Long as he felt the same as her. In his past life, his family treated him as a hedonistic son, they threw him away because they saw no future from him. Gu Long's family is quite influential in the society. The Gu family always produced an exceptional person in their clan, they were proud of it and when they saw Gu Long's behavior and attitude, they were enraged and disappointed at the same time they felt as if they had aged 10 years. Gu Long's relationship with his family is like water and fire, they can't seem to understand each other, always against with each other, their attitude towards Gu Long became cold as he was chased from his own family and that's when he found Xiao Ze.

After recollecting her memories and organizing them, Xu Long felt relief and he sighed inwardly. She found out that this world is called Xian Shu, a cultivation world where immortals, flying beast, swords and magic exist. Xu Long felt that she was in a dream, her head is so light as if floating. Dizziness started to attack her. She held her head and frown. It seems like she is in a fantasy world. Xu Long also found out that the previous owner has a cultivation stage which is in Qi gathering the third stage.

In this world, Xian Shu, There are stages in cultivation. First, there is the basic foundation of cultivation, you start from Qi gathering. In this stage, there are nine levels. This is where the beginning of the cultivation starts and also where many youths struggle to break open their bottlenecks to reach a new world and gain upper strength to survive in this harsh world.

Second is the Bone forging stage, this is where you strengthen your bones and muscles gaining sufficient power to break open a large boulder and if you inject a qi, your physical power will double.

The third stage is Body purifying stage where you purify your body and meridians reaching the stage of holiness in appearance when cultivators reach this level, they would have an aura that is holy and uncouth which makes mortals feel awed by their gracefulness, majestic and refined presence.

In the Hong Meng empire, the highest cultivation level they have is at Soul Formation stage and one of them is the Empress, Meng Wu Feng! There are only a few cultivators with a cultivation stage of Soul Formation as it is hard to reach.

Sigh. Xu Long started to get a headache, she hung her head low and sighed inwardly. She had many things to learn about this world and cultivation stuff but first, she needs to find a way to get back home, in Xu Manor!

Xu Long looked around to find if there's a way that can lead her outside this ravine, as if trying to find something, her head shook left and right as she looks around vigorously. She started to walk and because it is foggy, the visibility is low and she needed to move a little cautiously. Xu Long went on a dead end, she looked up and saw a mist that covers the region then she had an idea.

"What if I climb this ravine like walking through the wall or something like that?"

Gleeful, she started to prepare herself and went to a position like a runner in a marathon, she bends her knee with one foot on the front and one foot on the back, her body is lunged forward with both her hands pressed on the ground. Then as if there's an illusion of sound of gun fire, she started dashing towards the wall and started to climb up. but just as three steps were made, her body falls back and she was unable to climb the wall.

It seems like it really is beyond physics to walk through the wall with just using sheer physical strength. Feeling depressed, she pouted and stared fuming at the wall and she started stomping on it looks like she was cursing the wall too.

"F*ck! this wall is so uncooperative! Hmmp!"

She gave a last stomp then she turned around and started looking for exits.

"Ah! I know what to do now!"

As if made a realization, Xu Long stood on the spot and closed her eyes. It appears like she is sensing something, she was only copying someone from a movie wherein the main lead can sense the surroundings like he can sense an ant carrying food back to its nest or the breathing of animals that sort of movie. She shut all of her senses and then only opened her hearing sense, she only heard a rustling and splashing sound of water in a rock. then she remembers that there is a river in here.

"Haha! There's a river! I knew it! I'm so great!"

Xu Long pointed on the river.

Feeling the sense of accomplishment, she strode forward to follow where the stream leads it to.

She praised the historic fantasy movie that she watched in her previous life that it was really effective when you use it.

"Thankfully I watched those dramas back then! There are really great techniques that we can learn from it! I only thought that it was corny at first because of how the CGI doesn't fit! It looks so fake! Tsk, tsk!"

However, Xu Long doesn't realize that she only remembered the river and it was not because of her senses or something like that. She started hopping as she hummed a song while moving forward following the stream to where it leads to.