You grandpa is mighty! what more do you need!?

"Come, Let us go home!"

Hearing the word 'home' from his grandpa, he felt warmth gushing through his body as his eyes reddened. Xu Shaoze blinked towards his grandpa, his eyes were watery. Grandpa Xu started to panic and flustered by the sudden show of emotions of Xu Shaoze, He opened and closed his mouth as if wanting to say something as he clumsily waves his arms.


Then, grandpa Xu manages to collect some courage as he stepped forward and took Xu Shaoze in his embrace and he patted his back relieving his grandson's pent up stress that was accumulated over the years he was not beside him. As grandpa Xu thought of this, he started to curse his bastard son in his mind. If it weren't for him leaving his grandson alone in a remote place, he would've pampered his only grandson to death!

Xu Shaoze was still in a daze as tears threatened to flow down his cheeks then he suddenly felt a force that dragged him into an embrace. The feeling of having a family hit the sore spot of Xu Shaoze's heart. His cold and lonely feelings melted as it is replaced by warmth and bliss. "So this is what it feels like to have a family who cared for you?" Xu Shaoze thought in his heart.

Xu Shaoze's mind still wandered as his stomach growled, he felt pain in his belly. he was starved to death that is why he manages to reincarnate in this body. He looked up and stared his grandfather with puppy eyes and simply said, "I'm hungry." The effects were so great because the eyes of Xu Shaoze were still moist and with a puppy eyes look, it manages to hit the soft spot of grandpa Xu!

Grandpa Xu clutched his left chest, he was flooded by the image of his cute grandson pleading for something to eat with a puppy eyes. Grandpa Xu's eyes turned crescent in an instant as he grins from ear to ear feeling satisfied.

"Nn! Nn! We'll eat! we'll eat!"

Grandpa Xu nodded his head vigorously as if expressing 'we'll do whatever my grandson wishes'. He then took Xu Shaoze in the carriage and sternly looked at his family servant and ordered him to go to the high-class restaurant near the city. The servant naturally obeyed as this was the family head of the Xu Family.

After a while, the carriage stopped in front of a luxurious looking restaurant. This was not in the same city Xu Shaoze was from, they went to a larger city where cultivators and lots of nobles are like a pebble in a road.

Inside the restaurant, people are chatting in groups while eating good looking foods. Only a few rich men and cultivators can afford to buy the dishes in this high-class restaurant they only serve meat of the magical beasts.

Magical beast's meat is so expensive because it is so delicious that it is in demand in the market, prices are always skyrocketing because it is hard to hunt a magical beast. It isn't that it is hard to hunt because it's so strong, It is because magic beasts are in a secluded area where normal cultivators can't go, If ever they went in there, they wouldn't be able to return alive, Only powerful cultivators can come and go as they please because they have a strong foundation as basis for their strength.

This forest of the magic beasts divides the whole Hong Meng empire apart, North Capital and East Capital are in one side and the other side is the West Capital, Central Capital, and South Capital. Strife between these Capitals are getting stronger and because there is this Forest of the Magic Beasts that divides the entire Hong Meng Empire, it makes it more difficult to control the situation.

Cultivation families that hail from their capitals vie for the position of the governor. Having power and authority to control the crowd, the feeling of dominating people and those who have to follow your own rules, they want to relish in that kind of feeling and if they can't get it, that'll make it them to want it more.

Conflicts from the families started to arise as they do whatever they need to do like assassinations, kidnapping, smuggling and another kind of dirty stuff just to get the position of the governor. These cultivation families have a skeleton in the closet, many secrets can never be told.

Why aim only at a governor position you say? It is because the Empress of Hong Meng Empire, Meng Wu Feng, is one of the most powerful cultivators in the Empire at the Soul Formation Stage. Just her alone can topple any family or clan but there are rumors that the empress has an Underground force that wasn't known or seen by any of the higher-ups. It is said that this force can even be compared to a mid-grade sect.

The grades of the sect can be determined on its power, with the presence of a Body purifying stage cultivator, a sect can become a low-grade sect. A sect with the presence of a Soul Formation stage cultivator can be considered a mid-grade sect while a high-grade sect has the power unbeknownst to all, their leaders' cultivation stages were above Soul Formation stage and there was only five High-grade sect in the whole Xian Shu.

While people were happily chatting and eating dishes, the entrance door of the restaurant pushed opened with a great force, it slammed hard on the wall as it makes a loud thudding sound attracting the attention of everyone inside the restaurant, Their eyes wandered on the entrance to see who is the gutsy person who dared to cause ruckus in this High-end restaurant.

When people saw the person standing at the entrance of the door, sounds of gasp can be heard and silence filled the entire room. There were even some cultivators who stood up on their seats the moment they saw the person on the entrance of the door, they hurriedly lowered their knees as they bow with both their hands on the floor and foreheads touched their back of hands as if kowtowing.

Fear and awe started to well upon the people's emotions as they all tensed up and wondered why the Demon General came in such a small restaurant like this. As people's eyes were hovering in a single direction, they caught sight of dirty looking boy seeming like in 15-16 year old. They thought to themselves "Who is this guy who has such power to stand beside the Demon General?"

As they were having this thought in their heads, Grandpa Xu looked at Xu Shaoze with a smug look with an expression 'look at your grandfather, grandpa is so might! What more do you need!?'. When Xu Shaoze saw the expression on the old man's face, his brows knitted as he gave his grandpa a weird look.

The restaurant manager hurriedly came out to personally greet and lead them on a table personally serving them as if it was a natural thing to do.

"Ah! Senior! It is a blessing for us to be graced with your presence today! We would like to offer our sincere service to the senior! We hope you like it!"

The restaurant manager bowed and also caught sight of a beggar looking child who is standing beside the Demon General, he inquired.

"Senior, may I ask who is the lucky fellow beside yours?"

Many people started to listen in their conversation as they were also curious as to who is the kid Xu Zhong Kui brought along. Grandpa Xu's eyes turned into a slit and his lips curved up then slowly turned into a grin, he happily introduced Xu Shaoze.

"Nn! This is my grandson!"

Astonishment flashed on everyone's eyes as they hadn't expected that the beggar looking child would be the Demon General's grandson! Disbelief also flashed across the restaurant manager's eyes as he became more respectful towards this young child.

"I see! So it was your grandson! It is such an auspicious day to be graced by the presence of Senior Xu and his grandson!"

The manager bowed like a butler as he personally leads the way. Xu Shaoze's brows raised slightly, confusion started to appear on his delicate face, he turned to look at his grandfather and asked in a low voice.

"Wh-What's going on?"

Grandpa Xu's eyes turned more merrily as he introduced his grandson to the people they pass by, he grabbed people and told them, "This is my grandson!" bragging everywhere whenever he saw a person.

Grandpa Xu walked happily with his hands behind his back and a grin from ear to ear plastered on his face, followed behind him is Xu Shaoze and his servant Xue Lin.